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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. Seriously in the months I have been playing on your server, this is the first time I've ever even heard that you have the rules posted somewhere. If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.

    I was more than happy to stay out of this discussion until now, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that if you or anyone else for that matter can't be bothered to take two minutes to read the MOTD before you play on the server for the first time then you pretty much forfeit any right to claim ignorance to the rules. Most servers I have ever played on post the server rules there. If someone wants to skip reading them then fine, but no one can bitch about getting in trouble for violating a rule they didn't know about simply because they're too lazy to read them.

  2. ID: STEAM_0:1:2183945 was banned for 30 minutes

    I was actually on when this ban happened, didn't think much of it at the time but I suspect we may have someone exploiting a bug in sourcemod. I'll be updating it later.

    I've removed all 30 minute bans (They don't seem to be auto-clearing?!), but I'll need to sort out the 10080s later.

    Thanks Fireslash. I jumped on the server and had no problem connecting now. Didn't mean to come off as sounding a little rude or annoyed this morning either. I mean I was annoyed, but mostly because I'm not a morning person.

  3. Can someone tell me if the server is set to auto ban if someone's ping is too high? I'm all of a sudden banned at the moment and it seemed like some sort of auto ban but I can't recall the exact message it gave me. All I can figure is that it was because my wireless router was giving me problems and my ping was spiking as high as 1900 before this happened and I fixed my connection.

    That's ok guys, I didn't really want an answer to this question; watching people argue about team stacking is much more fun than playing TF2 on the server anyway.

    Still banned this morning for the record.

  4. funniest thing ive read all day

    Funny, I had a good laugh at the idea that Sticky Spawn camping should be allowed. Then again, I usually have a good laugh at your ideas of what others should and shouldn't be allowed to do. If someone wants to melee only, it doesn't affect you. In fact, I'd be surprised if you'd even notice if you didn't see it for yourself. You'd just think the player wasn't very good, so I ask again, how is it griefing and why does it bother you? Because all I can see is that you're angry because someone did something you wouldn't, and if that isn't laughable I don't know what is.

  5. Why are people crying over this again?

    People aren't crying over this. It's only Atmuh and his somewhat skewed view of how the game should be played. Nothing to be concerned about since there's no real problem here. If he can't even explain why it bothers him adequately then I see no reason to keep arguing with him about it.

    for certain people, playing tf2 THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED and challenging and being challenged by other players as everyone betters their skills at the game is how we enjoy the game

    Have you stopped to consider that someone going melee only may be trying to better their skills at the game?

  6. Like I said in the IRC channel, if people wanna melee only, go right ahead. They can melee only themselves right into the line of fire of my sentry :D

    I'll have to agree with this. As long as it's one person going melee only, they may not be doing a lot to help the team, but at least they're not actively working against the team like engineers with useless teleporters or people who ask for an Uber then sit on their butt doing nothing when the medic deploys it. I fail to see how one person trying to melee only is any more griefing than sucking terribly at a class.

  7. The reason for this is that votescramble is unreliable and often makes matters worse. The scramble tools that we have used so far (to the best of my knowledge) only look at points and/or dominations. While this is good in theory, it is not effective for cart maps because players are rewarded for pushing the cart, but not rewarded for stopping it. In addition, a players score tends to indicate time played rather than player skill, so a great player who just recently joined could be placed on a team that does not need the extra help, and further pervert the balance.

    this is especially noteworthy when teams differ greatly in skill (less points rewarded overall) and on cart maps(disproportionate score for cart pushers).

    A more effective system would be to use player skill, which could arguably rely on HLstats or Psychostats (of which HLStats is heavily dependent on player time rather than skill) or any record keeping tools to balance the team.

    I'm not trying to say that votescramble is perfect, but if the teams are stacked there's certainly no harm in trying. For what it's worth, if I'm on a team that's just steam rolled another for more than one round, I'll usually switch at the end of the round to try and even things out what little I can.

  8. Before I go to bed I just have to say I'm getting mildly annoyed with clan stacking...

    it's rather unfair sometimes I look at the team list and I'm like "Oh the other team has 3 Zuz members might as well just stay in spawn" and so on so forth.

    I don't blame Pav to be honest because he at least attempts to break up the clan when they come on but there's one guy in particular who never leaves the side of other ZUZ members he's like a limpet he sticks to ZUZ like a rock and even goes into spectator when he can't be on a ZUZ filled team and awaits a slot with them.

    It's... vexing to say the least I know it's an issue that's been brought up before but I feel the need to say something.

    (Lol I just noticed I mention nothing but ZUZ but there are other clans that do the same I just haven't seen them for a while but the same applies there)

    Edit: Brushfire's room is freaking sweet. That is all I have to say there.

    Not just clan stacking but I've seen team stacking in general be a problem sometimes without any clans present. What amazes me is that most people would rather complain about getting rolled four times on Turbine, or even not say anything, than they'd like to try to votescramble.

