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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. Haven't played Natural Selection in months but it was one of my favourite HL mods. I've been following the development of NS2 off and on for the last few years. I'm at work so I can't watch the link you posted, but I've been pretty impressed with what I've been seeing from the team so far.

  2. I dunno, even stuff like X-Men and Spider-Man had pretty poor production values and writing compared to modern stuff.

    I won't deny that, but I do feel it was a large step away from the stuff we watched in the late 80's and early 90's, and a step in the right direction if you ask me (except for the last season of Spider-Man anyway. Good god was that aweful).

  3. Yeah, but I think that's because that's what we were watching when we were younger. And you know what? Late 80s/early 90s cartoons really don't hold up. I was the biggest TMNT fan when I was a kid. Absolutely loved it. Had the action figures, the toys, the whole nine yards. But watching it now is downright painful... the voice acting, the writing, the animation quality, everything is just worse than virtually any modern 'action' cartoon. Same goes for a lot of other series.

    I have to agree with this, though I think there were some great cartoons in the mid-late 90's that still hold up. Reboot, Beast Wars, Batman, X-Men, and Spider-Man come to mind right now as ones that were enjoyable as a child, and stood out to me even back then for not treating kids like complete morons even if they did have their campy moments. And of course, some of this carried into the early-mid 2000's where we had shows like the remade TMNT, and Justice League.

    There's been a fair few cartoons over the years that were not only among my absolute favourites as a child, but also held up over time because they didn't treat their audience like they were complete idiots.

  4. Also, am I the only person who just doesn't care what map we're on? Seriously, I play whatever's set in front of me. Some have their pros, some have their cons, but I just have fun wherever I am.

    I'm with you on that. There are some I like less than others, but I find the way the teams are working together is often a bigger factor in how much I'm enjoying the game. Mind you, some people just don't know how to work together on some maps, but usually things are pretty good. I'm really just happy as long as there's a good fight taking place for the objectives that isn't a stalemate due to poor design (and to be fair, I don't think there are any instances of a stalemate happening that couldn't be overcome with a little more team coordination on official maps, though some are harder than others).

  5. Was it something like

    I ask because when I looked at some official gameplay of the actual creature it looked way too easy and slow to be killed by it...

    At work right now so I can't watch youtube videos, but the creatures I'm talking about tended to be within maybe ten feet by the time you noticed them, and using anything other than the shotgun to kill them usually meant they'd pounce at you and kill you before you put enough bullets in them to stop them.

    It didn't happen all the time, but if you happened to be looking in the wrong direction when they showed up you'd usually find yourself hitting continue and trying again.

  6. FYI, I leave for Taiwan on July 9th, so if we're going to scrim after that, I won't be able to since my laptop = fail.

    Now that you mention it, I should also point out that I'll be out of town from July 19 to August 10th more or less for courses and will be unable to play. I'll also be busy the weekend of July 10th, but only because I'd be killed were I to skip my wedding and ditch family and friends to play TF2 (or so I've been told). Aside from those, any time should work for me as long as we're setting something up a few days in advance.

  7. I bought Killzone 2 and absolutely hated it. That is until about 6 hours into the game. It forces you to use a completely different style of play that I've never used before. This is due to the terrible controls that is supposed to make the guns feel heavy. I found out that the best thing you can do in the single player campaign is to keep firing at the enemies cover while running up to it and walking beside them and melee-ing (the only thing that you can actually hit with) them to death. I haven't tried any of the online play yet because I'm having way too much fun with resistance 2 online.

    I had no trouble playing through Killzone 2 firing from cover the way they intended. The guns aren't half as innacurate as you make them sound, and the multiplayer relies pretty heavily on more traditional run and gun tactics which work surprisingly well given how the single player plays.

    Also, I will agree that Resistance 2 online is great for the co-op mode. Competitive is pretty standard fare just with more people than you'll find on your typical console FPS. The single player was a huge let down for me though. The story was pretty boring and so poorly told that I often had little idea where I was or why. The pacing was also pretty bad if you ask me. Maybe I'm just being picky there, but the game rarely built up any excitement for me, and by the time I was getting pumped fights would be over. Or I'd run into parts so unfairly difficult that I was dying frequently for reasons largely beyond my control and just get frustrated. Case in point; the invisible enemies that one hit kill you if you don't kill them in that whole second and a half warning you get.

  8. Wait, why don't we like Sudden Death? Without it, we won't have stupidly tense moments, only to laugh when Chadly's mouse runs outta batteries.

    If it's at all up for a vote, +1 to bringing back sudden death.

    Agreed. I can't recall anyone ever really getting pissed about it, and considering it rarely takes more than a few minutes and can lead to some awesome moments for all I see no reason to disable it. Of course, if a majority of people disagree with me then it's no skin off my nose to have it disabled.

  9. The major qualm I have with about 90% of backburner pyros, is that their only concern is themselves, and their own stats. I can appreciate their effectiveness, but the ability to break up or neutralize ubers, and to a much lesser extent extinguish players, makes them the most useful team support class in the game.

    Sure, you probably won't die if you just run away from or past an ubered couple. This is because you aren't typically the interest of an uber. They're goal to fuck up your sentries and engineers. So if you believe that one death in you KPD ratio is more important that 2 engies, 2 sentries, 2 dispensers, and possibly 2 teles.... then it's the ideal weapon.

    You get no credit for stopping ubers, but instead of being the point leader of the losing team, you're more likely to be on the winning team.

