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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Unfortunately that isn't the first time a publisher has said the same thing, with Activision(or rather a former employee) making that statement circa 2010. Ultimately it goes back to the point about the industry being respondent to trends that sell. Want games featuring realistic female protagonists? Enough people need to actually buy them, and judging from a lot of comments on that article, I'd wager that won't be happening any time soon, but I'm not going to sit around and blame the industry for that.
  2. I don't think there's a single person here that is saying sexism isn't a problem in video games. The fact that they aren't agreeing with the idea that the DiD trope as being particularly harmful is what I've seen mostly here(as in ocremix.org). If you're generalizing some kind of refusal to acknowledge sexism in videogames as a thing, well I don't know what to say about that. Yes yes, youtube has a high audience. Again, how many of them are watching this specific series of videos, have a passing interest in gaming beyond Angry Birds, and actually care about the issue in the first place that don't aren't aware on some level of the issue? I'm pretty sure you'll see that number start to diminish greatly. I'm sure there are some people watching that are actually being informed, but not a "top 5 websites on the internet"-worthy amount. As for people participating in this debate, it's pretty much all the usual suspects. I'm not seeing a surge in forum members due to this thread. Activity? Yeah, but I can't think of anything anyone here has said anything new outside of Coup's articulate post on the DiD trope.
  3. Honestly though, who IS her audience? How many laymen are actually watching what she's saying, and more importantly, caring? My mom just figured out how to use Youtube on her phone a month ago. If she's trying to reach out to a layman audience and educate 'em(a worthy endeavor), then she should have used other venues other than those that only relatively tech savvy net users and gamers are fluent in. If we're her audience, then she literally has nothing new to add to the table that we don't already know and probably agree with. Thus she's just preaching to the choir, and taking money while doing so. Naturally you're right about it just being part one, but if I recall, another example of trope she's going to talk about is the "fighting fuck toy". OK? Welcome to circa early 90's(Mortal Kombat II Kitana/Mileena)? I don't really know that we're going to get to a profound level of discussion, especially if a large portion of the target victim(ostensibly women) don't choose to participate anyway.
  4. The biggest flaw I see with pointing these things out is the following: Other people have pointed out the existence of these tropes already. This isn't new ground, and at this point it isn't worth discussing them unless we look at the causes, effects, and solutions therein. Otherwise it's pretty superfluous and, as Arek pointed out, a cash grab.
  5. I HAVE TO BE A JERK!!!! ...I'm sorry for being a jerk.
  6. Terra isn't "helpless" because she was female; she was "helpless" because up until the starting point of the game, she was essentially a mute doll used as the bringer of mass destruction by a lunatic while feeling the alienation being the spawn of a union between a human woman and what is essentially a monster. The fact of the matter is that for whatever reason there were mostly male characters, ergo they'd be the people she'd reach out to, but there were several instances where she reached out to Celes as well. Her entire "shtick" is her coming to terms with and eventually overcoming those issues throughout the game's entirety. Good job completely demolishing a great character to fit into a trite and myopic argument.
  7. So Castlevania Mirror of Fate is pretty damn enjoyable.
  8. I don't really think God of War should be called out specifically on this front because God of War is pretty much ridiculously offensive and disgusting on pretty much every front; it caters to the very lowest wrung of common denominator, comic book-loving dregs there is. It's also disheartening to see video responses on Youtube that do a terrible job of both defending and attacking her video.
  9. We're delving way off-topic here, but I guess ultimately my issue is the following: yes, video games are the "domain of men" if we look at consumer statistics. What do you propose we do about it? People play or don't play video games for a multitude of reasons that could be completely unrelated to sexist perceptions. Back on topic, here's to seeing how she's able to develop her argument and to hoping that her kickstarter wasn't just an excuse to get people to pay for a lot of games for her.