    And I'll agree, Brushfires room gets my seal of approval.

    not an actual seal

  9. Deadspace contains a lot of horror scenes and elements in the gameplay. Without fail, it's the most gory game I've ever played. It's beyond mature, and frightening enough at times that even as an adult, playing it in the dark gave me the jitters. The saving face of the game is that it is a third-person shooter which makes it feel more like watching a scary movie than like being in the situation yourself. Better to hold off on it, as it does get way over the top.

    I didn't find it that gory myself. I mean yeah you sever the limbs of some weird alien mutants the whole time, but it's not even that graphic. A little spray of blood maybe and the limb falls off. There are some little cinematics that are worse than that, but they're few and far between. And I still find it hilarious that anyone can find the game scary. There's too much action for the tension to build if you ask me, and anyone's who's watched even a handful of american horror and sci-fi classics should be familiar with every trick they use already.

    Anywho, get LBP when the new edition comes out. Also pick up Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Ratchet, and probably some more I'm forgetting off the top of my head (I've been up for twenty minutes and I'm not a morning person). If you want a Resistance game, get 1. It wasn't overly original but it did what it did quite well. Resistance 2 was just a mess of poor pacing, at times unfair gameplay and a story that barely made sense.

  10. but yeah the whole concept behind giving the people that never idled halos and whatnot is pretty stupid i gotta say

    i mean ok some people dont have school or jobs or whatever and can play tf2 a lot more which increases their chance of getting a hat so whats wrong with other people that have more busy lives doing the same thing

    i could have sat in an achievement_idle server this entire time and it would have done exactly the same thing as the program and valve would have no problem with that so whats the difference seriously

    The difference is that not only are you not even playing the game to get something, you don't even have it open. The whole idea of the hats is to encourage people to play, but idle programs reward you for doing the exact opposite. I'm not saying I agree with the drop system at all, but I also don't agree with people being rewarded by circumventing it. If you want it changed, then keep harassing Valve to actually add the features that might make the system tolerable. You know, things like trading or crafting items into other items. The things they should have had in place before item drops was ever implemented.

    valve more or less rewarding, at least to some degree, the people without lives

    Actually I'd say it's the opposite to some extent in regards to the halo; the people who have lives and don't measure their self worth with funny hats obtained in an online game are being rewarded. Not that the hats aren't cool, but seriously, if I get them I get them. If I don't then I'm not going to be arsed to find whatever way I can to cheat the system and get some.

    And if you're referring to the regular hats, then gee, I wonder why Valve would reward people who actually play their game? I know it boggles my mind trying to figure out the reasoning behind such a move.

  11. just play 5 and 6 over and over again until 13 comes out

    that's better then playing 12

    9 is iffy

    X-2 is good if you like the job system and can stand a girly trio doing girly things for 40+ hours

    Anyone who doesn't like FFIX or XII has no taste whatsoever. And surely you're joking about waiting for FFXIII to come out? Frankly I'm not that impressed by it thus far.

  12. the rtv plugin is absolutely effing retarded in it's current form. is there any way to force it to only change the map if the vote is >50%? I'm sick of being sent to maps because it was a 30% majority. Especially when we did a nextmap vote early on in the map.

    I'd agree with this, except there are cases where a map is short enough to result in three or more rounds played. I don't know about you, but myself and most people tend to want a new map at around that point, and I wouldn't want to see an rtv fail when everyone's tired of a map and there's 7 minutes left.

  13. Not sure who you think you are when you're so confident in saying something like that will never happen, but I can already tell you it's already being done on the 360 with Games on Demand and XBOX Originals.

    Like I said, Sony themselves have said they won't put PS2 games on the PSN.

    Sony's a company like any other. If the profits outweight the expenditure, there's nothing that will stop them if they want to put in the infrastructure for it.

    You're right, nothing would stop them except that they don't have any intention of doing it any time soon.

    Just because you have issues managing your HDD space on your PS3 doesn't mean everybody's having the same problem (I'm definitely not) and that the demand's not there or that Sony would ever avoid trying to make money.

    Never said I have problems managing my HDD space thanks. Just said most people would be annoyed by it. Most people being the same average joe morons who thought being forced to wait five minutes for a DMC4 install was a strike against the PS3 version.

    As for a matter of bandwidth, 4GB+ downloads are nothing new these days. It's being done on XBL and Steam and other download services all the time. There is nothing unusual about this. I've reformatted my PC dozens of times and have had to redownload 20-30GB's worth of games from Steam each time if I forgot to back them up. It happens, it's just the nature of the beast. It's not much different from running out of HDD space and having to redownload games over if you want to play them again.

    Again, I agree with and have no problems with any of this. Of course I also pay the extra for the highest download limit my ISP provides. I also don't expect that most other people bother, so the people stuck at the 6GB and 20 GB levels below mine might not be as quick to re-download one game let alone several and get charged up the wazoo for it at the ISP end or have their bandwidth throttled for the rest of the month.

    I think most of us agree the issue is a matter of limitations. Every PS3 out there is gonna need to play those PS2 games somehow regardless of model and a solution to that might not come for some time.

