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I'm in need of a way to eliminate all non-numeric characters from a string. Something in PHP that would accomplish this in perl: $code =~ s/[^0123456789]//; This is for the ClanOCR database, by the way. Anyone have any ideas? I don't know how to call a substitution regex in PHP, just match patterns. Perhaps there's some way to loop over the characters in a string and remove any that don't match 0123456789? --Drack
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Now, Database update time. PHP Problem: Fixed. My Georgia Tech hosting, of course, did not have PHP installed, as they specifically do not want students to run webpages with dynamic content >_< I have once again looked for alternate hosting providers, and believe I've found one that will let me do everything I need to get the database running, for free, and without ads. Code: About half the code is written that's required for basic browsing and adding codes. I'm going to launch it with just the basic functionality and build from there based on user experiences and what I think is needed to make it better, once it's up. ETA: As I said earlier, the database should be up and running and accepting public connections by this weekend. If you've posted your friend codes in this thread, I will manually add them to the database when I launch it, so don't worry about it. However, some games have fields (like the name you use ingame, often different from your OCR name) that I can't fill in for you so I will provide a mechanism to delete or change info for YOUR OWN CODES. I'll include a measure against hacking here too. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Manaphy is banned, but not for that reason There's a certain strategy that can be used with Manaphy which is very overpowering. Ask Atma about it, heheh. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
I am surfing form work (Lunch hour) - Can't get on IRC from here though. I'll be home and chatting up a storm in 4 hours. See you then. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Please add Darkrai to the banned list. Even though there's no way for someone to legitimately have this pokémon yet, it is considered uber and banned from tournaments (same situation as Arceus). Also, I notice that some non-uber 4th gen legendaries (Cresselia, Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie, Phione, Regigigas, Heatran, Shaymin (Shaymin is unobtainable legally at this time as well)) are not on the banned list, but I believe that this is intentional. Just confirming. Heatran is borderline imo. Food for thought: Manaphy (banned), Heatran, and Cresselia all have 600 base stat total. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Update: I have found free SQL hosting. This host does not also provide HTTP hosting so speed will suffer a bit, but I can't complain .. it's free! Current challenge: Getting a PHP-enabled webpage to display the PHP-generated text properly. For some reason print() and phpinfo() won't display any output in cursory tests. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Hosting continues to be a problem. It turns out my home ISP firewalls my connection in such a way that I can't host SQL from it, or even forward any ports! I'll need at least a host to run SQL from if this database is going to be available online. HTTP is not a problem, as I can use my Georgia Tech hosting for that. -
ANTIGRAVITY - new album available / new zircon website!
Drack replied to zircon's topic in Post Your Original Music!
Well, mine's shipped, so should get it soon. Can't wait! -
Cross platform; Available for gc, ps2, xbox: Beyond Good & Evil Soul Calibur 2 Nintendo DS: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Castlevsania: Portrait of Ruin New Super Mario Bros. N64: Diddy Kong Racing (This is only here to stress that the DS version is NOT the one you want) I can come up with many many more, but am busy now
-Have you tried removing the battery (Only takes a small phillips screw to open the cover), plugging it in, and attempting to play it, as you said would work if the battery is the problem? If it works, battery is the problem -Have you tried swapping in a friend's DS Lite's battery (fully charged)? If it works, then the fault is with the charging mechanism, as you suspect. -Have you tried plugging in a friend's charger? If it works, the charger is bad (unlikely). Once you've isolated the problem,we can go from there. My *HUNCH* is that your battery is empty but is being read as if it is charged. When I plug in my Lite when it's fully charged, the light momentarily turns on then switches off as you described. A new battery is probably all you need, but check everything I described above to verify where the problem is.
