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Psychotic Ninja

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Everything posted by Psychotic Ninja

  1. Mega Man X/Rock Man X Capcom 1993 X is an advance robot created by the famous, Dr. Light. He is a whole new kind of robot, able to think for himself and make his own decisions. But, Dr. Light had the fear that X would break the First Law of Robots (Harming a human) So, X was sealed in a capsule for 30 years to test the integrity of X's systems. After 30 years of being in the capsule, he was finally discoverd by Dr. Cain and let out of the capsule. Dr. Cain was amazed by his technology and tried to replicate it, thus the Reploid was born. However, some reploids began to rebel against their human creators, these reploids came to be known as "Mavericks." X, had then found himself fighting on the Human side, and destroying the Mavericks each by each. X first appeared in the 1993 game, Mega Man X. During the game, he would have to fight his way through each Maverick stages, and defeat a boss at the end of each level. Like Mega Man before him, X has the Variable Weapons System. This allows him to copy a certain weapon from a powerful Reploid he has defeated, and turn it into a weapon he can use. After the player has fought his way through the 8 normal stages, and defeated each Maverick Boss at the end, he would have to go to the Sigma stages. After the player has beaten all the Sigma stages, he would have to defeat the 8 Maverick Bosses again and fight the final boss, Sigma. X has appeared in: Mega Man X 1993 Mega Man X2 1994 Mega Man X3 1995 Mega Man X4 1997 Mega Man Zero 2 2003 Source Wikipedia
  2. M. Bison Capcom 1991 M. Bison, was a martial artist who trained and learned how to use the Psycho Power. A type of power that allows him to fly, teleport, and create multiple images of himself. But, he wanted to be the strongest and best fighter in the world, so he could dominate it. He then created Shadaloo, a very powerful crime organization, and would soon start hiring other martial artists and soldiers. But, even he needed to become more powerful, so he had to master the Psycho Power. The only way he could master it was to expell his "good" side from his body, which eventually took the form of Rose. His body was eventually killed by detective Chun-Li, and Charlie. His soul then took control of Rose, untill Shadaloo could build him a new body. He then held the Second World Tournament, and during the finals of the tournament, Akuma jumped in and killed him with the Shun Goku Satsu. M. Bison first appeared in the game Street Fighter II, as the final boss, but he was not playable at the time. But, once Street Fighter II: Champion Edition and the rest of the installments came out, him and the other boss characters became playable. Even though he first appeared in SFII, he was not as powerful as his Street Fighter Alpha 3 form, seeing as during SFII he did not have the Psycho Drive anymore. This could be the one reason, that Akuma, could of killed Bison with the Shun Goku Satsu. Bison has appeared in: Street Fighter II 1991 Street Fighter II: Campion Edition 1992 Super Street Fighter II 1993 Street Fighter Alpha 2 1996 Street Fighter Ex Plus 1997 Source Wikipedia M. Bison
  3. Aight, so I finally got off my lazy ass and wrote up a bio. This one is probaly my longest one to date, and feedback is always appreciated. (MY GRAMMAR STLL SUCKS) Cammy White Capcom 1993 Cammy, was a high ranking member in the crime organization known as, Shadaloo. She was one of M. Bison's higher ranked members and an assassin. She did anything that M. Bison told her to do, and never asked questions. However, it is revealed later on that, Cammy was created by Shadaloo using M. Bison's DNA. The only reason she was created was to become a future body host for, Bison. However, over time she broke free from the Mind Control and became independent. She was now useless and was supposed to be exterminated, however, Vega had saved her and dropped her off on the doorstep of the British paramilitary organization Delta Red. She then awakens with amnesia and later on joins Delta red and becomes the Cammy White that fights terrorists. Cammy first appeared in the 1993 game, Super Street Fighter II, which was the fourth upgrade of the original Street Fighter II. Cammy was one of the 4 characters that was introduced into the game, and was the 2nd female to ever appear in a Street Fighter game. Cammy also had two main incarnations through out the series. Shadaloo Cammy is the loyal bodyguard and assassin of M. Bison. While the Delta Red Cammy is an English Secret Service Agent fighting terrorism and trying to make the world a better place. Only one game that features Cammy has been remixed on OC Remix. Arcade Super Street Fighter II 1993 Source Cammyfan Wikipedia Cammy Site