  10. Well the 3DS bit was more of a dumb little quip than anything else, but I think it still serves to illustrate to a degree what I feel cultural relevance means: something that is widespread to the point of consuming or defining a zeitgeist. Games are definitely eons bigger of a deal than they were even 10 years ago, that is true, but outside of the casual markets and those that buy their Call of Duty or Madden every year, I honestly don't feel that the "core" market - the "gamers" that consume the largest glut or variety of games, has grown much at all as much as they've mostly just gotten older and opened bigger checking accounts. That's the point I was alluding to earlier; The actual market for the types of games we enjoy is growing about as fast as it did when we were young, which is to say not as fast as bean counters and NPDs would have you believe. Of course I also don't think that the examples of games you point out are anywhere close to being over-sexualized. And I'm no internet dad, but look at what you're doing by immediately antagonizing BS's post, thus killing any hope for a meaningful dialog with him on the subject. Stop being so maddeningly defensive all the time.
  11. I really want to agree with her points, but I'm waiting to see where she casts the blame; whether it's the media or actual consumers. I've gone on enough "publishers vs. consumers" rants here to last a lifetime, so I'll just point out the main points in my thesis which honestly should be self-evident to anyone with an IQ above 100: Consumers consume things. Consumers like sex ergo consumers will buy/consume sex. Media companies sell things that consumers like, ergo they sell sex. It therefore stands to reason that if consumers stop buying sex, then media companies will stop selling it, along with a slew of other things that people here seem to dislike. She mentions in her video that video games are becoming more and more culturally relevant. Ignoring the fact that were this true, I'd be street passing MANY times more people on my 3DS which I'm not, it totally ignores the "feedback loop" between media and consumer(AKA the above point), not to mention that she's going to have a hard time defending her(personally speaking) seemingly one-sided case when she talks about the art and aesthetic side of the whole argument. I'll be watching and hoping, but also keeping my expectations relatively stable.
  12. I can understand where you're coming from as I thought Order of Ecclesia was fantastic, but at the same time I feel that the series needed the Lords of Shadow "branch" desperately; the series hasn't been pulling in the big numbers in awhile and needed that mainstream(or at least larger audience) bump. Who knows? Maybe with a wider audience and great 3DS sales, Konami will get IGA or a qualified successor to bring the SoTN-style back with beautiful 2D backgrounds and deep RPG mechanics(and maybe some LoS-inspired combat!). It's a shame that Mercury Steam already said they wanted to move on from Castlevania after Lords of Shadow 2, because I really feel that a more "traditional"(I guess) experience a la Order of Ecclesia/Aria of Sorrow Metroidvania could reasonably coexist with the more combat and platforming of Lords of Shadow without cannibalizing sales figures. Oh well... Back on the 3DS hype train!!!
  13. I also liked those snippets. Game is great! Also, so Castlevania Lord of Shadow: Mirror of Fate plays pretty nicely/ Gonna be grabbing that ASAP. Also Etrian Odyssey IV has been grabbed, and I'll comment on it once I get a chance to play more than 10 minutes! Go go, 3DS library!
  14. Yeah, when I finally get through the game(the data wipe thing happened AGAIN!), I'll probably be playing it on insane difficulty. After you level up your characters a certain amount and advance enough classes, I feel like the game gets a little broken. Of course you can still get swarmed and destroyed if you aren't careful enough, so maybe that's normal. Either way, I'm having fun just trying to improve my strategies in previous chapters. Who needs Brain Training when you have Fire Emblem making you feel like a dumbass?
  15. Well today is the best day for a birthday! It is mine as well, after all! Happy birthday to you as well ashamee! I better be gettin' some o' dat birthday cake too, Mirby!
  16. Somebody needs a RAM upgrade... 4 gigs ain't cuttin' the mustard it seems...
  17. There's an option for that in the in-game menu I believe where you can turn voices off.
  18. Alright, my crew and I are going to Tonberry.
  19. Well if the exploration video they showed comparing the PS3 and PC versions is any indication, the PS3 version is going to perform slightly above that score you got. Of course it still needs a ton of optimization, so naturally they're definitely going to work on making sure it looks as best as possible, but unfortunately it seems that the PS3 just can't handle what a PC can. Take heart, though! The engine itself seems to be pretty able to scale well as advertised, as someone on the official forums that ran the benchmark on a Surface Pro(MS' "deluxe" model of their new tablet) got over 1500+ points on medium settings I believe, and that's on an Intel HD4000 graphics chipset on a TABLET of all things! Yeah, the beta client dropped as per Brushfire's post shortly after the latest live letter concluded. Download it and be ready for Monday!
