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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. I met Flex about 2 weeks ago, so yeah I know him irl :-D I'm hoping to work with him a little and learn some stuff.

  2. Okay GREAT. It was so much fun, there was so much great music, and i really feel like I learned a lot & grew a lot as an artist. I've already started thinking about what Zone to use. I think I might try to get Flexstyle involved in it, since I only live 15 minutes away from him.

  3. What if I want to remix a game like Sonic Before the Sequel? It's a fan game, but it's a full, completely fleshed-out, well-made game with its own original soundtrack.
  4. Soooo.... are you doing the SZRC again this year? I know you're busy with TD so I wanted to check. I really hope you're able to do it.

  5. Yeah, and I'm waiting impatiently to see the voting results and hear the new mixes!
  6. This mix is called "Step Across the Line", it's Panic Puppet Act 1 vs. Sky Sanctuary. I made it for the SZRC, and since then all I've done to it is some mastering. https://soundcloud.com/kingtiger/step-across-the-line-panic It's my first attempt at making some semblance of dubstep.
  7. oh yeah that game... also Cave Story. WOW.
  8. I've gotten pretty emotional from games before, although I'm not sure if I've cried at any of them... I've sure come close though. One was the end of Half Life 2 Episode 2, and another was in the original Golden Sun, and the other was in Metroid: Other M.
  9. * Be late to work less often (shooting for NEVER) * Finish my keytar * Release a new album and 2 EPs * Start performing in venues around town
  10. I've been doing KingTiger music for several years, but haven't had many chances to perform... and when I have performed, it's been as one of several artists in an event. Now, I'm having my first concert of all me on January 18! I'm very excited and quite nervous. Anyway, if there's any folks in Arizona that can make it to north Phoenix, I would love it if you would come! I'll (hopefully) be filming the whole thing for YouTube so if you can't come you can still see it later. Here is the flyer I made for the concert (click for big version):
  11. Just make sure you use the "private" setting for any EvW tracks you upload onto these sites, to make sure that not just anybody can hear them Also, I've been using my private webserver to upload and send you links to my WiPs, is that okay or would you prefer SoundCloud/Tindeck/etc.?
  12. Try kingtiger, if that doesn't work use kingtigermusic.
  13. I got it yesterday! Click for big pic It's vol. 1 of Sonic Underground, the 3rd Sonic cartoon! What a great gift! It's the only series I've seen NONE of, and now I own half of it on DVD! Thanks Doug! I already watched the 1st episode last night with my 1 year old, we love it!
  14. And one of the guys over there may need a rapper: So BrothaDom, I would head over there and offer your services
  15. Okay you Japanese speaking crazies, can one or both of you help me with something on a mix? I need help with a voice over. PM me if interested. Back on topic... I think Japanese characters on the JP art would be fantastic. Also I vote Temporal Divide.
  16. It is/was the 1989 12" single "Your Sweetness" by the new jack swing r&b trio, The Good Girls.
  17. Hey SuperiorX, haven't heard from you in a while, everything going okay?
  18. I really really like this. I really like the mix and sounds you chose, and I really like that it's a remix of a very short theme. Please sir, can I have some more.
  19. That actually sounds really cool, and rather unique for this community.
  20. Just dropped mine off at the post office, right as the mail carrier came to pick it up. Should be there no later than Tuesday, if not sooner. Now off to work the late shift!
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