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Everything posted by Vivi22

  1. You won't find any new DVD's for that price. Like I said, as the market grows the prices will come down, and there will be lower prices on older Blu-Ray titles compared to newer ones. I just have a problem with people bitching about the prices like the price of a new Blu-Ray movie is ridiculously higher than that of a new DVD, or that prices are going to stay the way they are forever and you'll never see Blu-Ray movies at discounted prices. Besides that, by the time most people who look to spend no more than $5-10 on movies buy an HD player, odds are the price structure will be more in line with what it is for DVD's.
  2. Except for the fact that Ultra HD is nowhere near being ready for commercial use, let alone being affordable should it ever be ready in the near future, those holographic discs also have far more storage than is even necessary for current HD movies, and it's my understanding that the costs involved in HVD drives and discs are too high to be commercially viable any time soon. The market needed a relatively inexpensive substitute that suits the task of storing HD content now, rather than something suited for storing UHD content later, and HD-DVD and Blu-Ray both did that better than HVD. Also, I don't get the price argument for movies. Yeah, some HD movies cost more right now, but most are a few dollars more expensive than their DVD brethren the odd time they're more expensive at all in my experience. And besides, as consumer adoption, and therefore, sales grow, prices will come down.
  3. I guarantee you'll never see this happen for the sole reason that it would render every 360 sold so far obsolete and incapable of reading games put on Blu-Ray. Which is why <i>if</i> it ever did happen, developers would likely never put a 360 game on Blu-Ray. Which would mean drastically increasing the 360's manufacturing costs solely to add HD movie playback, which I doubt Microsoft would ever want to do having no stake in the Blu-Ray format, or a desire to cut into their profitability.
  4. If I weren't in the process of building a computer currently with a friend of mine (I already have some of the parts with the rest of the major components lined up), I'd be mighty tempted to take you up on this, especially considering your offer to optimize for DAW usage. Anyway, it's a cool service you're offering, and I'm glad some people are taking you up on it. Good luck and have fun.
  5. No it doesn't actually, since a friend of mine who bought it couldn't get it to run smoothly on his monster of a PC. The minimum specs are higher then you'd think and they half-assed the port which rendered it pretty much unplayable despite the fact that his computer should have chewed it up and spit it out.
  6. You know, you're the only other person I've met besides myself that did that.
  7. You people can complain when you have to deal with -50 celsius. With or without wind chill. Anyway, before I owned a PSX I rented one to try out FFVII. I played it for more than 9 hours and 45 minutes straight with no breaks barring going to the bathroom. I would even eat with one hand and play with the other. I didn't have a memory card either so I couldn't save.
  8. I'm not even sure I'd go that far. Watching DVD's on my PS3 (upconverted to 720p) and watching BD movies, I can see a difference on my 27" Sharp Aquos. I'll grant you that it's not as stark a contrast as it is on a 42" or larger, but it is noticeable, and I do prefer having true HD by a long shot.
  9. Looks awesome. Hope you're loving playing around with that beauty, but I'd recommend getting a proper drum throne when you can someday. I don't know about you, but that chair would constrict my leg movement a bit much.
  10. I know I, and probably others, reported him to Imeem. I'd say it's likely that's why his music pages were taken down.
  11. When you're right you're right I guess.
  12. Seriously, I've said things a hundred times worse to friends and never meant a word. Things that would get me banned if I repeated them. I've even rationalized worse things, but that doesn't mean I'd seriously do them. I seriously doubt TheDamned meant any of it, anymore than anyone else has. You don't really think that DragonFirKai is actually advocating dropping a nuke on him do you? Until someone starts to actually plan and begin implementing some sort of retaliation, all I see is a bunch of people having a little fun with this situation. I still think you need to lighten up a bit.
  13. I'm kind of floating between 1 and 2. I suppose I lean more towards 2, but I try to read the writeup for just about everything at least to see if it sounds interesting. I also occasionally go diving through the pages of old remixes to see what I can find, regardless of what game it's in, who remixed it, or how old it is. I've found some gems that way.
