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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. I think you're only allowed to gift HL2 and EP1 (if you already have them on your steam account). ;)

    Anytime you buy an extra copy of a game on Steam you can gift it to somebody. I think you're just thinking about what Valve told owners of HL2 and Ep 1 they could do when the Orange Box came out, and there was no chance of anyone owning the other three games.

  2. It's not that I have the idea in my head that they're better, it's just that I'm sick of PCs. I've pretty much been stuck with them my whole life, never actually being able to choose my own standard, but between them I just prefer using a Mac much more, they're easier to manage. Not only this, but I'm friends with an expert on the subject, so it's like free immediate troubleshooting or support service. Not to mention some other free bonuses.

    But thanks for your info everyone, especially Arcana. I already did quite a bit of research today actually, and I believe I'm going to go with a 24" iMac. I realized that I wanted a notebook because it's less of a hassle, but I completely forgot that iMacs were also basically one piece.

    Perhaps I might regret it down the road, not building my own PC, but hey it will be my fault then. Besides, I checked out Logic Pro 8 today, and it's looking even more kick-ass than I thought.

    Wasn't trying to turn it into a Mac vs PC thread here either, I just got the impression earlier that you were going with a Mac because you perceived them as better for music production, regardless of whether that is in fact the case.

    For what it's worth, barring a Mac Pro (which, if I ever get a Mac it'll be one of those) I'd go with a 24" iMac myself. I like having a larger screen (hell, if I had the money right now I'd run with a second 22" monitor) and find they come in real handy for midi sequencing. I used to use Reason on my 15.4" Laptop screen, but it's got nothing on a 22" or larger monitor.

    I'd go with the base 24" though. Maybe bump up to a 1TB hard drive if you must, but you'll get more for your money going with the smaller hard drive and buying an external to store things on. I don't think you'd need the faster processor of the higher models, and since the better graphics cards are wasted on a music machine, the speed increase in the processor isn't worth the money you'd throw down for anything above the base 24" iMac.

    Also for what it's worth, I do like a lot of features on a Mac, and even prefer Mac OSX to Windows in some respects. I even considered going with a Mac when I was in the market for a new computer, but just couldn't go that route when I considered the performance I could get for the money building a PC. I've also discovered I just enjoy building my own PC's now too which is kind of cool. Built my dad a new music machine a few weeks ago actually.

  3. If I were you, I'd build a desktop pc with windows xp for an audio computer, especially since you can throw in a 3.2 core 2, 8 gb of ram, and a 1tb hard drive for 3/4 the cost of the macbook.

    I'll just point out that if you did build a computer and use Windows Xp, don't put 8 gigs of RAM in it. It'll never use it unless you go with 64-bit XP, which I don't recommend because support dried up when Vista 64-bit came out not long after. You'll likely run into driver issues with audio interfaces, or software issues with some VST's not working, and the manufacturer will pretty much tell you you're boned (I tried 64-bit XP for a while before deciding it wasn't worth the trouble).

    I'll agree with the idea of building your own machine rather than buying a Mac. There's no reason to think that a Mac is somehow magically better at making music than a PC, and PC's are most certainly not just for games. The best way to make this decision is to look at the features of both, as well as the music programs available for them (and their features of course) and decide what you'd like to have, and if what the Mac offers is worth the price premium they charge for weaker hardware. Don't just get a Mac because you have the idea in your head that they're just better. They're only better if you like the way they do things and they run the programs you want. Otherwise you just make yourself a victim of marketing hype.

  4. I'm a little disappointed that they went with the sniper next, but it sounds like they're moving along very quickly so that's good.

    I'm not. I've been wanting to snipe more lately and I'd be glad to see some unlocks for the class. I can see people being dissapointed if they use other classes though (which is most people I suppose, but I guess half the point of these class updates is to get people to use the classes more and in different ways). I already can't wait to see what sort of items they'll offer up when this update hits.

  5. I believe last year I threw in $10, but in honour of trying to double the money raised this year I'll throw in at least $20. More may follow as the tax man has been fairly generous this year, but I can't promise anything as those funds may need to be appropriated for other purposes. I may even get around to buying a shirt (which I've been meaning to buy for the last two years or so).

  6. what, no caps? blah. i'm assuming you were talking about tricklozen, who i just ignored after he trashed games that i enjoyed.

