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Everything posted by SilverStar

  1. Here's the real story.. http://kotaku.com/gaming/business/sony-vp-on-those-stacks-of-consoles-227588.php "...what we do pay attention to is that month in, month out, the PlayStation 2 continues to outsell Xbox 360. I think you see the consumers voting with their wallets on the PlayStation brand. But also, if people want to go out and buy a 360, their stacked pretty high at retail and yet, six-year-old technology is outselling it. I also think there's another trend going on. Every Sunday in the paper, there's a new deal with a free controller or a free game or $100 off all discounting the 360. I don't think you take those measures if you're selling as expected." Peter Dille - Senior VP of Marketing, SCEA That was posted on Wednesday. 3 days later, one of Sony's largest retail chains for the PS3, announce a sale for $100 off if you give up ~$150 worth of gear.
  2. Nice. Hybrid DVD porn! Regular DVD on one side, HD-DVD on the reverse! *yoink and wank!*
  3. I freakin' LOL'd.
  4. Actually, I did play it. Just last week, even. And that's why I remembered how much ass MK64 kicks.
  5. I got mine sometime early last week. Haven't bothered to give it a whirl yet. Though, I have my old one on my USB drive now.
  6. Looks like EU is getting MK64, OoT and even SMW, all in the first quarter.
  7. IMO, Mario Kart 64 *0.5 > Mario Kart Double Dash * 2.0.. MKDD just didn't have enough to it, it felt like.
  8. That's because people are afraid others won't know what they're talking about when they just say "Wii".
  9. Something else you have to consider, is that the 360 has already been established, it already has the base, and it's already making money for developers. That will, naturally, make developers more likely in turn to develop games for it, because it shows there's money there. The market isn't just 10 million to 1 million, it's 10:1, meaning you have a chance of selling 10x the games, to make 10x the profit. The PS3 will have to actually get more units sold, to get on even footing and be a particularly valid development platform.. It's an edge that cuts both ways. Less hardware available means less software will be developed for it. Less software available will sell less hardware.
  10. Rare chu jelly is the same effect as the tears. full health plus damage increase. I think it'd be better if you kept the damage increase until you were hit, no matter how long it took. I miss firing off the sword at full power.
  11. You mean like this? http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/iptv-xbox-360/microsoft-unveils-iptvenabled-xbox-360-226832.php Personally, I'd like it a touch more, if it had a built-in tuner device, so that you could record shows like an HTPC or DVR, instead of just downloading them in the background.
  12. I quoted you, to add an extra argument as to why Sony failed right out the gate. If, however, MS and Nintendo didn't come out with ANY new games for their systems.. then Sony might be able to catch up to sales and expectations.
  13. Here's the big thing you should be considering.. If the PS3 will finally be "worth" buying in 1 year, why would the 360 suddenly not be? It'll have just that much more time to grow. With a few AAA titles hitting over the next 12 months, it's possible that MS will see another 10 million units sold(particularly with their new generation of 360 that has just been announced). Sony is late to the game for the same market MS is already catering to. If they didn't have their heads up their asses, they could have launched it in the spring and turned the 360 into a footnote. Instead, they just couldn't have the product ready. If you want a fair comparison, look at launch-period games instead.
  14. I'm missing 6 poes, too. Have everything else. Since it's no easy feat to track down poes, I kinda gave up, especially since the reward isn't worth a kick in the pants. Also, I haven't picked the game up again in.. about 3 weeks now? Waiting for my canflix account to start sending me Wii games so I have something to play.
  15. I believe there was a mention on Kotaku about an interview with Kojima and he had nothing but gushing praise for the Wii, and bitched out both Sony and MS for trying to push the whole HD issue. He honestly doesn't like the idea of HD graphics being mandatory..
  16. Second time through, the floors are supposed to be more difficult. I haven't bothered, so I don't know for sure. But, 4 iron knuckles would be right, if so.
  17. If they've been sitting on shelves for days, that would indicate that they're not selling. If they're not selling, they're not as popular as they should be, less than 2 months after launch. If they had hit equilibrium, they'd be rotating through their stock so none would be able to be considered as "sitting there" for more than a day.
  18. Haha, I lol'd
  19. That would make Poe hunting SO much easier. Something else they should have done, was have -some- sort of use for putting regular water in a bottle. No puzzles or anything for it, nothing special, you can't grow anything, there's no one who's thirsty for water.. it's all just a bunch of lame there.
  20. If it was a launch unit, there's at least 2 updates.. I think it might be 3, plus the browser if you want it.
  21. You have to go into the Shop channel to download it.
  22. Since the upgrade to VB, from the old forums. And it just seems.. like there's less activity on the forums the past few days.
  23. One can hope. It would take one of those few self-proclaimed "perfect" games and improve upon it. And a bit OT, but has anyone noticed that the boards seem.. a lot less active, since the upgrade? Or is that just in gendesc and it's a lot more active everywhere else?
  24. I've personally stared death down at least a half dozen times, since I was only a few months old, so I know what it's like to feel like a survivor. But, you have to look at your own spiritual beliefs. Do you feel that death is the final end, that there's nothing beyond it? If so, celebrate their life and mourn the loss of what could have been. Do you feel that when they die they go on to an afterlife, in heaven/hell? Celebrate their life and shed a tear for the loss of the life. If they were someone who you know wasn't a very good person, be glad they're not going to be around to cause further harm. If they were someone who lived a good life, be happy for them that they're having their own party in heaven. Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, just party hard at the good from their life and crack open a cold one for them. It's not a loss, it's just something that happens. Like having a cold. You're miserable for a bit, but then you get over it and you move on. In any case, death should be a celebration. Do not mourn the dead too much, instead celebrate their life. When I die, I want to be cremated on a funeral pyre, in the middle of a big party with friends and strangers alike. If it's the last thing I'm going to be at in the flesh, I damn well want it to be something fun! Let people at least have THAT much of a memory of me!
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