  14. I know it can be hard to tell when things are in written form, but some people seriously need to figure out what sarcasm is. I highly doubt that anyone here is serious about anything that's been suggested. But as musicians and music fans in general, we all get pissed off when we see someone, even a 14 year old kid, blatantly stealing other peoples work. Everyone's simply venting their frustrations, so let them have at it.
  15. I reported the songs on imeem, though who knows when anything will be done about it. I whole heartidly support fucking with this kids head though. He has to learn that plagiarism has consequences at some point, and better now than when he's 20 and being thrown out of university or something. Besides, who could honestly resist the opportunity to possibly scar a kid for life?
  16. Actually, all it took was not being able to connect to their servers to get it to work without registration or in offline mode. They had big problems with the registration servers being overloaded when HL2 came out, but if you couldn't connect because of it (or a lack of an internet conection for that matter) you still got to play.
  17. You never "had" to connect to Steam to play HL2. It did need to be registered to Steam, but they let you play the game all you wanted until you could connect to their servers, and following that, you can load up Steam in offline mode if you want and play any of your games. I'll say from experience that I like Steam more than any other download service out there. It seems to have especially been hitting it's stride in the last couple of years, and is undoubtedly making Valve buttloads of money. Which kind of works for me as a fan of pretty much everything they do.
  18. Oblivion had better load times on the PS3 than the 360 actually. Granted, it does install to the hard drive, but that kind of brings up a point that works in the PS3's favour; The BD drive isn't really that much slower than the Wii and 360 DVD drives, and developers can use hard drive installs to cut load times even more. I've never noticed load times in a PS3 game that were substantially different from the load times on any other console.
  19. Tell that to Half-Life, Half-Life 2, and all of the various mods and communities that have developed around them. No console game can even touch the longevity of the best PC games, no matter how much I may prefer console gaming overall.
  20. Capcom has apparently claimed that DMC4 will have SNES like load times thanks to the install, not that I care; I gave up on that series a long time ago. Anyway, DMS4 is the only PS3 game I know of with a hard drive install that is that big and takes that long. I've never had a game on the system take more than 5 minutes tops to install anyway, and an extra five minute wait doesn't bother me. Not only am I plenty used to longer installs with PC games, but installing the full Synthogy Ivories on my computer pretty much made me immune to any normal install bothering me. Installing 40GB of samples took longer than any game I've ever installed on anything.
  21. I've finished a few work units now I believe and would like to be added to the list. For some reason though it seems to be having trouble sending my results lately (on my two PC's running it anyway; I haven't run it on my PS3 in a while).
  22. I might care if I shopped at Wal-Mart, but since I value my soul... Anyway, Lego did make a comment in the article that they are based in Europe and that Canadian pricing based on U.S. pricing isn't fair in that case. Makes sense to me if they actually make all the lego blocks over there. The Canadian dollar may have appreciated against the U.S. dollar, but that's mainly because the U.S. dollar is in the crapper right now. I don't believe the Canadian dollar has really strengthened against other currencies.
  23. I've never played a UT game before 3, but I'd still agree with the majority of that. I haven't put a lot of time into it since I got it for Christmas, but the fast pace, and lack of any significant difference in the weapons irked me. The only thing I disagree with is that they've pushed level design in any way. Again, I will grant that I haven't played that much of the game, but what I've seen so far is pretty standard deathmatch fair, with seemingly little regard for strategy or balance. Of course, I'm pretty sure you were talking about the look of the game though, and I will agree there. It's downright gorgeous.
  24. Thanks for clearing that up Schwaltzvald. Since I'll be building a computer with an as yet undetermined (but undoubtedly bitchin') processor, 4 gigs of RAM, and at least a GeForce 7950 over the next few months, I'll wait for Call of Duty 4. A machine with that kind of power won't just run it respectably; it'll likely kick it in the balls and make it it's bitch. If you ever want to play some Warhawk, Resistance, or Unreal Tournament 3 (about the only exception I've ever made to my buying an FPS on the PC rule) though DragonFireKai, then feel free to message me sometime.
  25. I'm waiting until I have my new PC built to buy it for that. I considered buying it for the PS3, but if an FPS is available on the PC, that will always be my platform of choice. Mouse & keyboard stomp all over analog sticks.
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