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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Meh, you can believe what you want I'm just letting people know how I feel.
  2. Wow you are a quick one! 5 minutes after my post! Got this thread on check I see. Well if people think I'm an idiot, more power to them. I don't care what people think. Especially on the internet.
  3. I liked it and I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot. I went into the theatre and saw what I wanted to see. More Transformers and more action. I'm pretty satisfied.
  4. Only thing I absolutely fucking hated about the first and second movie is that an alien robot race with superior weaponry and technology are getting their ass kicked by human weaponry?! Fuck that man. I love America and our bad ass military, but for shits sake. We needed that ass kicking and firepower in that piece of shit people call Cloverfield.
  5. Old news? This was just today. Perhaps the idea of a new season in the works? Anyways. I knew they were gonna make enough money from "Beyond the Wild Green Yonder" to start up another season. As for all the theories for when/where it will take place… Well ya got me. They went off into the wormhole. Fry and Leela are "chill". Who knows. Break out the cham-pag-ne!
  6. You'll get over it. Happens to me all the time.
  7. That is most certainly correct! I would play this game for hours just for the soundtrack. I think an Ape Escape ReMix Project should be done. To the point. The remix was great. I enjoyed it very much. Good memories.
  8. Awesome. I want a mah Wailord to follow me.
  9. Are you fucking kidding me? That was like the best part. As soon as they showed him everybody in the theater just laughed. Hilarious. Didn't even have to say anything. The only part I thought was bad was right in the damn beginning. Was it really necessary to show George Kirk flying towards the camera when he crashed into Nero's ship? So dumb and messed up.
  10. Wow that was incredible. It felt good listening to it. A remix that I really like the taste of. I'm sure there a ways to improve it and make it better. Can't wait till an end result.
  11. Never liked Star Trek. Don't know a damn thing about it. But it was a damn good movie. Won't convert me to a Trekker but it was a really good movie.
  12. Can't wait to hear the updated version of Route 11. I can almost feel the tears coming on. Beautiful.
  13. Now to get AmIEViL back.
  14. If you knew why then you'd understand. All I can say is that it was ridiculous. Thanks for changing it though. For that I'll buy you a shot.
  15. All right I sent my message.
  16. Poor Gameshark. I had so much fun with it.
  17. Okay just as a reminder. My Gamertag is Hum4n After All Just made my Capcom Unity account my username on there is Hum4nAfterAll (no spaces) Let's do this!
  18. Oh yeah I forgot to mention this. What is this? Do I have to be a part of it to enter?
  19. I'm down for this. My gamertag is Hum4n After All So the demo is out? I'll change my motto and DL it when I get home from class.
  20. Good lord. What is going on here? I never said I wanted it listed. I just wanted price suggestions. Is that so hard to understand. Thanks to those who gave suggestions. But holy cunt man.
  21. Well no duh I saw your post. Why else would I quote it? It's the fact you said "you're selling it to us." Did you not understand what I was implying? Did you use your eyes?
  22. Suggestions.
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