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Everything posted by SilverStar

  1. You -do- realize that he -wants- such horrible voice acting, right?
  2. That game is Sex, Love and Laserblades.
  3. Agreed. Being able to mark down games you're interested in and get news about them automatically, including having their official release dates marked down, would be sweet. And it would help developers, by letting them know the general attitude about how popular the game may be, by how many people have it marked down to watch. Then they could even issue some sort of early-watch exclusive content, to reward such players.. lots of things that could be done. Too bad I have little hope in Nintendo actually doing anything halfway intelligent with the online functionality the system has. For too long they've gone on about how "No one wants online play through a console! Nintendo will not have online!", even though a recent survey revealed that close to 90% of JP gamers either play online, or want to.
  4. I would actually like to see Nintendo do something a bit more.. almost exclusive, for the Wii. Offer a special Nintendo News channel or something, that's almost like an extension of Nintendo Power, but aimed at the Wii, with special Wii-exclusive content, including demos. They could make it a subscription channel easily, and it'd be a great way to draw people in, who are already Nintendo fans.
  5. That game looks to be so full of awe and win, yet at the same time it gives me headaches, just trying to watch it. o.o
  6. I would take that as approval, personally. He wants to say the Wii is a piece of shit, well that just means it's worth its weight in solid gold! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piero_Manzoni So, if the Wii is a piece of shit, and an artist was able to sell his shit, sealed in a tin can, for its weight in gold, that means the Wii is art, incarnate! But, seriously, he complains because the CPU isn't powerful enough to handle the AI he wants to do for Spore? A game they're porting to the DS? This guy's gotta get his head out of his ass, because that ain't gold he's mining up there.
  7. I actually really enjoyed Starfox Assault. Couldn't get into Starfox Adventures, though. They should have totally kept that game outside of the starfox line, since it wasn't going to be one originally. The only problem I have with Assault, is that it was too short. No branching mission paths or anything. But, the way they did everything else, I thought was rather interesting. Even the tank I enjoyed. I just wish they could have put more into it.. they could have made the levels feel much larger, if they did more the way they did the starbase assault stage.
  8. Poes are only out by night, or when indoors.
  9. Thing is, I'm talking after 20-30 minute play sessions. I had to take a 20 minute break in the middle of a level, because I was playing too long. Granted, it could also be because of my setup. Having it run through my computer doesn't leave a lot of room, so I have to be a lot more rigid in order to keep the targeting on.
  10. I think I missed.. 2 heart pieces, located in dungeons. And one was in the temple of time. There's just not a lot of backtracking through dungeons for any collectables. They give you all these damn chests, but they're all just full of useless rupees. I could have bought the magic armor at the original price, if it was even possible in the game.
  11. So.. don't know if anyone else has noticed this(could be the game I'm playing that's causing it..) but my wrist starts to REALLY hurt, like it's being over strained, when playing some games that rely heavily on the pointer function. (game I'm playing right now is actually that Chicken Little one. As a platformer, it's not too bad. And the upgrade system seems fairly balanced) I think it's because you have to hold your wrist unnaturally and uncomfortably straight, for long periods of time. It makes me worry that the Wii will cause me to develop carpal tunnel.
  12. One thing that just completely disappointed me, was that there's no secret bomb a hole in a wall to go on, type deals. nothing. anywhere. They give you all these bombs, but nothing worth doing with them. And no reason to go back and explore dungeons you've already cleared. At least in OoT, there were skulltulas that were hidden away behind bombable walls. And you always had -some- way of locating them. The poes? By day, nothing. Not even a trace. Link should be able to sniff the poes out, or something, but he can't.
  13. Alright, so looking it up.. official word is end of March for the final version of the browser, so that's probably what March's channel addition will be. And then by the sounds of it ( http://wii.ign.com/articles/768/768435p1.html ), it looks like there's some games in the works that may well prove to be more.. streamlined, more casual games(think those flash games you download, for windows. Those would probably be more along the style of the early Wii DLC games, outside the virtual console), which a release date for some in Q2, which would put them starting in April as a possibility. So, April's update could well be the casual game channel, or whatever they cause it.
