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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. there will never be a true 1:1 lightsaber game until they somehow invent a force-feedback system for your entire arm

    Agreed. Without the physical feedback it will always feel strange since clashing blades on screen will never fully correspond to what you're doing (by simple virtue of the fact that you won't hit anything). If anything, I think Sony's motion controller would actually be much better for this since it could at least have rumble and be somewhat hilt shaped.

  2. Looks like I brought this thread back to life. It's interesting how fast people grow up. It was only a few years ago that I was in High School (7 to be excat) and now I'm married, it's almost sacry how fast we grow up.

    Indeed. Looking at my join date, I didn't even have a girlfriend at the time. Weird thing is how much faster time seems to pass as I get older. Feels like yesterday I graduated high school, but it was really about six years ago.

  3. Assuming everything goes as planned (as in, we're able to schedule the wedding on that date), I'll be taking the plunge on July 10. If we can't get that date it will be sometime between now and the end of August.

    Not really nervous as much as stressed trying to get all this scheduling crap out of the way on short notice (and that's with just me, the fiancee, and our two witnesses. I can't even imagine how people stand putting together a full wedding with family and friends and all that goes with that).

  4. I would never EVER count ROMs on a thing like this.. especially with all the "complete collections" floating around. It's not only illegal, it's like a couple of thousand extra games you don't really own.


    As far as legit titles, it's been a long time since I updated my backloggery account, and several months since I last counted, but I was well into the 200's last I checked. Like Anso though, if we count collections it'd be even higher.

  5. Guess the trading system will strictly be for hats.

    Or people who completely suck at TF2. :D

    I wouldn't be surprised if they try ditching milestones again once the new system is fully up and running. But at least if it's implemented the way they say they were going to in the end then I don't think it would be a big problem. The only reason the drop system was so bad right now was because it was half finished and took control away from the players.

  6. Also, the Milestones have lower requirements than before. They're at 5/11/17 instead of 10/16/22 like the old updates.

    About fucking time, and the lower milestones just make it even better for those of us who have put way too much time in lately. Guess I'll finally get my Razorback since I have 21 Sniper achievements. I'll have to get cracking on the Spy ones though since I have a whole one.

  7. I'm considering boycotting the game until Valve implements the trade system. I'm extremely irritated that other players can dominate me at my best class as said class just because they have one of the unlocks and I don't.

    (Specifically Spy and the Ambassador)

    If I didn't get the Huntsman in relatively short order I'd be feeling your pain right now. Then again, after having a Spy completely destroy me as a Scout 20 minutes ago with that damn Ambassador, I'm starting to get pissed that I don't have one either.

  8. What.

    I would have milked that for all it was worth. If valve accuses you of cheating, accuse them of terrible ideas and even worse programming. :)!!

    Agreed. I've been playing at least three times as much lately praying to get something I don't have from the unlock system. So far I've gotten the huntsman, jarate, and dead ringer once each. Meanwhile, I've gotten five Pyro items and two heavy items, all of which I had already. Technically I also got the Uber-Saw, but I did that through achievements. I wouldn't mind the system if they had already implemented the ability to influence which items you get and/or item trading, but instead they released a half finished system that does nothing but get in the way of me enjoying the new weapons.

  9. if people went in to a movie about giant truck robots fighting each other and expected something different than giant truck robots fighting each other than they deserve to not only be disappointed but probably also beaten

    I did go in expecting that actually. What I really got was an hour and a half of worthless flesh sacks pretending there was a story to the movie and maybe 15 solid minutes of giant robots beating the shit out of each other, but often obscured by shots that focus on giant robot ass. Way too much of the former and not nearly enough of the robots fighting if you ask me.

  10. Things did not really start to fall apart until the end of Voyager, and it's just because they had the same five guys writing the stories and they were clearly burned out.

    I disagree, things really started to fall apart when DS9 ended and we didn't have a good Star Trek show to cover for the pile of crap that was Voyager. Voyager sucked right from the start. It was a show with what could have been a great premise that fell flat on its face thanks to terrible villians, boring characters and a ship with pretty much unlimited resources. The fact that their ship was in pretty much pristine condition every week and the crew weren't falling into depression and hopelessness after 7 years was a slap in the face to anyone with an ounce of common sense.

    And you really think the new take on the Enterprise looks less futuristic? Explain to me how it seems less futuristic than a bunch of big bulky buttons, flashing lights, and no console displays. I can only assume you're talking about pipes and valves carrying water and things like (what I'd assume to be) coolant to the engine. Seems perfectly acceptable to me considering we never saw the inner workings of the TOS Enterprise.

  11. In other news, I find that I haven't been enjoying playing TF2 lately. To the point where I rage quit twice on Saturday and once on Sunday.

    It's time for me to take a break from TF2. Sorry, guys.

    There's a certain irony in this, considering that I got something like 8 new people to get the Orange Box while it was on sale.

    It's understandable. Half the reason I'm back to playing TF2 fairly regularly again is because Day of Defeat and to a lesser extent Killzone 2 had me getting my gamer rage on. I'm not sure TF2 is a game I can rage at too much though.

    Unless Rambo is a spy on the other team anyway. :D

  12. That episode did not involve time travel though. That was one where Worf travelled through a rift in space to a parallel quantum realities. They proposed that everything that can happen does happen in an infinite number of parallel dimensions. So that would nullify the whole time travel plot device as creating a parallel dimension. What happens instead is either Nero's time travel has destroyed one of the quantum realities or has just knocked our cameras as it were into another quantum reality that happened anyway.

    You're forgetting that another possibility would have been that Nero and Spock never traveled through time and were destroyed by the black hole instead. Or any other number of outcomes that would lead to the original time line remaining intact in some fashion.

    Also, you give Star Trek too much credit. They've never been as consistent with their time travel as you seem to think. They've had everything from pre-destination paradox to full on overhauls of the timeline they needed to fix in order to get home happen because of their various time travel excursions.

  13. I can't play TF2. Verizon Gremlins won't give my internet back.

    Also for the pictures, just need a upper body shot, or at the very least, shoulders up.

    I saw you try to get on earlier today. I was all excited when I saw the "Brushfire is playing TF2" pop up, but then you were gone. Biggest let down of the day.

    And is it a problem if my picture is of me dressed as the commie Superman (for Halloween a couple of years back)? Odd question I know, but it's the only picture I have that really fits the bill. I could go searching for my camera, but since I haven't seen it since I moved months ago, that may take some doing. I assume there would be a Medic coat photoshopped onto me anyway.

  14. Okay crazy idea, but it just might work.

    I am working with relyanCe to produce an OCR TF2 Family photo. I need regulars to fill the photo. I have called pyro. If you want to be represented tell me what class and lemme know.

    I gotta do something to fill the void till Verizon unfucks my internet.

    I haven't been on the server as much for a while (though I'm getting back into it), but am I regular enough to count? If so I'll take Red Medic.

  15. Reminds me I gave my ps2 with AC 4,5,0 to my little nephew, like you would leave a legacy in the hands of your descendants.

    The devious child sold it to buy a DS with Diddy Kong Racing ...tragic, TRAGIC! :cry:

    Nephew or not, I would have made sure he saw his internal organs before he died by my hands.

  16. Gradius V is sweet. Been searching for a copy of Fatal Frame 2 for years though and still haven't found it (haven't tried online mind you, but I may before too long).

    Got Ace Combat 5 last week and it's been sucking up most of my game playing time. Christ I never knew aerial combat could be so damn fun before this game.

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