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Everything posted by shadow24

  1. Woohoo I can't wait to see what everyone came up with. I certainly enjoyed working on a song in an actual competition for a change. Also thanks goes to DusK for offering insightful feedback and suggestions.
  2. Mr. Darke. I believe Pete is correct. Something is up with the download link. It is pointing to round 3. Everyone try this link. http://darkesword.com/gmrb2012/GMRB2012X4.zip
  3. So is it ok if we don't commit then randomly send you something to look at (via PM) before two weeks are up? I'm not as good as some of the other artists yet. At worst you won't take it but it would be some good practice... Hmmmm
  4. Why has this turned into a PC vs Console debate? Sigh... CL4P-TP needs to be a playable character in the next one Also badass points were a nice addition. They left space in each characters perks menu too.... Hmmmmm I wonder why *grins*
  5. I can easily understand your point of view being one of the remixers and all. Still I stand by my statement. I just wasn't feeling your song as much this round and Jason did a fantastic job with his track. Albeit it is not a song that I would personally want to listen to very often because of the style. For your other mix this site might help you resolve future dissonance issues. http://www.8notes.com/piano_chord_chart/
  6. I finally have a reason to vote against you now. just kidding lol Thank you for volunteering squirrel lover!
  7. Oh Blast Hornet and Shieldon Shelder Slurrr..... Expecting great things from these two sources. Blast Hornet's theme is a personal favorite
  8. To commemorate this occasion I'd like to offer up my free transparent MP3 player for Windows. Personally coded by yours truly. If it has bugs or you'd like to comment please email me. The address is in the ReadMe file. Shouldn't have any problems if you test it out on Win7 64bit (32 should work but if it doesn't let me know) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/110617565/Banshee_2012_10_04_V20_%28Win7%29.zip Excited about this competition
  9. Unfazed - Very fluid melding of sources. Great song. A complaint might be that some of the instruments appear shrill to my ears... Maybe time was running out and it needed to be submitted before the deadline. Softening the sound a bit might make this mix that much more awesome. Stealth Chameleon - Love the vibe and the overall sound. Doesn't seem quite as well integrated as Unfazed but wonderfully written nonetheless. Love your groovy solos I Am Terror - Digging the song. Much better than your last submission. The dubstep section around 1:00 was well done. Are you going to work on this any more outside the competition? Knowledge Representation - Like how you slowed chill's beat and had a nice pianoey beginning. The trancey middle is smooth and has a nice upbeat. The fade out at the end is... meh. Not feeling the end but enjoyed the song a lot. Superconductivity - The fast chill section at the beginning does not mesh with the other instruments played slowly. The guitar starting at 0:33 is overpowering other instruments. Chiseling out its frequency would help IMO. Also changing its notes more frequently would help breath a bit more life into the bass of your song. 1:16 starts sounding better. 2:38 is nice as well. Good song still. 5 minute song would be impossible for me to do in a week... Seahorses FOREVAH - Intro drags on and is way too long / repetitive. At 0:58 your song actually starts. I like everything after 0:58. The song ends too soon after everything just gets started grooving. I'm guessing you ran out of time . Drifter - Drum beat gets stale by the time it gets to 0:35. Variation / change ups would help. 0:32 to 0:55 the high pitched percussion strikes are louder and overpower the other instruments. A mid instrument with some counter melody would help throughout most of the song. That frequency range seems a bit barren. At 1:12 you do this and it helps tremendously. Still a nice song even with the faults. Personally enjoyed Stealth Chameleon more but think the overall design and execution of Unfazed beats it out.
  10. Hey I'll join. Definitely a novice. I'm a slow mixer but enjoy it when I have the time. Hopefully this will help me with speed of composing. Using Logic on a Mac. http://soundcloud.com/darrencsmith/resilience-lufia-ii-sealed http://soundcloud.com/darrencsmith/broken-bore-bit Oh yeah SuperiorX, I think I have improved a bit since you last helped me with that horrible wave man remix I tried lol.
  11. What is this "ReMixing With the Stars" thing? Just curious if it'll help me improve

  12. Really digging Blast Hornet's music. His theme is just pure awesomeness. Great job BlackPanther. Your getting a lot better. Pete's track is just chozoriffic too Briggs vs Covenant is a good match up against two top tier mixers. For me I feel Ben edges Jason out by a bit. Cash and Change has an interesting feel to the song. I enjoyed your last submission better but this one was at least very crisp sounding. Snail's theme isn't very prominent in the song. Your adlibbing solo sounds great in it. Jason... Where do you get your vocals from? They are really awesome. Makes me want to have a sampling set of every note for Akumajo's voice lol. Do you have that per say?
  13. Maybe the next competition will be better for everyone. Maybe its all just bad timing with school, jobs, or OCR album projects? Who knows. Maybe the people that have been doing it are just tired of it or they got their butt feelings hurt and vowed to never join another competition again BTW, what happened to Txai, GeckoYamori, Halc, Zircon, Sixto, AkumajoBelmont, ProtoTypeRaptor, Brandon Strader... the list could go on and on and on..... and some of the others? I miss em *sad face* PS: We should invite bLiNd and mazedude for some trancy and other weird goodness Is everyone playing Borderlands 2? .... so that's why no one is trash talking in this forum...
  14. Here's a virtual double shot of espresso for you night owls hard at work
  15. Ohh That would be really cool to have a megaman song in the metroid style
  16. Darke, I have a very important question that could potentially turn up during the next maverick remixathon. What if two people choose Bubble Crab and Duff McWhalen (Tidal Whale) and they face off against each other? I know the odds are low but I think it would be a problem. The X5 song is a remix of the X2 song. Is it ok for both songs to essentially be identical? Ok, Thanks for clearing it up On a side note I'm code naming Theory of N's piece "Evasive Effervescence" Too many bubble bathing names already
  17. I also enjoyed Lone Journey. It reminded me of Amphibious' pieces of shadowman in the Wily Gauntlet Competition. The jazzy one and Black AlleyCat. On a side note has anyone ever considered using morse code to tell a story in their songs in place of lyrics? It would be quite unorthodox
  18. Hey did Ben ever kill Sigma last night? I left when he was killing the wall face thing. Oh yeah... he commented on how sick of kuwangers theme he was when he entered his level lol.
  19. I wouldn't worry too much about it Wildfire. Nothing can change during the voting week. Two great artists clashed and there can only be one winner. That's all. I imagine willrock might have felt the same way towards txai's submission in their final round last time. Defeat can be a wonderful thing too. It can depress us or we can look on it, make a stand, and learn to surpass ourselves for the next time
  20. Why not just ask him for the PSD file? That way you can mimic all the graphic effects.
  21. Ahem... Ill try again. Good luck to all you night owl masochistic procrastinator types with uber skillz. I know you all havn't even started yet but somehow you'll have a very strong cohesive entry submitted and ninja updated several times by noon tomorrow. Take my advise now and either make some coffee or a 5-hour energy or whatever else you need to make it through. And good luck. PS: Don't kill yourselves and rip out your hair in the meantime
  22. Good luck to all you procrastinators who mix in under 3 hours the night before its due. I'm jealous of all your mad skills
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