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Just so you know, Phione will NOT evolve. While Manaphy is breedable into Phiones, you will never get another Manaphy from the original. And for reference, Phione has all stats 80% of Manaphy's and cannot learn Heart Swap (swap status with foe). -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
I am actively working on a new ClanOCR database. I will keep this thread informed about its progress. Necessary Software: Acquired (There are free open source solutions for everything I need) Hosting: Temporary solution - Running it off my own desktop for experimentation. If anyone has webspace is willing to give me enough admin rights to plop Apache and MySQL on it with proper configs, PM me. It is very unlikely that I can use my existing Georgia Tech webspace for this database, as it's strictly HTTP without any MySQL admin rights. Planning and features: I have a solid idea in my mind on what needs to be done to implement my desired featureset. Open to suggestions, but I currently plan to implement: -Logins with passwords, and of course encrypting the pws on the server for user security. This allows for quick administration in case some asshole adds a bunch or vandalism. Nothing more. I'm not going to be asking for your emails or anything like that. -Searches by game title, by user, or cool things like listing any codes added since last search. The code table will record the date codes get added, and the user table will record date of last search. -Flexible code system ... The codes will be stored as strings in the code table, and will be converted via the game table when they are entered, through regex mangling. This also allows non-12-digit codes like Wii consoles to be added. -I'll also add in any codes on the first post when I populate the DBase with the initial data. -Something I do NOT plan to implement is "who's online now" feature - We have an IRC chat for this, and I don't intend to replace it. Rather, once this is finished, I'll link to it in the topic of the IRC chat so everyone has easy access to codes. Execution: No code is written yet, but I'll be all over it this weekend. I have planned out the SQL tables and the surrounding PHP,HTML code so implementation shouldn't be terrible. Of course, this is software development so none of the snags I'll actually hit I'll expect, so we'll see how it goes. I'll try to have an operational but experimental beta up within the week. Feedback: As I haven't written anything but somewhat comprehensive plans, NOW is the time I want your input for interface, features, etc. --Drack -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Ab did e4 with just Infernape. -
This was just an error in translation. The original announcement that started all this read somehting more along the lines of "I don't think that will happen any time soon" .. It takes a really bad translator to get the OPPOSITE meaning.
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I went through the trouble of catching Mesprit (!!), Uxie, Azelf, and Cresselia (!!). For a game with 4 psychic legendaries, one would hope at least one of them would be worth using. If Uxie or Cresselia had Azelf's moves, you could argue that it would be quite effective (Big damage would make up for the low attack stat), but alas, I can't see anyone but Azelf being terribly useful, and Azelf doesn't have enough defense to last long enough for its moves to really be as destructive as they promise. As a side note. Uxie's yawn is still annoying. But still not enough to warrant using it imo. On a totally unrelated note, Lucario kicks an incredible amount of ass if raised properly. Concentrate on speed and special attack stats, Throw in 2 or 3 TM moves (Psychic! Earthquake! Dark Pulse! Flash Cannon!) and you can not only cover your weaknesses, but come up with total surprises to your foe - A FIGHTING pokemon with a PSYCHIC move! -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
For GTS, don't search, offer. If your trade is reasonable, and you're offering an exclusive, you BET someone will bite I traded a Stunky for a Shieldon. Within a couple hours -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
IRC? See what you like of the following: Trillian : All in one instant message/chat client..what I use on windows Gaim : Another multiplatform client. This one is open-source mIRC : Perhaps the most popular IRC client. It's a pure IRC program with a lot of advanced features but has a nag screen if you don't pay for it. Chatzilla : a firefox IRC addon. I haven't checked this one out yet. And building upon what Bahamut said: I can indeed generate infinite pokemon from anything that's traded to me. Let me know if you want something, but I've only done this with Piplup so far. Also bear in mind that I have to HAVE it to give you one! -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Some of the music is AWESOME. Anyone found a game rip? Here's a great track I ripped myself: http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~schapman/Cynthia.mp3 -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
Drack replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Drack (Diamond): 2749 7572 0013 This is also sigged -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Heh, my first catch was Starly and 25 levels later it's now my best pokemon. Anyway, looks like you can voice chat in battles. I mock-battled Spleen just now (not using my main team, as they were too powerful) and the system worked very nice. I think we'll have some lively battles over wi-fi. Looking forward to it. -
Drack replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I chose Piplup. Because it's a penguin! I made the mistake of not teaching my Staravia the move where it reduces your opponent's hp to your own. Big mistake >_< But other than that, it's nice. I have a pretty balanced team, if anyone wants to battle or trade (I have both but am playing diamond), see me on #ClanOCR. And as far as grass being the best for the first few gyms .. it isn't. It works for the *rock* gym but the second one is a *grass* gym - I used *flying* to beat that. What good is Steel anyway? I have not noticed it to be effective against anything. I'll post my friend code as soon as I find my wi-fi dongle. It looks like you can't generate one without connecting. EDIT: Code is now sigged. For those who like to copy/pase my code into all your important documents, it's 2749 7572 0013 -
Pokémon is nice. Classic, addictive, familiar.
ANTIGRAVITY - new album available / new zircon website!
Drack replied to zircon's topic in Post Your Original Music!
This sounds fantastic! Preordered. -
[quote='[\()/];261886']Super Paper Mario is pretty awesome. The script is GOLD. Oh jesus im at the dating game part this is too surreal
What's wrong with speed mods? It's the same set of steps. How you see the arrows should be a preference. What's wrong with customizing how they are displayed? If a song has a BPM such that it's hard to distinguish note lengths, is that really supposed to be part of the challenge? I think the challenge should be around timing and hitting the arrows, not in seeing WHAT to hit. If speed mods make a song easier, you better believe I'm gonna use em.