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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. My gift is ready to send out. Should be stopping by the post office today.
  2. Hey everyone, does anyone have any experience in speaking Japanese? I have need for some assistance in that area for my track. PM me if able/willing to help.
  3. So..."Palmtree Panic (Crappy Future)"?
  4. Every time I see this I keep thinking "Past, Present, and Future". Seriously though, might make for interesting bonus tracks. "[superiorX's Mix Title] (Past Version)"
  5. Interesting. Without the wifi it seems like a fail.
  6. http://ocremix.org/store/ There's several OCR stores there.
  7. FAVORITISM Seriously, I think you should take that track, djp, because the source would lend itself very well to your funky style.
  8. I can't imagine what mixing problems this had before, it sounds amazing now! Everything is clear, there's no mud at all, and I can hear each instrument clearly. I just love how old school rockin' this is! Great job!!
  9. I'll join. I like Sonic the Hedgehog a lot. I'm a Christian. I am married with a 16-month-old daughter. I love vinyl records. I enjoy progressive music in any genre. I have a Wii and an old Sega Genesis. I like Legos and otherwise building things of any kind (I made a keytar once out of an old 80s Casio keyboard and a Guitar Hero controller). EDIT: oh yeah I play drums and piano. I love percussion instruments but don't really have many of them. I also enjoy singing and sometimes rapping. I can't really think of anything else.
  10. I was thinking some more about the project title, and I was wondering if maybe we should use the word "dichotomy" somewhere... like "Dimensional Dichotomy"
  11. I can hear the GarageBand sounds too, but apart from the somewhat poor Garageband sounds, I feel like this is a pretty good track. The arrangement is legit, and the different parts you have work well together. Great job!
  12. I must say, I'm looking forward to hearing it!
  13. I tried mastering it with some EQ, Multipressor, and a Limiter. How does it sound now? http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Love_Hate%20Relationship%20%28Mastered%29.mp3
  14. Thanks, Rozovian! That was very insightful and actually very encouraging. I was thinking about doing some basic mastering to it (i.e. track multipressor & maybe a limiter), do you think that would help the bass issue?
  15. I personally think "Time Zones" is a great idea, because: 1. The game had different "Zones" 2. The game has different times 3. The two soundtracks were in different parts of the world, which are in different time zones.
  16. Maybe the title could be "Divided Planet"? Or "Planet Divided in Time"?
  17. Something along the lines of a split timeline (think Back to the Future)... like "Divided in Time" or something. EDIT: or maybe make it a play on grammatical tense in the English language? Like "Past Perfect/Future Progressive"
  18. Thanks for your feedback everybody. Here's a slightly newer version (I just tweaked a transition near the end): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/34713846/Love%20Hate%20Relationship%20%28WiP%204.1%29.mp3 (I'm having trouble with my server this very moment so I'm using dropbox... hopefully this will be resolved soon) I'm gonna go ahead and make this "Mod Review", I never put it "Finished" but it's not really gonna change that much anymore, since I don't have the original session files anymore, and I think it's in a pretty good place.
  19. Finally made some updates. Just some small changes to address what seem to be the main issues: transitions and the final section. PLEASE PLEASE tell me your thoughts, I really want to submit this soon. http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Love%20Hate%20Relationship%20%28WiP%204%29.mp3
  20. Here are some other Sonic raps I've done: Green Hill Zone Mystic Cave Zone Sonic 3D Blast Mashup (I did this one for the SZRC) Pancake Collab (Gario did this track for the final round of the SZRC and I guest rapped on it... the whole thing was thrown together in a night or two)
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