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Everything posted by realpolitik

  1. http://dl2.e-officedirect.com/fruityloops/Manual/GettingStartedManualv5English.zip FL newbies: read this shit. it'll solve 90% of your problems, no joke
  2. I do believe, that having asked such an unbeleiveable question, nobody will answer until you read the help file. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, READ THE HELP FILE. PLEASE. needs more noobhate. Channels>Add One>>clicky clicky on teh generatorrz btw, there are actually crap guitar samples in the Strings folder under Packs. don't use them ever. cheers
  3. http://rapidshare.de/files/16516110/fhbeats.rar.html [192k MP3, 44khz, 487KB total] six fresh, hot beats, wrapped for easy use with the FL Slicer and stuff. feel free to use these in your own productions, just give me some credit. any feedback on production would totally be rad. be brutal. cheers
  4. Software: -FL Studio 5 -E-MU Patchmix DSP VSTs: -Vanguard -z3ta+ -T-Racks EQ Hardware: -M-Audio Oxygen8 midi controller -E-MU 1820M soundcard/interface -Beyerdynamic DT-250-80 monitoring headphones
  5. I've done that before, and it doesn't really sound different, not with FL's bundled synths anyway. maybe it's just me.
  6. You're probably thinking of monophony. When more than one note is played at the same time in monophonic mode, it'll slide up and sound nice. Portamento is like a lighter version of this.
  7. i think it's velocity sensitive and hammer-weighted. the piano sound kinda sucks tho D:
  8. There's also a z3ta+ preset that makes a kinda nice vinyl plate texture. cheers
  9. old old old old seen this like, 20 times on tranceaddict and stuff. btw, she doesn't actually use the keyboards, she's just a collector apparently. still, it would be pretty sweet to own that much gear.
  10. The included samples are free to use in your productions, but you can't like, sell a sample CD of them or something. Why would you want to anyway? D:
  11. lol i hope you're kidding. show me the soc way then D:
  12. yes. ^ how to add a generator. ^how to add an effect to a generator. damn.
  13. Channels > Add one> clicky clicky the one you want you should probably download the FL Getting Started manual from the FL Studio site. cheers
  14. click on the generator and you'll see a little box in the upper-right hand corner that says FX. double-click that and assign it to a mixer channel. then on that corresponding mixer channel just lay down any effects you want and a winner is you. keep in mind that you can assign more than one generator to a mixer channel, too. cheers
  15. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Recording/Monitors/Headphones?sku=605250 flattest frequency response i've ever seen from a monitor. cheers
  16. http://www.kvraudio.com all you need if you're looking at the free path oh, and http://www.hammersound.net Combine those two and someday you'll sound like chthonic or darke. cheers
  17. OHHH YEAAAH Sony MDR-7506
  18. lol, that was my point exactly, that the commercial versions of superwave are way more cpu efficient. wish i had some money... D:
  19. Theoretically, commercial VSTs are much more CPU efficient than free, cheaply made ones [for example VST made with SynthEdit]. That's assuming that there's a commercial version of the VST made with Synthedit, which pisses me off like you would not believe. freaking superwave D: anyway, i was kinda referring to z3ta_ and v-station as far as the effiency thing... those two are cpu killers for sure. so yeah, get at least a gig still. 2 gigs is hella dandy too.
  20. Depends on what you're planning to run. Are you planning on running 6+ instances of commercial VSTs? Go for at least a gig.
  21. game, set, and match. I'm assuming you were talking about the buffer underrun thing for the sampling... if not, then turn down the samplerate until your final export. Secondly, go to your mixer and click on "Switch Smart Disable." Thirdly, upgrade your RAM. 256 isn't going to cut it.
  22. i'll just say that its versatility is a tradeoff. if you're looking to make trance, its only real forte is bass. other than that, the synth leads are kinda weak. nice arps, though.
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