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Everything posted by realpolitik

  1. http://deadmountainmouth.googlepages.com/prc66.mp3 hey all, back from a long hiatus, glad to be back :] basically last night i realized my computer doesn't have the power to make the kind of trance i ideally want to so omgohnoes, youre going to hear some florestan in there. haha. constructive criticism desperately wanted. is one particular element too loud? more variation after the drums kick in? anything is dandy, hell, i'll even take unconstructive criticism. cheers -realpolitik
  2. quite possibly the most unoriginal, lifeless use of vanguard i've ever heard. not worth the download. at all. sorry.
  3. you have 10.fucking.posts. come back when people actually know who you are :/
  4. this project is going to fail, fucking horribly. you have NO cred. NO star power. you have numbers in your name you don't have any proven remixing skill. this is destined to fail... Pi whatev's is working because of an amazing concept. you should post on the forums more, get a reputation before you go starting a full-scale project like this. srsly.
  5. thanks for the insight zircon I was planning to be using mostly cpu-intensive vsts such as V-Station and z3ta+, Absynth, that kinda thing, not sample-based vsts like Atmosphere. so in that case, would a better processor be more beneficial?
  6. So my birthday came around early this month and I've been wanting to upgrade my amazingly underpowered comp for a long time. so i was wondering... To run a higher number of VSTs, which is more beneficial, more RAM or a faster processor? because i was under the impression RAM controlled everything and hemo said that vsts are more based on the processor whereas samples are based on ram. so what is the actual truth about this? cheers
  7. thats kinda the thing you generally keep to yourself there buddy.
  8. No, we are actually talking about techno here. I hope you're kidding because the differences between Breaks, Techno, and Hip-Hop are huge, as I've already pointed out. Xelebes actually knows his techno. youd best drop out while you still have hope doomsday
  9. yeah i kinda thought a 69yr old wouldnt say homophoipce
  10. 14, got FL4 as a birfday present without ever using it before two years later here i am now score.
  11. i change my choice i want the master hand theme from super smash bros. i'm listening to the source right now and this would make bitchin' hard trance/ :]]
  12. im interested in this. add the giygas theme from earthbound. +iclaimit if you have any questions about my mixing capability hit me up on aim cheers
  13. it asks how liontamer's fro smells ew. btw #ocrwip is amazingly dead.
  14. i think i saw someone else who did something really close to this. it might've been him. amazing stuff anyway.
  15. or you could use Izotope Vinyl i just picked it up last night, nifty stuff.
  16. sampled monophonic string(s)?
  17. whatever you say cutie. <3 btw im not being original or something here. get FL.
  18. NO in before lock lol FL > that shit.
  19. sorry to break your hopes and dreams but i doubt youll be good to go after just having the basic melody "memerized" spellcheck lawl theres kinda learning the program and making an actual arrangement and stuff. "memerizing" the melody takes 5 minutes.
  20. i was under the impression you had to be currently mixing something to post in this thread but i guess not currently working on: -star stealing girl prog trance -nineko's super hang-on request (kinda hard trance) -vectorman hard trance -possible collab with e-concerto on crashing castle well WAS working on back in the day. to do: -something from earthbound. -smrpg proj mix -e-concerto's proj mix mmhmm son.
  21. QFE haha. according to the image-line site there will never be an osx version of fruity so yeahh get reason and rewire into cubase/logic for most of your synth needs then buy some hot sample cds and you should be set.
  22. amazingly comprehensive. nice work
  23. it's called field kinda nifty.
  24. those aren't monitoring headphones dude those are open headphones used for listening, not monitoring. whatever works for you i guess.
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