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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. I'm having a hard time giving feedback on this one. The sounds employed are pretty good. The piece seems to be missing some meat. You said this is pretty early, so that's likely the culprit. I can give one specific piece of feedback: Around 1:07', the piece shifts. It's a neat shift; however, try to up the emphasis on the background synth(the sci-fi synth that is particulary evident around 1:13'). That would create a cool smooth atmosphere that you could contrast with other segments of the song. Just a thought. I hope this helps. The C64 had some great tunes.
  2. You know something? The new cost feature for improvements makes all negative improvements even more undesirable. Take the labor camp for instance. It reduces infrastructure costs by -10% but it costs you a happiness point. Now it actually costs you cash as well on a daily basis. It seems to be a bit unbalanced now. I'm surprised that none of us have been attacked recently. Having said that, I just jinxed the aliance. I should note that this is a rather fun game, that doesn't require much in the way of video cards or other advanced doohickies. We definitely need more folks to join up. It's even free.
  3. It's pretty funny how this remains my favorite kwix song and my favorite Ogre Battle song. Future Ogre Battle games should do something like this. This mix has a grand vision and beautifully pulls it off. Good job, you two.
  4. Another solid release. I'll just go ahead and agree with most of the previous points. The only annoyance in the piece are those little "squeaks" that start up in the background around 2:00'. I'd recommend ditching those. In any event, they're a small matter and don't do enough to hurt the song's overall appeal. Nicely done.
  5. I'm actually happy. My aluminum resource actually contributes something worthwhiel after these changes. Before the overhaul, it added only 10% to soldiers.
  6. I don't see why not. Here is our forum. http://z6.invisionfree.com/OCA_Headquarters
  7. Hmm. Apparently your national religion can change from time to time. My people were giving +1 happiness to Christianity, but now they want Allah (-1 happiness until I change it). I didn't know religion and government changed randomly. Interesting.
  8. Hold it. Everyone on the CN forums, and I mean everyone, claims that a harbor is the way to go. The extra trade slot will reap dividends and you only get to have one.
  9. Maybe people are all out of your rank range. My...rank range?... When you're looking at your main nation page, examine all the links at the top. You'll see Nation Info, Messages, Government, Military, and so on. The last link is Ranking. Click it. Your nation will be highlighted in yellow in the middle of the list. I believe you can declare war with any of the people below and above you. If they are not in this range, then you can't directly attack them. You can, however, give money to others that can declare war on them (because their nation has a different rank which allows them to target a different group of countries).
  10. All right gang. I'm nearing the 1000 citizen mark(I'm at 800). For those of you that haven't played around fully yet, getting 1000 citizens allows you to purchase a permanent improvement structure that can never be taken away. All of the improvements are expensive. The advice scattered around seems to suggest that saving up for the Harbor is the first thing every new nation should attempt. The Harbor provides a modest income boost, but its big draw is an extra trade resource slot. I assume I should gun for this next? It costs a whopping 120K. Ouch. Some of those other improvments look mighty juicy. What are the rest of you thinking?
  11. There is also another advantage to saving up: you accrue interest on taxes for every day you don't collect them. At this stage it's better to keep buying infrastructure as soon as possible because you're making more money faster. The money lost by buying in chunks less than 10 is offset by the amount of money you make later. Is that really true for me with each level costing about $880? I don't know.
  12. Yes, it is most cost efficient to buy infrastructure in blocks of 10 (the maximum that can be bought en masse). Now you tell me. Or to put it more accurately, now I ask it.
  13. My current cost for 1 level of infrastruture is about $880. If this cost goes up after after every improvment in level, wouldn't I be better served saving money up and then buying a bunch at the current price? It will save me money, yes? Thoughts? I bring this up because it's getting mighty expensive.
  14. Nah. It just struck me as a little odd. Personally, I don't have a problem with term limits. I just wanted to get a little feedback on that part and see if it hit a nerve. It didn't. Good work. I approve of this charter.
  15. We don't really need term limits. It isn't like one of us would go crazy with power or anything. Although, it would allow others the chance to be president.Yeah, that entire struture that Antelucan concocted is pretty damn amazing. It's easy to read too, unlike my earlier legalistic quip.
  16. Sounds good. What's the rationale behind term limits of 3 consecutive elections? That equates to six months. I don't really know if term limits are even necessary. Thoughts?
  17. I'm a little partial to chancellor, but premier sounds cool as well. It's certainly better than "head honcho".
  18. Once a month?Anything less than that would be tedious. If you go too long without an election, the alliance may not feel quite as connected. I guess two months could work as well. When you first asked the question, I immediately thought of six months. However, I reconsidered because we need to be active somewhat routinely to create a vibrant group. So, two months?
  19. I believe this is because the price of tech goes up with each integer increase in tech level. So if you have 7.5 tech and you buy 1 tech you will pay the 7-8 level price for all of it, which costs less, for example, than buying 0.5 tech at the 7-8 price and 0.5 tech again at the (higher) 8-9 price. So really, the most ideal (but not at all practical) situation would be to make one single investment in all the technology you ever plan to use because it would cost you exactly $10,000 for the number of levels you buy. Someone correct me if I am wrong. That sounds about right. As people get higher levels of technology, the cost will rise. You can use foreign aid with friendly countries to purchase their technology at a reduced rate, but it's a somewhat lengthy process. I don't think any of us are at that point yet, but it's an option.
  20. You can buy in fractions, just like with infrastructure. Ah, good. In that case I can buy up to half a level within the next week. I was reading around in the forums and most of the veterans claim that you should save up to buy technology in one level increments. It has something to do with the cost of technology going up after each purchase.
  21. The parties herein agree to the rules consistent with and constituent of all aforementioned agreements notwithstanding non-binding agreements within prior negotiations and mediations. All in favor?
  22. I'll send soldiers and cash via foreign aid if I can't declare war myself.
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