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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. I just submitted mine. I really wish my guest vocalist had been able to sing on my song. Instead, I had to route my virus-hoarse voice through my vocoder and pray that it sounds alright (I have a cold so my ability to stay on-pitch is close to zero right now). Oh well, I think you all will enjoy it regardless!
  2. I think it 's okay, as long as you can listen to the melodies and realize that they are interpreted from the source tubes. A couple of the melodies in my track are kinda liberal in my interpretations.
  3. Since we're on the topic of samples already, does anybody know where to get samples of Sonic sound effects, including his voice (i.e. in the newest generation of 3D Sonic games when he makes noises when he attacks)? I especially want the "Yes!" (1up sound) and "I'm Outta Here!" (when you stand around for too long) voice clips from Sonic CD.
  4. Wildfire... our families raised us to be pancakes... what are you saying??
  5. The crackling pretty much comes from the chopping/slicing I did on an underlying part of the piano section... I should be able to fix it pretty easily. Thanks for pointing it out. I changed the status of this back to "finished"... I think I'll go ahead and submit it once I fix the problem mentioned above.
  6. Well, my lyric-writing is done, my track itself sounds great (although I need to add 4 more bars at the end to accommodate the lyrics), now I just need to record my voice & get my guest vocalist to come to my place for a visit to record her parts...
  7. I hate you. I've got the main part of my track done, but now I have some lyric-writing to do and a pop filter to make, and then I'll double check all my levels and do any mastering, if necessary.
  8. Hey man, could you post the link to those VST's and patches of yours again? I don't feel like combing the SZRC thread to find it :P

  9. Hey man, can you do me a favor? Rozovian came and evaluated my WiP, and I shortened it some more and made some changes to the compressor on the master track, but now I think I hear some distortion happening somewhere, even though I can't see where it is when I play it back in Logic. Can you take a listen and tell me if I'm imagining things or not? http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/remixes/Everything is Glowing (Radio Edit).mp3

  10. ...well, if this tiger has anything to say about it, a certain panther's gonna get TANKED.
  11. Hey, I said "most" of the tracks were short but again, I'm used to 6-minute trance epics...
  12. Akumajo, your guest rap/secret weapon is pretty epic. Amphibious, your track has a great "Vibe' (thus the title, I'm assuming). It's very atmospheric, but keeps things moving and interesting. Mr. Briggs, I really like your Sonic voice samples. And Xenon, I really love your great chiptune production. Dusk, your track really rocks, although I wish some of the EQ/mastering was a bit better. And yes, Chaos Angel IS all over the place! jeez. Great job, Main Finger & jakesnke17, for being able to work with it. MF, your DnB production skills are fantastic. And Jake, your track is very very good, if I didn't already know that you pulled an all-nighter to make it I never would have guessed. Mr. L & Superior X, you both did a great job of blending your two source themes, and your tracks are very enjoyable. Phonetic Hero, your chiptune-style skills sound great, and you did a great job of blending the two themes. (And yes, your cheesy orchestra hit fits perfectly ) PixelPanic, I think I see what your were going for, but it's a little... weird :/ TheRexAsaurous, yours is pretty good, very unique style, but enjoyable, although some of your synths seem a bit generic (something I'm often guilty of). Rather short, too. I think everybody did such a great job. It was hard to decide to vote for on several of the matchups. A lot of great production on most of them, although I felt like they were all kinda short? I suppose that's what happens when you're faced with the tough challenge of blending two different sources in one short week; I guess I'll find out soon, since my bracket just started! (Also I usually like long, drawn-out electronica tracks... so I'm sure that doesn't help)
  13. SOURCE LINK Sorry! There's no chiptune version of this so here's the YouTube version. EDIT: I fixed the compressor issue and cut the song down to 4:37 (much to my chagrin): http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/remixes/Everything is Glowing (Radio Edit).mp3 Don't know if you care to review it again, but if you don't, could you please change the status of this thread back to "Finished"? You can still get the "Extended Mix" here: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/remixes/Everything is Glowing (Extended Mix).mp3
  14. Okay, I considered both of your thoughts and tried to incorporate changes to address all of them. I added lots of zazz Here's v2: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (v2).mp3 EDIT: added a whole bunch more zazz, and fixed the kick (for real this time!) - v3: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (v3).mp3
  15. wow, what a BTW, if any of you need a break from mixing, I'm still awaiting feedback on my WiP over here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39848
  16. What the fuck? Did this goomba re-sequence the music himself or something??
  17. I absolutely love this. It gives a very reflective feel to the Green Hill theme, which is usually remixed in a much more rocked-out manner. I agree with previous sentiments that there maybe should be more to the ending, but even if you never changed that part, it would still be very very good. The levels feel great, it almost crosses into muddiness but stays safely on the clean side, and the choice of instruments is great. I hope you submit this soon!
  18. ...wrong game, sir... But still still a good quote nonetheless... how 'bout "Let's kick some egg!" Or "Let's kick some hog!"
  19. Here's WiP 2, I made several small changes, partly to address what you mentioned above and partly to change things up a little. Overall, I didn't change much though. I want everyone's opinions, even if it's just difference in "artistic opinion"! I want this thing to be as good as possible. http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (WiP 2).mp3 EDIT: aaaagh, I've had so many ideas! I updated it again, this time I'm marking it "Finished". I added a couple new rhythmic synths, made some small changes to the existing arrangement, and added some compression to the master track. Please still give your feedback. Rip this thing to shreds! so I can re-build it even better! new version: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything%20is%20Glowing.mp3
  20. The gated synth at the end seems a bit too loud compared to the rest of the song, and the flute that plays the melody about halfway through sounds a little fake. I think giving that instrument some more dynamics would help.
  21. Yeah, I got so excited that I whipped up this Sonic WiP: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39848 I wanted to make Sonic remixes so bad that I just couldn't wait don't worry, it's not any of either bracket's themes.
  22. The title of my remix is "Everything Is Glowing". It is progressive trance, inspired by the likes of Paul van Dyk & Armin van Buuren. I almost marked this "Finished," but because I haven't submitted it for any feedback at all, I decided to wait. At the very least, I'm sure my level balances need adjusting, but beyond that, I crave your feedback. Thanks everyone! http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything%20is%20Glowing%20%28WiP%201%29.mp3 EDIT: oh yeah, I also want to add some overall mastering to the whole track once it's done. WiP 2: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (WiP 2).mp3 "Finished": http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything%20is%20Glowing.mp3 EDIT: The "finished" version clocks in at 5 minutes, 55 seconds, and 5 frames.... eerie O.O Finished, v2: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (v2).mp3 v3: http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Everything is Glowing (v3).mp3 v4: "Radio Edit" (4:37): http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/remixes/Everything is Glowing (Radio Edit).mp3 "Extended Mix" (5:55): http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/remixes/Everything is Glowing (Extended Mix).mp3
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