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Everything posted by Drack

  1. A private proxy would have to be offsite to bypass the restrictions. I don't think many people have a private computer that is always on, in a remote location. Lacking one of those, IRC servers block public proxies almost without exception. I'll try to think of something, but this isn't going to be easy.
  2. Well, when I made a couple Genesis midis, I used GYM2MID or whataver it's called that converts a .gym file to a totally crappy midi, just to see the notes, chords, and intervals. From there it was much easier to write an accurate midi from scratch. There's also a converter out there that can convert .spc to .it
  3. If you do, make sure you have a revision 1 cube. (DOL-001)After a while Nintendo removed the component port on the back of the cube.
  4. I beat him 2 pages ago, just using basic stuff (none of that stuff you recommended), and have beaten the game since I'll go edit my original post.
  5. When your partner gets hit, instead of losing health you lose MP, which is no big deal. Even so, I usually had one characte out at a time and switched when I needed it. However, using your partner's special with R is quite handy, I used that all the time.
  6. Oh, and how do you get the unlockables in PoR? I've beaten the game (real ending) but have gotten nothing.
  7. I'm not hating on the Wii, an awesome system, or Zelda, an incredible game, but does anyone notice that Zelda TP on Wii has a lot more jagged edges and general graphical oddities than a lot of gamecube titles like Mario Kart: Double Dash?
  8. Two words: Thousand Blade Hmm? Clarify.
  9. In general, one very nice card has better performance than 2 low-midrange cards running in SLi. More bang for the buck? Brilliant!
  10. I've added everyone on this list for Wii but most are still greyed. Post if I'm greyed in your address book so we can re-add eachother. Edit: Castlevania PoR code: 4940 0725 7802
  11. Two words: Thousand Blade
  12. You got the fake ending. Did you really think that was the final boss? There's much more to the game than what you got to. Castlevania DoS pulled the same stunt after the Dario battle. To pass that part without getting the fake ending Also I got past where I was stuck on last post. This is getting interesting.
  13. EDIT: I beat him, and have beaten the game too.
  14. Thanks Grey. I'll see what I can whip up. Edit: Ooh, PHP! I'm a perl guy so I guess I'll be picking up another language to add to the résumé. Also, it's WAY COOL that you're also a ds homebrewer. My respect for you just went way up.
  15. It's a lot like IRC, which I have no idea why the clan stopped using. The clanocr room is a "typing" chat, but we do voice chats occasionally as well.
  16. I never got the source code. Once I do have it, I'll be able to make some changes.
  17. How I catch reekfish?
  18. PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way.
  19. What happened to GreyNinja's ClanOCR database? I think it could be remade for the new ClanOCR, and started fresh for this iteration. If there's source code I'd be willing to take a swing at revamping it.
  20. Got a Wii! Wii Number: 0217 6307 3769 0582 And since you haven't posted my ACWW code from my sig, ACWW FC: 1546 8114 2073
  21. No wii yet, however see sig for DS codes. Edit: You're missing MKDS and Clubhouse Games on your list.
  22. Depends on what you're looking for. I liked the percussion in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but any late NES game wil have decent PCM
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