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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. Because "art" is supposed to transcend putting food on the table. Key double super emphasis on the word "supposed". Blame it on the Romantic Era.
  2. The syllabus becomes your Bible in college.
  3. The chorus makes the piece. Nicely done.
  4. Nec5

    Thank you

    You're one of those people who occasionally release songs in alternative formats, which is a shame because I enjoyed several of your songs over at vgmix and here.
  5. Nec5

    Thank you

    This is most appreciated by the multitudes of anonymous Internet peoples, including myself.
  6. Nec5

    Thank you

    I would like to thank all the little people I stepped on to get this point. Without them, I would never have realized my greatness. It would still be there, of course, because I'm that good. Actually, there is an appreciation thread in offtopic for this type of thing. Go post there. In other news, OJ is apparently in trouble for stealing his own memorabilia.
  7. Excellent music in this game. I remember beating it only for the music. Someone once posted some remixes somewhere, but they were all hard rock/metal, which is not my cup of tea.
  8. Can't or won't?
  9. Damn. You're right; I was thinking of warlords.
  10. Wasn't this a paddle game for the old Atari system? Or am I mixing up titles? Each of the four players had a fort in each corner of the screen and players bounced a ball around to smash up your fort and reach its heart. Fun game although this has nothing really to do with this thread if I'm wrong about the title.
  11. I only clicked it because you used a pic of Blizzard. That show was great until they turned the commander into a snake. What a bunch of crap. And that movie? Ugh. Cobra lalalaalaallalaa
  12. Fist of Fury The Road Warrior
  13. When the first one in this series came out, the game company labeled it with as a FPA(First Person Adventure). Apparently, they thought it was important to make shit up. I think Blizzard did something similar with Warcraft III, dubbing it not a RTS but some other conjured acronym. Oddly enough, I dislike both games.
  14. If it's anything like the first Metroid Prime, it is a FPS.
  15. Much obliged to both of you. Thanks.
  16. So if she had a bow, it'd still be a FPS, right? What about throwing knives? Got you there. [/silliness of mine]
  17. Is there a simple tutorial or overview for that program, including system requirements? This is one of those things I've always wanted to try, but I have a nagging suspicion that my machine would explode if I installed the thing.
  18. Because it's the only thread worth reading in this particular forum?
  19. Hey, thanks for mentioning that site. I've been looking for a place that will build one for me without enacting a prison rape scene. Thanks.
  20. Fun song. Good memories too. Excellent work. The transitions never feel forced, and that's always a good sign.
  21. This might have been helpful to those of us considering upgrading/downgrading to Vista. It's a shame you didn't leave it up.
  22. Nec5


    Try ZLAD. 10 characters
  23. Oh. I thought you were talking about some other type of motivation. Point made. By the way, I never remember which user ran which project. They are all a jumble in my mind.
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