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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. Such as? Last time I checked, most of the projects are conceived and implemented for precisely that reason.
  2. Remember this moment. Mark it well. For it is the doom of man that he forgets.
  3. What? Adventure wasn't pretty, but Starcraft?
  4. Thanks Dad. Sorry, couldn't resist. Reminds me of that line from Jurassic Park.
  5. Coop's history is biased. Where's the journalistic integrity? He's a slave to his corporate masters.
  6. Is this finished? I think it's missing a hook. Here's my amateurish amateur rundown: 0-:16'= Well, the piano and the backing effects works as an opener. The piano comes off as a bit flat, but maybe that's just me. The flute or whatever that is in the background is nice. :17'= The silence here as a transition doesn't really work. The opening material is too sparse for a complete pause separation. I'd recommend blending in the opening 16 seconds or so with the more energetic stuff from :18'. :18- If you can change up the piano a bit, either by getting a new sample or replacing it with a wind flute for while, do so. :38'= Again, using a pause as a transition doesn't quite work. The piece uses this pause transition quite a bit. Use these pauses sparingly. 1:23'= That flute in the background adds some nice feeling, but I'm thinking we've heard all this before. Add a new segment to the song, maybe some light drums or a synth. 1:33'= The doubling and tripling of the piano gets a bit painful here. Some humanizing and or instrument substitution is necessary. Well, I'm thinking the transitions need an overhaul. The piano can be tweaked a bit. However, some strings or another instrument layered into the midsection of the song would really add some atmosphere. As things stand, the tune is a bit flat. As for the piano, try using some reverb and echoing effects. It seems a bit off to me, but I'm no musician. Keep at it. Pm me if you need more feedback because your song is ignored. Edit: I just realized that this is another overly negative WIP comment from me. Actually, the song wasn't all that bad. When songs are really in need of an overhaul, I just contribute a few sentences. I only do a rundown on songs that are on the right track. So there's something positive that's not BS. Keep at it.
  7. I remember checking out a Weekly Reader in elementary school in the eighties. I distinctly recall a firm prediction that we'd have flying cars by 2003. Instead, we have corn being used for fuel and driving up food prices.
  8. I remember playing Starcraft with this music substituting the regular zerg music(just for a change of pace). Fun times. Great song.
  9. I had to look up "leitmotif". It's just a personalized theme. Word of the day madness. C'mon, man. Tigra's theme screams for some sort of quasi-techno guitar combo with a backing chorus. Fun stuff. Thanks for posting this. I always enjoyed the Thundercats music as well as the cartoon.
  10. I'm just going to throw this out as a guess, but maybe the reason for few RE remixes is that much of the music is ambient or scene-specific. It's excellent material, but a lot of it is short and tailored to perfectly fit the action on screen. Just a layman's guess.
  11. starring Heath Ledger, George Clooney, and Adam Sandler.
  12. I can't wait for
  13. The MegaMan Collector's Edition for the Gamecube was piss poor. No thanks. I just play them on the original NES or via emulation. Stop regurgitating. Then again, if people continue to buy...
  14. Overcoat promised he would make a remake of the music from Captain Freedom's Workout(The Running Man). We're waiting.
  15. Aside from the novelty of seeing a young Barak Obama, this isn't even remotely funny.If this is considered hilarious, it's no wonder that people go to see those horribly unfunny Owen Wilson, Will Ferrel, Ben Stiller, and Adam Sandler movies.
  16. Hey, thanks for all the responses to my questions. Very helpful and no BS. I appreciate it.
  17. Let me ask a few questions about the cash hit from each system.1. How much is the monthly subscription to XBOX 360? Do you have to pay to receive patches, updates, and play online? Price tag? 2. Does the PS3 provide most of that for free(aside from the initial $700 boot to the face)? 3. Does the Wii provide most of the XBOX 360 stuff for free or is it also a subscription deal? 4. Can you not answer these questions in general because it varies from game to game? I'm not a fan of paying per month for games. I want to own the car, not rent it. I'm just trying to wrap my brain around the actual dollar amounts that online requires(and since ?every? system virtually requires it, I guess it must be factored into cost). Thanks for clearing up any misinformation on my part. I'm trying to see if the "free" aspect of online PS3 games makes up at all for absurdly huge initial price versus the XBOX 360 or possibly Wii.
  18. I thought as much. Either you can deliver the games people want at a price they are willing to pay, or you get the hell out of Dodge. Brand recognition and trust is one thing; religious zeal for any gaming company is something else entirely.I'm curious as to how many people out there are taking the "wait and see" approach like me. Maybe we need a poll question.
  19. How is that a bright side? Man, I'm glad I haven't purchased any of the newer systems.
  20. You start with the shell.
  21. Adventure(Atari). Only real men could ever find the sword on the harder difficulties.
  22. Well, I think my earlier suggestions still apply although this is very catchy "as is". 1:49'= This seems to be a likely point of transition or departure for the song. A new effect(chorus, new synth, or some such) thrown into the mix for about 30 seconds or so would work great before getting back to that chime around 2:17'. Don't be afraid to throw a few "risky" sounds in there. People around here will tell you if they fit or not. You might just surprise yourself.
  23. Well, the song clip is only 27 seconds, so I don't know what you mean.As for what you have here, it's a great intro to a song. I suggest some even harder hitting bass as the song moves along with a deep chorus in the background during a couple of the stretches. As a change-up, you can temporarily remove that techno/semi-scratchy synth that's accompanying everything. After a brief hiatus, bring it back. Just a few thoughts. Regardless of where you take this, I'd like to hear more.
  24. Thanks for plugging your website. I haven't seen any of those songs beforehand. Fun stuff.
  25. I thought this had something to do with the Patuxent River.
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