    Yeah, you'd do well to ignore him. Both GOW 1&2 were awesome, and FFXII is easily the best game the series has had since IX (and VI before that). There, I said it. He was right about Ico and SotC being awesome though.

  7. Ico should be must-get too.


    I was about to mention this. A lot of the other recommendations are great as well, but Ico is an absolute must if you can get your grubby little hands on it.

    I'll also mention Way of the Samurai if you want something fun and unique. The combat takes some getting used to, but there's a lot of depth there. It also features multiple paths and a variety of different endings. Think of it as a choose your own adventure story with samurai.

  8. If they asked her, I'd like to imagine Amy would come back to head the project again; she seemed to enjoy her work on it, from what I've gathered.

    The only real sore point is that no one could voice the Elder God any more.



    True. Tony Jay would be deeply missed if the series ever does see a continuation/conclusion. Just the same, I'd still like to see it get a proper ending some day.

  9. I dont know about Greatest Hits. I mean, I love the idea of the full band set up on older songs, but unless they pick better songs than are listed so far on the wiki page, I'll be hugely disappointed. Also, will the older songs be covers still?

    Most if not all of them will be master tracks as far as I know.

    I won't be getting this though. GH has been dead to me since GH3.

  10. What do you think? What can Square Enix do with Tomb Raider/Hitman/Time Spliters? It almost boggles the mind...

    I'm fairly certain Eidos doesn't even own Timesplitters; you know, seeing as Free Radical developed it and it was EA who published the third game.

    If anything I'd like the Legacy of Kain series to see a proper conclusion, but that would never happen with Square calling the shots. Best we'd get is a sub par sequel. Especially since Amy Hennig works for Naughty Dog now.

  11. "Thou shalt not fling thy controller across the room, no matter how frustratingly difficult thy game might be"

    I have a friend who's gone through a headset and a mouse in the last few months violating that one. In fact, I started playing through Mario World with my fiancee again last night and violated it when I made a stupid mistake at the start of a level and died. It was nothing major, but I won't repeat what it was because frankly it's embarrassing for someone who's played the game an untold number of times in the last 16 years. I also did it a lot the last time I made a run at Mario the Lost Levels. That has to be one of the hardest fucking games ever made while still being beatable.

  12. I will add you on PSN tomorrow.

    I've ordered the game and a stick, but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm prepared to get my ass handed to me, as I've played little to none SF before.:oops:

    Join the club. The only SF I ever played to any real extent before this was EX on the PSX way back when. I did get HD Remix a few weeks back, but I've been pretty busy and didn't play much before SF4 came out. Even now, I've had the time to get my butt kicked in about 7 online matches, win one, and beat arcade mode once as Ryu. It'll be a long time before I'm dealing out any major ass whuppings.

  13. So I noticed. Also, I suck at ubers (charged 3 ubers and never got those off). I got some others off, but that's about it...

    You should try hitting the right mouse button when an uber is charged. :P

    If it makes you feel better, I missed out on at least as many ubers yesterday afternoon, but had time to realize I was being burned alive and still not use them. I'd say it's even worse if you're killed because you forget you have an uber charged.

    I'm not going to lie though, it was kind of satisfying hearing you say you had a charged uber when I managed to headshot you. Especially since I actually managed to headshot you. My sniper skills must be improving or something because before I stopped playing for a few months I was lucky to get kills by hitting the body, let alone get any headshots.

  14. you've gotta look at the movie differently than most other equivalent movies. it takes a different perspective, since the whole point is that riddick isn't a guy trying to be a bad dude, he really IS a bad dude.

    You misunderstand me. I had no problem with Riddick in that movie (in fact, I'd say his character was the only redeeming quality in it for me), I just had a problem with every other part of it.

  15. I always wanted to play Butcher Bay, but could never justify buying an Xbox so I never did.

    May check this out though. The game didn't seem to rely much on Chronicles of Riddick plot wise from what I've read so that's a plus. I thought Pitch Black was cool, but I couldn't stand Chronicles of Riddick at all.

  16. Someone do me a favor please and talk me into buying this.

    I played it some on the SNES but was always more of a Killer Instinct/Mortal Kombat fan. I have a 360; is it worth it?

    I think you're talking about the Street Fighter 2 HD Remix here. Just the same, get that and SF4. Both are great fighters, and have much more substance and depth to them than KI or MK ever had back in the day.

