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electric concerto

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Everything posted by electric concerto

  1. I think I can do something with "I am Impact". Sweet song to test the unknown Japanese Pop genre with.
  2. I love these types of covers. I must warn you, though, that this isn't OCR material. They no like covers so much...
  3. I just crapped myself. Amazing work! Nothing to critique here.
  4. This is very close. Only things I can suggest is changing the instruments up for change, and ditch the fade out. Other than that, damn good music!
  5. Second verse should be a somewhat original take on the song. Third verse should include some originality too. Try to create a better ending than fade out. Production-wise, my only complaint is it's too compressed/limited. I want to hear the flow of the song without the pulsing the drums are doing to everything else. Just my opinion on it. So awesome otherwise.
  6. Urg... Not exactly how I was planning to run this lol. Lots of PMs sent with no bites... I got a couple, but unless we find a way to gain more interest, we're at a stalemate here... Just hang with me, we'll get this bird off the ground.
  7. I've got a WIP for you so that you can hear the progress. http://alonetone.com/djeconcerto/tracks I'm calling it Laundry Day Workout.
  8. Let me see what I can do for you. I love the SMB sound track, although I was planning something from Banana Blitz. Let me knock something out for you.
  9. Welcome to the project, Sbeast!
  10. I do, but I'll keep you in mind as backup. Do you have any examples of your work?
  11. I'd like to welcome SkyRiderX back to the project! Also, we have FinaleCadence after I saw a very incredible example of his work. We have Gregory Nazarian joining us as an electric guitarist after a very cool audition, and with his help, we should have some profession sounding work for the album. Welcome aboard guys!
  12. Recruiting has been restarted! Send your auditions my way and lets get this show on the road!
  13. Hi everyone! Sorry this project ended up collecting dust (dang it all) but I'm ready to tackle (heh) this again. Let me know if you're interested!
  14. Hmmm. I like what you're going after, but this song has some issues I hope you can iron out. The beginning hurts my ears: the organ synth just clashes too much. Try less delay or reverb and maybe some EQing. The clap is WAY too loud. I suggest maybe a lower frequency and slightly less volume to make it less distracting. You can still have a punchy clap without it being too much. Overall, the mix is good, but a bit boring the first half. I like how you started mixing it up after that, but I was ready to switch songs halfway through. There are some other issues, but I think this might be a good place to start. Baby steps.
  15. I want to hear this, but I'm not opening any webpage that Google says contains malware.
  16. I'm putting this up for Mod Review. Hopefully I can get some more feedback to help me finish this up. Feeling pumped after the Super Mario 64 album release!
  17. I don't know. It seemed like there was a bunch of background noise, probably coming from the hi-hat. Something was off, and I think it could have been a tad cleaner. Other than that, sounds good!
  18. Source is simply the original song. And just copy the address bar of soundcloud instead of using their share option. Try this soundfont: http://www.gamefront.com/files/21458874/SGM-V2.01.sf2 It has some really good sound quality instruments, hence, its monstrous size. There are some really good free VSTs out there, if you're willing to search a bit for them. Play with the EQ. Play with the stereo. Listen to other songs and analyze their sounds. For now, though, focus on the arrangement. The mastering will come over time as you relink your remix.
  19. Piano sounds kind of thin. I like pianos to be full and warm, especially in this style of music. I hear a couple sour notes in there. Nothing too drastic, but if you were trying to go for majestic, these notes are not it. Try to stick to your key when you get to the ambitious parts and you got something going. You need some sort of change up in there. The song begins to get a little stale, and it's a shame. Put in some kind of change in song flow to keep it interesting, because right now it's something I want to fall asleep to, but not enjoy.
  20. Two things right off the bat: Please include a link to the source and please do not use tiny urls. It makes people reluctant to click on it (Tiny urls are notorious for viruses). Alright, so some cleaning up of the instruments is in order. They also sound too fake. Maybe some EQing and effects could fix those up. I recommend some banjo in there somewhere. Just my personal opinion. Other than that, add some more originality and you're good to go!
  21. Nothing to complain about here, which is a first for me. Awesome performance, awesome arrangement, tight production. Sounds ready for submission to me.
  22. I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by "excitement". I'm talking about elements in the song that interrupt the flow in a way to keep it interesting. It can be ambient smooth pads meant to relax you, but without some sort of shift in flow, the song becomes boring and unexciting. I'm looking for that next stop in the proverbial bus route that wakes me up from the stupor of the train ride. Know what I mean?
  23. Just... Oh, and Only complaint I have... sorry... Anyway, I don't want to be a stone in this glass slipper, but something about the high end is killing this masterpiece... I think piano music like this needs to be more warm, and the high end is poking at my sides like a sharp stick. But other than that... :D:D:D
  24. Source: The song needs more low end from that bass. The remix sounds... empty. Also, it's boring. Hate to put it like that, but I feel no excitement like I did in the source. I guess you need more dynamics, because it reminds me of a straight road in a desert with no curves, bends, or hills. Nothing to look at. The melody needs to stand out WAY more. also needs to have some ambient break downs, SOMEthing. I sense potential, but it has a ways to go.
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