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Everything posted by shadow24

  1. Hope magFest is going well everyone.... Boredom Killer ->
  2. Thanks for working all night for everyone's enjoyment :) Get some sleep!

  3. Rexy, Don't feel bad about the votes. Personally I don't vote for the artist because I like them but I will admit that I am biased towards certain styles of music (Check my voting record if you want). I generally don't care for orchestrations, metal, ska, and other genre's that have yet to be invented or I haven't discovered yet. This doesn't mean that those remixes are bad in any way. C7 has done a fabulous job with songs remixed in a genre I don't normally listen to. Music is subjective to everyone. I want to thank you for all your mixes whether liked or not. Just trying says a lot of positive things about the mixer. Quick critique: Synthesize This! Loved the song but something about the first 12 seconds bothered me. Notes sounded off / flat or something. My ears and musical knowledge aren't sharp enough to tell me what it is that bothers me about that segment. The rest of the song is awesome though! Really liked it. Suggestion: For the next competition ask Darke if he can post the mixes using fake numbered artist names for the week of voting. After the voting has ended he can reveal who the mixers are. Each week random numbers will be used instead of the artist's name. I know this method has many drawbacks but it could help if people are paranoid about overall voting motives. Figuring out the real artist would still be quite easy though (You would have to be deaf to not notice Akumajo's singing or one of Will Rock's solos for example). At least it would force people to listen to the song until they recognized the artist. Maybe some of the remixers have some viable input based on the way other competitions they have participated in have dealt with or ignored this concern. All the bickering reminds of this -> http://gprime.net/flash.php/megamanandthepompousrobots
  4. Thanks! You too ;) Keep getting better and I will too. I know you'll go far!

  5. If you feel depressed about your song then just listen to one of mine I'm sure you'll feel better instantly lol
  6. Ecto, I'm in awe of your ability to remix mega man music with commercials advertising brewed tea! Eccentric Steep is the best song ever
  7. But you could have so much fun with it Like how Jeff Dunham did Jingle Bombs with Achmed the Dead Terrorist I bet you could make some awesome lyrics if you gave it a Christmasy feel.
  8. I bet its certainly better than my attempts at song making right now At least your trying and for that I'm thankful. Good luck getting your creativity flowing
  9. Don't be dissing on math teachers now. Not all of them are like that. Take Gario for instance ....
  10. The source tune is awesome I'm glad someone remixed this. The only other remix of this that I know of is by Sadorf here http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0023/. Wish the end was a bit more dramatic. Either way the artist did an awesome job on this piece.
  11. Good luck to all the procrastinators and mixers pulling all nighters again ;P
  12. I really like this format better but can see how format variety would spice things up. This format seems like it makes things easier on the mixers cuz they get up to a two week break to rest. As for voting being hard, so what? It's not like your favorite mixer is going to get eliminated. In the last competition it pained me to see several mixers get ousted early like Prototype Rapter and Jake Snake just because they were pitted against equally awesome remixers. I like this format because it seems like it promotes a better environment for learning. 1) You can't get eliminated which means you can continue to practice and improve. 2) You can learn from team mates and adapt some of their skill set in order to bolster your own. 3) If your a seasoned mixer you can get your name out there just by making more mixes. This exposure can lead to more job opportunities etc.
  13. Got Logic today :) Hope I can learn part of it over Christmas break unless it gets commandeered by my family as a Christmas present lol :) Will see tomorrow. Good job on your last mix. Were the themes hard to blend together? Doesn't seem like they would mesh to well.