    If it makes you feel any better, I was never very good at breaking up ubers anyway. Typically if someone sees me running at them with a flamethrower ready to try and blow them away I'm dead by the time I'm in range. And if they're smart, even when they don't see me coming they're usually in a decent position for one air blast to do nothing.

    So since I suck at breaking up Ubers, I value staying alive to help spy check, and ignite more enemy players en mass far more than my (in)ability to take on an Uber pair. I'm much better at ambushing and taking out large groups, hence my preference for a weapon that let's me do it more effectively, and keep me in the game longer before I have to wait 15 seconds to respawn. A lot can happen in 15 seconds. I once went afk for 30 to answer the phone really quick on Dustbowl and we went from having held the first point until there was maybe a minute and change left to a spy stabbing me in the face in spawn by the time I got back.

    The fact that I will gladly switch classes to fill gaps in a team, even when I suck at said classes and spend the rest of a round getting my butt handed to me until someone better takes up that class says how much I care about a few extra points.

    The backburner suits my style of play when I play Pyro, hence I use it and am more useful to the team because of it. Besides, with the number of people who use the standard flamethrower, there's usually at least one other Pyro there for when an Uber comes rolling in.

  10. Most people are so far up the flame throwers ass now just cause you can blow out other people. I say, fuck that. Here's a better idea, don't get set on fire :)

    But seriously though, I don't play pyro like most people. Most peoples idea of pyroing is run in, set people on fire, die. I play it as an ambush class. I hide around corners, drop down from high up, anything to get behind a large group of people, especially on payload maps. If I can get behind a cart, I can wipe them out in seconds. Thats why most of my days on the stats are listed as 80 to 100+ kills with backburner on whatever days I play more than 10 minutes.

    Plus, pyro vs. pyro, if I move around enough, I win most of the time. Cause it'll either amount to A) the pyro using his airblast to push me back, thus killing his ammo supply, or B) he turns just enough for me to crit him.

    I'm starting to love the backburner more and more for all the reasons you listed. The most I ever used the air blast was for reflecting the occasional shot (which admittedly has saved my life a few times, but only once because I didn't have time to dodge instead) or trying to push an invulnerable medic and friend away so they'd be less effective. I've since found I die a lot less if I just flank people, drop from above, or ambush from places they really don't expect it. I'm also content to just stand behind the medic until his uber runs out and kill him and his friend without them noticing me. I'll admit that I'm a bit of a suicide pyro sometimes, but usually only when I'm fairly certain I can take three or four guys with me.

    My only problem with the backburner is that it seems to miss a lot of blatant crits for me. I seem to consistently crit more if I hit them from slightly to their side. Directly behind them seems to be a dead zone where no crits ever occur for me.

  11. Hey guys, if I happen to catch your spy-ass near our spawn trying to sap our shit and I don't fall for your Dead Ringer tactics and chase you down and burn you to death, that doesn't mean you get to get on the mic and whine about W+M1. Especially you're dead-last in points on the losing team.

    Be a better spy. Don't get caught.

    Sometimes you just have to laugh. In fact, I choose to laugh every time I epicly fail as a Spy rather than piss off other players by blaming them for my sucktitude.

  12. Just a funny note - on the HLstatsX page under the awards section (http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/), it says that nobody had the most "Player Teleported." I'm pretty sure someone on Turbine said that they had 138 in one lifetime last night?

    I just noticed I had the most backburner kills yesterday. Must have been the kick ass game of Dustbowl I had. Oddly I don't usually use the backburner, but I was sick of losing pyro vs. pyro because of some guaranteed crits. Now I'm not sure I'll switch back.

  13. No. This game really is incredibly balanced. Too many engineers. A run with a half decent spy and and uber with a demo (hell, just regular fucking demo/soldierspam can take out half of 'em) should be able to at least cripple them.

    If you bitch about coordinating pubs, that is compley wrong, since all it should take 3-4 people (and we usually have 3-4 regulars per team, at least) to take down 3-4 sentries.

    And I agree completely with bleck. Sentry farming is necessary on dustbowl, since a single uber could easily wipe out 1-2 sentries. Just think how many times blu one with just a single uber + push, even when you did have 4-5 engies (that is a lot btw).

    The trick is to aim for the dispensors. If you aim for the sentries, then you are stupid and deserve to lose.

    I have to agree with all of this. Not to mention that the Huntsman is also an effective counter for sentries now. Two full charge arrows usually takes out a level 3, so as long as you can stay out of range or have a medic healing you you can make short work of engineers and their sentries. Throw a soldier or demoman into the mix and no amount of engineers are safe.

  14. In an unrelated note, how is my score quite a bit higher than Vivi, yet Vivi has a significantly better KDR?

    I'm at work so I can't check our stats, but I'd say you've either played on the server longer than I have in total, play medic a lot, or spend a lot less time getting killed by people with low scores than I do. Seems that with half of my deaths I'll drop 20 points. I tend to come out ahead though by killing people with much higher scores than me, plus all of the little points you get for assists, healing, caps, etc. Just not as far ahead as if I stopped losing a lot of points so often.

  15. Yeah, I too dont get the people that join, then after talking shit about the other team, say "Is alltalk on duuuuuuuuuuur", then leave. Way to read the server name.

    I don't get the leaving thing either, but then I'll stay on a server so long as the people are cool and the team aren't horribly unbalanced.

    I can definitely see how someone might not read the server name though. If I'm looking for a random server to play on the only things I look at are map, player count, and ping. Most server names are pretty pointless to be honest. The only time I'll ever look at it is if I like the server and want to favourite it.

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