  14. Anyone notice that Nintendo seems to be trying to go for a channel per month? The Weather, News, and Internet channels, then for Feb it was the Everyone Votes, and isn't the Internet channel final version supposed to be for March? I think April's channel is going to be an example of new downloadable games. Then maybe in May they'll release a more.. community-based channel, where you can at least let your friends know what games you have and the like(a feature mentioned at one of the conferences shortly before launch).. Personally, I'd much rather see a DVD channel. It's been proven that the system has the stuff it takes(one of the modchips either on the market or coming out soon, allows for region-free DVD playback), all it needs is a software update. I'd pay $20 to turn my Wii into a sleek, sexy DVD player, for the living room. Hell, I'd probably go out and buy a new one, if they released it in black. Or red. I'd love it in red. Nice, sexy, shiny, Metroid red.
  15. Might I suggest www.gamefaqs.com ?
  16. Translation(Sony to Europe): FUCK YOU!
  17. Nintendo pretty much made it official that there's no chance in hell of rumble in VC games. I don't understand why.. At this point, the Microsoft seal of approval seems to be a lot higher than the Nintendo seal.
  18. To say that Sonic Wii is the best 3D sonic game to come out since SA1 seems rather sad, for Sonic team. I mean, they can't seem to get 3D right. The closest they've managed to get, is making it a game on rails and take out all the exploration, and even then they still can't get the camera to work(according to the IGN review, anyway). Poor Sonic, even the furries are shunning him these days.
  19. Don't forget, Suda 51 said that No More Heroes is going to be even more violent. It'd be funny if the Wii proves to be a warground for games trying to one-up eachother for violence, and putting the wiimote to the most interesting of uses for such violent games.
  20. Worse is when people start sending you all their miis, without asking, and you're stuck sitting there for 10 minutes as all these damn annoying things bounce into the screen and are introduced. I had 2 people do that. I didn't look in the channel for a couple days, and was bombarded with dozens of the fuckers.
  21. You know, for the whole DVD video playback thing, I wonder if it's at all due to hardware limitations of the Wii itself(lack the needed Macrovision/CSS chips, if any?), or if it's something they might offer later, as a purchase from the Wii shop, to cover the costs of licensing the codecs and the like. But, on the other hand, I can understand why they might not want to at this point. Because of the very nature of DVDs, it'd be possible to embed a call in the Menu and execute arbitrary code, totally getting around region locking and any other measures they might have in place for preventing piracy(yes, I know. Modchips are already available now). Execution of arbirary code would allow for an internalized dissection of the Channel structure, to let users install whatever emulation and roms they want, which would make it very difficult to keep everything in check. Right now, they want to have as much control over their product as possible. When sales start to slow down enough, they might let something big like a DVD channel get launched, to bolster sales(I know I'd damn well love to have my Wii hooked up in the living room, taking the spot of my DVD player). But for now, there's no need for it. They can't keep the units they have now on shelves more than an afternoon, so they don't have to make any big releases to drive sales even more.
  22. Unplug the Wii from the power for a few minutes, take the batteries out of the remote, give it about 5 minutes, plug the Wii back in, put the batteries back into the remote, and try again.
  23. Considering how absolutely apeshit the homebrew community has gone over the Wiimote, I can imagine that some of the stuff done for the Wii on the homebrew scene is going to be wholly original, and we'll actually see real homebrew games coming out for it, rather than just an implementation of Linux and the occasional modchip OS, like has been seen for the GC.
  24. I'd love if it had some sort of integrated music channel that hit up a service like Shoutcast, much like with Winamp's online media library, and let you listen to streaming audio of your choice in games. All the sound effects, none of the annoying midimusic.
  25. What do you want to bet the update was a quickly built thing, designed to pwn at least one type of available mod chip, and the Everybody Votes channel was just a coverup for it?
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