  20. It's a little bit disconcerting when I pair up Tharja and Anthony(my avatar), only to see one of my own DAUGHTERS in that get up! It's actually kind of funny though how those girls are pretty much what I'd imagine my own daughters to be like: One a somewhat eccentric prankster and the other an overly meek, slightly "unbalanced" guinea pig. And I've pretty much broken the game at this point with my overpowered bruiser of a Donnel. I can pretty much just let him take the brunt of about a dozen soldiers at once and not feel a damn thing. Pretty funny, but still cheesy. Right now I'm at Cha. 19, but I'm having fun turning my entire army into one giant soap opera with girls going crazy for one dude or the next, and pitting sisters against eachother. Makin' babies!
  21. I would hope they're receptive to the trends in recent MMOs within reason. I'm personally fine with subscription models because I like supporting the company and the idea that the money is to ensure the game runs smoothly and to make sure it's up to par. Obviously since I'm not in the industry(yet), I have no idea whether or not that's total bullcrap, but I'm certainly not opposed to a certain degree of free to play coexisting with subscription models. I think LoTRO did alright with that hybrid and it seems that it's helping out TOR(which I think is totally worth the sub). Just introduce a cash shop with cosmetic stuff, xp boosts, content packs and whatever, but make sure that a large portion if not all of that stuff is readily accessible to the subs without creating massive imbalance for either side. I'm all up for companies making money for making good products, and whatever works for SE that doesn't screw over consumers is OK in my book. I'd be one of the subscribers anyway. Also the highest I got on the benchmark was around 8000 at 720p and around 6000 at my monitor native of 1600x900. If you guys are having any frame-rate issue at all, I'd suggest toning down ambient occlusion first. That can make a difference of around 400 points or so.
  22. Well I'll be updating the first post of the thread with this info, but Square-Enix recently went on a media tour for the purpose of promoting the game before beta starting, and Joystiq's massively.com has quite the smorgesborg of videos and articles detailing many systems and aspects of the game. Several key elements are videos describing what I see as an excellent solution to a gamepad control scheme, as well as comparison vids between PC and PS3 showing new videos. Poor, unoptimized PS3 version... Anyway, here's the link. I still haven't gone through all of the articles, but have at it! http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/02/21/massivelys-comprehensive-preview-of-final-fantasy-xiv-a-realm/
  23. Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV are totally different games, sir. It would have been nice however if they'd keep that discounted rate for subscribing to both like they had for awhile.
  24. Yessir, beta is finally upon us! Good luck to those who are already invited or who are waiting for an invite, remember to have fun, and give any and all feedback you may feel is constructive to making the game that much better. Can't wait for my shot at it. On the official forums side of things, people are losing their shit about people with Legacy status with such mantras as "it sucks! why didn't I get in!? it's not fair!" and "Legacy shouldn't exist!" and other wonderfully banal and ridiculous posts. Sorry guys. SE was very forthcoming with information about, selection criteria, and relevant dates for the Legacy campaign. Bloody thing lasted a year and a half, and you didn't even need to actually be active in the game to qualify; just pay the subscription for 3 consecutive months, and I'm told they didn't even need to be consecutive! Internet and video gamer entitlement...
  25. Also buttons, or at the very least user-intuitive interfaces. It's funny, because games like TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, Final Fantasy(take your pick), Chrono Trigger, and even games like Starfox 643D show that traditional games could easily work on touch smartphones. All they'd really need to do is just say "screw you" to games requiring sticks because those devices aren't about that, and add buttons that would essentially just be shoulder buttons a la L/R. But this ain't the iOS thread! I pretty much agree with Brushfire; casuals latching on to the Wii was more a fluke than anything else, and they really gave "false numbers" if you will as to how large the gaming community really is in my opinion. Trying to latch on to or count these types of gamers into your bottom line as a company doesn't really seem like a solid idea. Sure, Zinga was making that crazy money in the short term, but now look where they're at. And I still really think that dev costs are going to pose a lot of problems going into the next generation with Sony and Microsoft's new hardware.
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