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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. Are you just planning to take whatever track is left? I personally think Quartz Quadrant would be a great fit for your style.
  2. Looks like all the tracks are claimed. That didn't take too long
  3. I was originally planning to add vocals to this, but now I'm not sure; I feel like it stands so well on its own that I don't want to add anything else. http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Crystal%20Clear%20%28WiP%202.1%29.mp3 It's pretty much synthpop. It's a bit funky and very groovy.
  4. Here's just a thought that I'm throwing out there... What if we could use the "versus" to our advantage within the OCR community? I'm not sure how exactly, but maybe have OCR folks vote for Metal Sonic vs Sonic (who's cooler) or which soundtrack is their favorite and then have that character feature more prominently on the album art. I dunno, something where if it's "versus" instead of "meets" either the community at large or the remixers can make it a friendly competition somehow.
  5. That seems like a really good idea. Again The Boss would have to approve but the two original soundtracks already have that kind of feel to it, with the JP being a hell of lot of more "techno" and the US being pretty "organic" (I don't mean acoustic, I mean more "real" type instruments), at least on the surface. EDIT: Did you know that Spencer Nilsen had less than a month to compose the US version of the soundtrack? http://info.sonicretro.org/Game_Development:Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD
  6. That sounds rad. My idea is to make the hole in Metal Sonic's stomach a speaker.
  7. Hooray! I already know you'll be a good director based upon the SZRC. Can't wait to see how this all turns out!
  8. I'd love to be involved as staff. I'm just not sure if I'm qualified, so it's up to SupX.
  9. ...welp, I was all ready and fixin' to work on this a bit more... ...but it turns out I deleted the session files for it X.X Normally I back them up to an external drive but this time I guess I didn't. Not the first time I've done it, but hopefully the last. I may be able to make some small changes by adding layers/making basic modifications to the stereo .wav file, so I'll see what I can do.
  10. I really like this. I enjoy metalcore, and I feel like you not only executed that genre well, but you also integrated the chiptune sounds effectively. Great job!
  11. If you're still accepting submissions for BA2 I have something that might work, it's a Sonic 2 final boss remix, it's hip-hop style and I would like to add rap lyrics too.

    Here's the "instrumental" track and I imagine it still needs polish:


  12. I'm having a fundraiser to help raise money for some medical bills, where would be the best place to post it? Or can I not post that in OCR?
  13. Same here. I probably won't be able to get started on my track until another week from now at the earliest. Also, I hate to ask this, but can you take me off the roster for Quartz Quadrant *for now*? I might be able to pick it back up but atm I've got enough on my plate with my mixes for the Paper Mario 64 project, a special request I'm working on, and my own hip hop project.
  14. I'm working on the synth and autotune issues. What else should I do to the female vox, as far as processing/EQ?
  15. I really like this, it's a very nice take on the song. My thoughts: the synth that comes in right from the beginning seems a little... I dunno, generic? I'm not sure it's really generic, but I really don't like it for some reason. Also, that odd percussive synth sound that comes in before the second repeat, I actually find it a little annoying; maybe if you toned down its aggressive-ness a little? Finally, I hear the compression on the master track, and I think it's over-done. Either turn down the "wet" level on your compressor, or bring down the compression ratio. I personally really like your drums, but maybe I'm not the best person to critique wether drums sound real or not
  16. One or both of us should check in Rexy, 1) to make sure she's doing Ok & 2) to see if she still wants to head up a Sonic CD project.

  17. I saw that your Sonic CD mix got No'd, I'm sorry to see that. I'm still waiting for the panel to judge my S&K mix.

    On that note, what happened to the Sonic CD thread? I really wanna see that project happen, so I'm hoping it's not completely dead.

  18. I've got a hip hop track going for Goomba Village, working on the lyrics now for Huffin' and Puffin' I'm planning to do some sort of heavy electronic track, still figuring it out...
  19. I'm thinking about two weeks from now. I'm gonna send Chernabogue and digivalentine a message and see if I can get them to jump in on this. EDIT: oops, looks like Digi may have already been in on this. Sorry!
  20. I would love to do a remix & rap for Launch Base Zone, and a remix track for Quartz Quadrant (Sonic CD JP), someone else can do the rap for that one.
  21. I too sent you a message via the contact form.
  22. It looks like only one track has been claimed even though it is past the July 1st deadline. Can i still claim a track? I'd love to do the main theme for Brawl.
  23. OHAI I CAN HAS PARTICIPATE PLZ KTHXBAI No seriously. I was actually thinking about proposing this very idea, with the 2-disc/both soundtracks concept. I'm in fer sure. PS Rexy I may consider co-directing this with you, if you'll have me... but it's going to depend on circumstances... my wife might want to kill me if I get too involved
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