    Agree with this as well, though if Sony can implement this on the firmware end then there's no real issue in the long run. I just don't see them offering digital distribution of PS2 titles this gen, because the public largely can't or wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but hindsight is always 20/20 and until Sony comes up with a plan to the contrary and makes it really work I'll stand by my reasoning.

    Frankly, I'd take them releasing more PSX titles on the American PSN before they worry about PS2 games. American support has been pathetic compared to what Japan has.

  14. and open up the god damned library of PS2 games onto PSN, and then charge 20 bucks for each.

    You'll never see PS2 games on the PSN for the PS3, and not just because Sony said they won't do it. I mean honestly imagine downloading multi-gigabyte files. Most games would be at least 4, and when you throw in installs for PS3 games on top of it, even a 120GB HDD is gonna fill fast. Now sure, you could always delete installs for games you're not playing at the moment, but even when I do that I often have at least 20-30 GB of install files kicking around. And what happens when you do fill the HDD with PS2 games (since one of the best game libraries ever combined with a price of 20 bucks a pop is a sure fire recipe for a full HDD)? You can delete them and download them again later, but not only is that a pain every time, but it will eat into the bandwidth limits that much of the civilized world is forced to put up with pretty fast. And since most people will never replace the HDD in the thing, buying a bigger one is a bit of a moot point.

    I won't deny that PS2 games on the PSN wouldn't be a great thing, but I don't see it happening until HDD's in consoles come a lot bigger and bandwidth caps go the way of the Dodo. You're average person complains about having to go make a sandwich while a game spends 5 minutes installing. Imagine how much they'd bitch if they had to put up with all of the little hassles involved in buying PS2 games from the PSN.

  15. My biggest gripe is that his discussion of turning was completely wrong. You can change the settings to turn with the nunchuck if you want to.

    Quick question from someone who's never played the game: If you change it to turn using the nunchuck then how would you strafe? I ask in all seriousness because I can't think of a way to remap that particular function on a Wii controller that wouldn't make it useless or at the very least highly annoying in combat. And since this isn't 1997, strafing is a pretty essential FPS movement.

  16. i really dont wanna go into my 20+ reasons why the regular flamethrower is better but it isnt really that hard to kill someone with the regular one if you catch him from behind!

    But try killing five someones in a group, say on a point, before one of them manages a solid shot to blow you to pieces. When dealing with multiple enemies at once (as I usually do as a Pyro), anything that kills them faster is preferable to being blown up.

  17. I honestly don't see how you say it's only an investment for 3-4 games, and that its future isn't as bright as the PS3. There are at least 30 games out there this very second that are definitely worth buying for the Wii, and maybe 8 for the PS3.

    I know that different people like different things and I'm fine with that, but I have to wonder about your taste in games if you can name even 15 Wii exclusives worth buying. Honestly, I've tried numerous times and can't even come close to that number.

    If anything, developers are abandoning the PS3 in droves, and the Wii's current and future lineup far and away is superior to the PS3 in every imaginable way.

    I'd question this as well, but for the same reason as above. Unless you're a fan of Metroid and Team Ninja, or liked Mario Galaxy (I didn't), there's not much outside of New Super Mario Bros. I can think of off the top of my head to look forward to.

    Also, enjoy spending $30 for movies. That's the bluray future.

    I was at Future Shop two days ago and they had tons of Blu-Rays for as little as $15 Canadian. Some really decent movies too, and considering I don't often see anything really good on DVD going for less than $10, not a bad deal. And Blu-Ray versions of new movies always seem to be at most $5 more expensive than the DVD version these days. I actually consider the difference in picture quality worth $5, and prices will only continue to go down as the format penetrates more of the market. Your argument would have carried more weight a year and a half ago, but not so much now.

  18. I still don't think anyone who doesn't post occasionally on the forums (or at least in this thread) should get a reserve slot. I don't think I've seen SpectreShot on the forums; is he even a member of the community? Or is he just some random pub/friend of a regular who started playing on the OCR server a lot?

    In any case, reserve slots should be given to people who are OCR people, not random assholes who won't shut the hell up.

    I'd be all for that myself. At least if you join the forum and post here occasionally it shows you think a little more of the TF2 community on the server than it just being a place to mic spam and whine about people not liking your mic spam.

  19. I'm actually a little irritated with Natural Selection so far.

    Maybe I just need to join servers with more people on them so I'm not myself against two enemies, but the respawn time is also a little grumblesome.

    TFC made me impatient :P

    The problem with NS now is that the last few times I picked it up it seemed the community had either largely moved on or switched to combat games which are not what Natural Selection was originally about. It was just a hybrid RTS & FPS game when it came out, though saying "it was just" doesn't do it justice. Sadly, when I last played it wasn't easy to find a more traditional game, despite it being far superior to the combat mode in my opinion. When you got a good team together with a decent commander and plenty of communication there was no other experience quite like it, and still isn't to this day if you ask me.

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