  14. This thread seems dead Time to attempt some defibrillator action and incite a flame war. There were so many good mixes this round too. Here are my unprofessional critiques. Take them with a grain of salt too. Blast Counter The dub step stuff in the background doesn't seem like it meshes well with the rest of the instrumentation even though its fairly soft. Song is slower to get going and transitions slowly between sections. Not a bad thing though. I think this mix would have benefited from some more drastic change up. Seemed too safe to me. Instrument selection is well chosen. I really enjoy the effects for the intro and outro. Very cool idea Bring the Heat Seems a little bland with just the piano at the start. Maybe layer some other melodies softer behind it to spice things up. Some type of percussion effects might help too. Outro fade out is OK I guess. The actual melody throughout the song is well done. I really think layering would make this song vastly more intriguing. Combustive Explosion I really dig the chill vibe this song gives off. The volume and echo effects are expertly applied and truly make this piece shine. The melodies are fluidly interwoven. I think you lucked out since both themes seemed to fit the chill mood. Kudos to your remixing abilities. Looking forward to more of your music. Great style. Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized Instrumentation choice is a bit on the slightly shrill side. I commend you on blending both themes so well. Seems like the sources aren't a very good fit. The melody and transitions in your music always keep me interested. Great work! The Fall Voice work is truly amazing. Wish I could sing that well. Music wise I think greater variation and change ups throughout the song could make it better. I guess it the style you chose in which case it works well. Voice = wonderful -> Music = more variation.... I'm being too hard on everyone... This was made in a week after all. With that thought this is a wonderful mix. I couldn't make anything this good in a week lol. Hornet of Legend Has an uplifting simple Celtic feel Great idea to stylize the music this way. Makes it stand out in a great way. Themes are blended very well. Makes me think of "How to Train Your Dragon" for whatever reason The song evokes a kind of playful learning atmosphere. Great job! Planes, Trains, and Auto 'n' Beat The faster pace of the background sorta messes with me throughout the song. It can easily distract you from the main melody which I think is a bad thing. I listened to the song a lot to try and figure out the good and bad points. Maybe making the main melody more pronounced and toning down the rest of the music would help. I can't pin point what makes me agitated in the song. I think it feels like the music accompanying the melody forcefully rushes it and it detracts from the overall piece. I'll stop digging any deeper in my hole now... Still its an interesting song. Proud Warrior of a Forgotten Kingdom I really like this song even though it isn't very long. Doesn't seem finished with fairly sudden end. Maybe you ran out of time? It would be great if you spent some more time on it outside the competition. Seems like it could blossom into a very nice piece Robot Lounge You really nailed the chilled out vibe I think the main instrument for shadow man's theme towards the beginning could be switched out for another one. Seemed a bit "Meh". Later on it fits well. Trumpet solo sounded really good. Themes were blended well. Ending could be made more grandiose. Excellent mix as the result of a one week stint. Please polish it a bit more and submit it Shining Groove This had a similar feel to Phonetic's. Background music / beat seems to rush the main melody and detract from the song. Can't be helped I guess. Source themes weren't exactly a match made in heaven lol. Cymbals? seems overused. Instrument choices don't seem to mesh with each other as well as other mixes. Still this is a descent song. Themes were mixed okay. Tower Power Boogie Like the old west style throughout Cool idea. Seems like your mix could use some more layering of alternate blended ad-libbed melodies. Maybe some occasional light percussion. Song was a bit short. Shaker and some old west whistling could be good additions to the song. Maybe add some wind blowing through the desert sound effects. Please continue to expand on this song and submit it. It has great potential! Wily's Bubble Bath Mellow vibe fits Effervescence's theme well I like the lounge style. You could swing in a hammock and sip on an Arnold Palmer in the summer breeze. Good stuff. Song's length is just right too. Soft intro and fade out outro work well. Well done Guitarzan
  15. Ummmmm.... He already did it once.... Last time it involved the exploitation of the team name "The Hard Men". There were pictures, minor greek Gods, and a whole lotta other random good stuff PS: SuperiorX your picture was the funniest... and Darke please don't strike this comment from the thread lol.
  16. All the mixes seem very good this week. I'll have to just see which ones I listen to the most during the week before voting lol
  17. Here is a link to my pathetic little WIP you were requesting earlier :) It's a one whole day old garageband abomination lol :)


  18. If you ever need help writing java or c# code or architecting software in general just let me know. Unlike my current music making abilities I'm pretty awesome when it comes to coding. Threading and networking come easy for me

  19. Thanks I hope so too :) I think I'll badger Darke about a Sigma Fortress Remix Competition later on too. You know he probably already has it planned anyway. Also, I hope your next remix is more bad ass than No Ticket! That song was just unique in a simple awesome way :) I hope my politically correct inoffensive end of sentence smileys don't get on your nerves :) But in all seriousness I need to remix something to prove my mettle, otherwise I'm just all talk with nothing to back it up. I truly enjoy everyone's mixes in the competition and the unique flavors that surface in those songs.

  20. I'll let you hear it when it has some semblance of resembling a descent song lol :) Most of my stuff is only 30 seconds long and involves loops from apple's garage band. I'm trying to to learn to seemlessly transition between melodies. It's kind of an abrupt change right now. I'm verrrrrrrryyyyyyy green on the mixing scene. AKA a total newbie

  21. No problem :) Honestly I suck at write ups and have never really done them before. Regardless, I'm trying to get more involved with the whole remixing scene. I just purchased Logic Studio so maybe I can learn to make some decent mixes. I'm trying to mix songs like the competition demands (Blast Hornet and X2 Sigma Fortress 1 Stage) for practice. Your song really is great background music for Skyrim :) Looking forward to more of your work!

  22. Well I just purchased Logic Studio so maybe I can learn it quick enough to participate in a future remix competition Thanks to everyone for the insight earlier about which program would suit me best. Maybe I can move up from being tone deaf lol
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