  4. Im gonna have a lot of time tonight, so I will write up some more bios.
  5. So, I just recently downloaded the Guilty Gear XX OST, and now im in the mood for a Guilty Gear Sig. I be thankful if anyone can make me one! <--- Use this image if you can.
  6. Yes! Some more Street Fighter Alpha 2 remixes, and this one did not disapoint. But I suck at reviews so I just got one good word for this: BADASS.
  7. Nice bio, OmegaMe! Well heres my submittion also. It's not as long as my other ones, but hell, that could be good sometimes. Also feedback is appreciated and my grammar still sucks. Leon Belmont Konami 2003 Leon is a noble 11th century knight, and the youngest known Belmont in any Castlevania game to date. He was a warrior without fear and fought in the name of God, this made him a great warrior. But, as time passed his bride, Sara Trantoul, was kidnapped by the vampire Walter Bernhard. This forced him to go into the forest of the "Eternal Night" and seek the vampire out in his castle. As he arrived he was gave a whip made of Alchemy (which would later become the "Vampire Killer" which all the other Belmonts would use in the future) Leon is quite possibly the ancestor to all the other Belmonts who appeared through out the series of Castlevania. During the gameplay of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, you would start out with Leon Belmont.(Other characters could be unlocked, after one finish the game) As players controlled Leon Belmont you could use whips, spells, potions, and various other equipment you find through out the castle. Also, the only way to progress through out the game and explore more levels, was to fight the 5 castle guardians. After the 5 castle guardians would be defeated the door to the last boss would finally open. Leon Belmont has appeared in: Playstation 2 Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Source Wikipedia Leon Belmont Classicgaming
  8. As always I will try to help out this project as much as I can. THe problem is, I havnt even started on a new bio since my Vega one. But, I am planning to start a new bio today or so I hope. =/
  9. BADASS, thats all I gotta say for this one.
  10. Hmm, not much going on around in this thread. But I am planning to work on a new bio today probaly Ridley, Kraid, or Akuma.
  11. Aight, I did another bio. If you find anything wrong with it, just tell me. Oh, and I suck at grammar, if you havnt noticed already. VEGA/BALROG CAPCOM 1991 Vega is a Spanish nobleman and a psychotic masked killer. He knows he is the best, and isnt afraid to tell anyone (Or even better, prove it to you) He likes himself and other beautiful things. But, hates all ugly things and thinks they should all die. Vega is a very skilled fighter, as he combines Bull Fighting, Ninjitsu, and Claw fighting into one fighting technique. Vega himself, a former matador, is very fast on his feet, and moves constantly while fighting. He wears a three-tined claw on his left hand, which makes him even more deadly when he fights. But, he has one weakness: If you bruise, mark, or scar his face, he will go into a blind fit of rage. This rage will make him strike his opponent without thinking and leaving himself open to attacks Vega was a boss character in the 1991 game Steet Fighter. As the opponents defeated all the normal characters, they would face 4 "boss" characters. One of these was Vega and he was difficult to defeat. As the player would face him he would constantly jump, move, and attack quickly. He wasn't playable in the original Street Fighter II game. But, when Street Fighter II: Champion Edition and the rest of the installments of SFII came out, he was playable, along with the other bosses. When he became playable, he was a fan favorite, as the player could use his speed and claw to their advantage. Vega has appeared in: Arcade Street Fighter II 1991 Street Fighter 2 CE 1992 Source Vega Wikipedia
  12. I edit my post, I did what you told me. Added one more source and added the games he has appeared in, under the game list. Oh yeah, im gonna let you write the senteces with more fluency. I am also planning to do a couple of more bios.