  17. As of tonight I'll be playing this on the PS3 as well. Anyone can feel free to add me to their friends list. I'm sure I'll get my ass handed to me often, and by everyone for a while at least.

    I'm also thinking about getting either a game pad or an arcade stick for this game. I'm not sure what to go with as far as quality controller options, so if anyone has some recommendations let me have them. I'd prefer an arcade stick, but they can be a tad pricey.

  18. Some of you mentioned spending less time playing video games. To be fair this isn't a problem for me :P I just don't feel like 'em anymore. (Save for RE5 and SFIV)

    My problem isn't even that I play a lot of video games. I just play a lot for the amount of free time I have which should be spent doing school work. Having a full time job where I'm expected to work over time and do course work towards my professional designation sucks. I still haven't figured out when I get to sleep if I actually do all the things on my list. Maybe I can squeeze in a few minutes on weekends.

  19. 1. Bug CHIPP Damage to keep working on his RPG Maker RPG so I can play it someday.

    2. Actually get around to starting my planned remix of Boomer Kuwangers theme

    3. Avoid failing the CA program

    4. Actually start and finish my assignments before the day before they're due (re: number 3)

    5. Actually sit down and practice the drums at least three times a week

    6. Limit my game playing to perhaps 1-2 hours a night max so as to give me the time to do all of the above.

    I'll start with number 1 I guess. Get to work CHIPP. I want progress, not excuses. :D

  20. I love Lost and am glad to see things picking up in season 5 after the utter dissapointment that was season 4. Season 4 was waaay too predictable for me (in fact, I called the big reveal in the finale way back during the Season 3 finale, and nothing they did even hinted that it was likely anyone else to me). I think the flash forwards really killed the mystery of Season 4 because anyone paying attention could piece a lot of what was going to happen together well before the end of the season utterly deflating a lot of the big "surprises" for me. In fact the only thing that knocked me on my ass and made me go "what?" was finding out they had to move the island.

    Luckily, although this season has seemed a bit rushed with getting everyone back on the island, there's more of a feeling that we're getting answers to the mysteries of the island and it's history, rather than answers to the question of what happened between the end of season 3 and Jack and co. getting off the island. I think my biggest problem with season 3 was that that question not only took the focus over finding out answers to mysteries they've been building for years, but turned out to be a lot less interesting than the writers thought it would be.

  21. I wouldn't say any game has ever changed the way I think, but they've certainly made me think. The best example I think has been Fallout 3. That game lets you more or less decide if you'll be good or evil. I decided right when I started the game that instead of deliberately trying to be good or evil, I was going to play every separate situation by ear, and I've learned a lot about myself from that. The game forces you to realistically ask the question "What would I do and how far would I go to survive if this was the way things were?"

    The best thing about it is that even if you THINK you're making a decision for the best, it might not turn out that way, and there's nothing you can do about it. I reported a shady character to the town sherriff and we went up and confronted him. He shot the sherriff in the head, leaving his son an orphan. I led the ghouls into a tower full of racist aristocracy, knowing full well most of the rich bastards would die and deserve it... but in the process the ghouls killed one of their greatest supporters, no questions asked.

    I appreciate a game in which the repercussions of my actions can't always be predicted and might not be what I want. I REALLY appreciate a game that makes me take an introspective look at myself and realize that if I needed armor badly enough, I'd be willing to sneak up behind a girl, club her to death with a transmission bell, strip her down to her panties and take her money to pay for the repairs on the armor I just messed up. You don't get thought provoking social commentary like that in real life.

    (Incidentally, for all the folks I've killed, the game still labels me the last best hope of humanity.)

    I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that the character interactions were just as stiff and unrealistic as the interactions in Oblivion were. I couldn't get all that emotionally invested because the sense of immersion was broken everytime I walked up to someone and started a conversation. Not necessarily a knock against the game mind you since I still enjoyed it a fair bit, but it wasn't the the grand stage for self reflection it could have been had I actually given a crap about any of the characters.

    For the life of me I can't think of any games that have really made me change the way I think about something, though I know some have undoubtedly influenced my thinking. I just can't seem to come up with any examples right now.

  22. Been sticking to my diet and the crossfit workouts (god how I wish I had time for a gym right now though. I miss doing pullups and heavier lifts), and I'm down a total of about 11 lbs. now. My weight loss plateaued for a several days last week, but I find I tend to go through phases like that occasionally. I've been fairly steadily losing again for the last few days though, so I hope this keeps up.

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