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Everything posted by realpolitik

  1. after doing what myf described you take the section of reverb on the tail and reverse it so it sounds like this. yeah dude.
  2. nice one myf just simple gated reverb son. used in like, hardstyle/hard trance on the kickdrums and claps all the time, except it's reversed.
  3. killed it. compy's was better.
  4. your english is amazing. btw ghettoflame i think he just wants a bass guitar sound. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1372.html the best bass guitar emulation i know of.
  5. the v7000's are apparently crap. the general consensus ive drawn from tranceaddict, trance.nu, blah blah blah go for the mdr-7506/v6s. same model basically. cheers
  6. not to mention sakura. but yeah, the subtle differences are kinda a big deal. especially with marth and roy.
  7. in before the lock OMG TEH FROOTYLOOPZ!!!111 btw audacity is only good for fades and normalization.
  8. i have a casio mt-500 from my dad. its pretty much a toy, i couldn't picture making serious music with it.
  9. Just ask zircon. zircon has every vst known to mankind. he pretty much sucked before he got them. dont believe me? listen to his green greens mix on vgmix when it goes back up.
  10. first thing that came to mind with that description: http://www.purevolume.com/preschoolteapartymassacre lol can any of you actually scream/growl?
  11. are you sure? anyway, giving you the benefit of the doubt, try reinstalling your drivers.
  12. lololololololol you silly little pirate you. and i'm pretty sure that's why it's not working. btw ask multiple questions in one topic, you damn topic whore. cheers
  13. purchased? are you sure you didnt "acquire" FL XXL? hmm? because if you did that might be the problem.
  14. hit me up on aim/msn for some goa-psy-style kicks, i have a bunch. add a 303 emulator and some pwm shit and youre good.
  15. In a world where 50 Cent rules the music charts, the DK Rap really deserves more respect. naw. the only good part was the distorted Funky Part. the rest was pretty gay. btw strike911, those suggestions were hot.
  16. spam looool btw their free samples are actually pretty hot. +1 for the claps/gated claps
  17. fuck your triple post noob. btw all caps are an eyesore. just make the notes overlap and put on monophony, it'll glide.
  18. personally, i just kinda let my emotions flow onto the paper... narrative lyrics are kinda lame imo. apparently the lead singer of thursday, geoff rickly, got some imagery in his lyrics from novels: btw thursday's lyrics are effing awesome.
  19. 16 in July. You can make HOT shit with only FL and free plugs. cheers
  20. recently found out this one myself... tools>macros>switch smart disable cheers edit: to fenzark, just make the notes shorter in the piano roll or shorten the decay time. what plugin are you using?
  21. it would be hella tight if shirts got a redesign. like, saying "ocremix" wrapped kinda around the side, like "emo" band shirts. yeah dude.
  22. omg teh sgx project5 plug ohnoes FL is a great starting point, but you'll need to get better samples and pick up some VSTs or soundfonts if you want to make some decent sounds.
  23. I think the main problem is your samples. Save up for Vengeance Essential Clubsound Vol. 1. yeah dude. cheers
  24. haha, you just reminded me of my FL noob days you can't change a soundfont with automation, looool just make a duplicate soundfont player
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