  13. 2 sigs, eh? They are both good....Kinda of a hard desision actually. I like them both. Well, after about 2 minutes, I decided to go with Joyzilla's one. But, I wanna thank you both for making me sigs!
  14. Can someone please make an sig of Usagi Yojimbo for me? I will really appreciate it! <--- Use this picture if ya can.
  15. Damn, I am a sucker for the title theme of MM2, i've always loved it! I got one word for this remix: GREAT
  16. HIRYU CAPCOM 1989 Hiryu is a ninja from the year 2048 A.D. He is in the Striders, an organazation that are the strongest secret maneuvers group in the world. The youngest Strider ever to reach the A-Rank, Hiryu is an expert Assassin and is very quick at killing his target. Even though he has saved Earth a couple of times, he never did it by himself. He had help from his Allies which were other Striders or Robots. But, the allie that never leaves his side and he can trust the most is his cipher, Falchion. The cipher is a sword that most Striders have, they are very quick and powerful in the hands of a good wielder. Hiryu, was the hero of an 1989 Sidescrolling arcade platform known as Strider. The player that had controlled Hiryu, had to travel around the world (From the roofs of Kafazu, to the jungles of the Amazon, and to a space station.) In search of an evil entity from a far off galaxy known as, Grandmaster Meio. Each level is loaded with powerful enemies (From humans, to robots, and even to Amazon women) and at the end is a boss. It is up to you, THE PLAYER, to get Hiryu through this hard mission. The game has been ported to many systems, but the SEGA Genesis port is perhaps the most famous. There was a NES Version of Strider, but it was a whole new game rather than a port. Hiryu has appeared in: Sega Genesis Strider 1990 Arcade: Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998) Strider 2 (1999) Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) Source: Wikipedia The Light Sword Cypher Mainframe Strider Island Moralos
  17. Aight this is my bio STRIDER Capcom 1989 Strider is a sidescrolling arcade game created in 1989 by Capcom. You took the role as a futuristic Ninja, known as Hiryu, or to some as Strider Hiryu. The object of the game was to travel the globe (From the rooftops of Moscow, to the jungles of the Amazon, and even to a space Station high above the blue skies) The mission of the game, was to kill the evil Entity Grandmaster Meio, that watched Earth from a far off Galaxy...He decided to rule it, and has made a Space Station between Earth and the Moon known as the "Third Moon" Hiryu had to fight countless of warriors (From animals, robots, humans, and even Amazon women!) The sword that Hiryu wield, is a plasma sword known as a Cipher called "Falchion" It moved so fast, that everytime you swung the Cipher, it appeared as a crescent moon. The game also had power-ups (From Health, and making your Cipher stronger) But, the most unique power-ups were 2 robotic allies: A Leopard and a Hawk. The game was ported to over many home video game systems. The best one, and perhaps the most famous, is the 8-Meg Geneis Version. Yes, there was a NES Version of Strider, but it had nothing to do with the Arcade one. Hiryu was the youngest Strider to ever reach A-Rank. He is an expert assassin, and it is said that no one is more skilled with a cipher. He fights like a fierce God, displaying the skills of an A-Rank Strider clearly, while remaining calm and collected. Also, Hiryu did leave the Striders for a while, but this peaceful life didnt remain for long...As he was once pulled back in the dark world of the Striders There is one known Strider Remix on OC ReMix Sega Genesis Strider (1990) Source http://lscmainframe.topcities.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strider_(arcade_game) Myself
  18. Marble Zone hasnt always been one of my favorite Sonic tracks, but I like this ReMix a alot. So, I got one word about this remix: BADASS
  19. Just came across this forum (Im a little late, yes I know) But I would like to know if anyone is doing a bio of Strider Hiryu, because I would like to be apart of this.
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