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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Contact info: Spud Dastardly Andy Hendrickson andy4720@aol.com User ID 36557 Submission information: Game: Super Mario World Songs: Castle I was inspired to write this after hearing Trial by Concert (an ocremix of a piece from Chrono Trigger). I wanted to write an arrangement that had a similar epic feel to it, and I though that this castle theme would be perfect.
  2. Remixer Name: Hex Monkey Real Name: Chris Simpson Email: rainshock@hotmail.com Website: hexmonkey.newgrounds.com User ID: 23979 Game Arranged: Zelda- Ocarina of Time Songs Arranged: Song of Storms/Windmill Hut Remix Title: Calling Storms Hex Monkey here. Long-time shadow lurker, first time submitter. My idea behind this remix was to make it sound more exotic and new age, like a backdrop during a rain dance. source
  3. Samples ranged from good to a little thin, but generally they pretty well treated, though the strings have a super slow attack that really doesn't match the rest of the track. The synth work was pretty cool, especially the stuttering bits, and the arrangement was decently solid. Overall, the melody played it a little safe, and the transitions were solid, but the sections kept a little too much of the same mood. I think a bigger use of dynamics would be good, and some of the breakdown was a little extended. Overall a pretty decent first sub, a little polish and additional attention to detail, with some further expansion and this would be pretty sweet. No, please resubmit
  4. pretty decent expansion of the source and a good sound upgrade. Not all the sound choices were totally on, but overall things were feeling cohesive, if a bit repetitive. Production sounds pretty over compressed, and the snare is a little strange to me, but otherwise I can dig it. Things are reasonably balanced, if a bit over-reverbed, which gives things a pretty strong layer of sonic mud. Overall I was feeling this, but there are some issues that need to be addressed. THis is definitely the right direction. Easily the best sounding and most focused of your mixes, dude. No, please resubmit
  5. These are all pretty terrible, but it makes me think that i'd rather listen to terrible music than boring music. At least these songs can evoke a reaction.
  6. gonna respectfully disagree, bro. Eating healthy is actually pretty damn cheap. It's less convenient for sure, but it is cheap cheap cheap. not to totally derail the thread (and mods pwn me if im out of line), but let's go over a typical meal day i'll have wake up at 7! It;s time to get ready for work! Protein shake (whey and water)! I get a 10 lb bag of whey which costs $80. It lasts for about 3 months of 2 shakes a day. Cost per shake: $.44. it's 9 am! Time for tea and breakfast! Oats! Splash some water on them, microwave for 1 min! I get a 42oz canister for $3. It lasts 1 month. Cost per oat bowl: $.10. Tea is free from work! Score! Cup o' greek yogurt. cost per yogurt: $1.10 it's noon! Time for lunch! this can vary, but usually it's leftovers from dinner. Otherwise sometimes subway, or going out with coworkers. In the work freezer i keep some frozen mixed vegetables in case I don't have a lot of leftovers so i can pad my meal out and stay happy and full. ^___^ A bag of mixed vegetables is $3 and has about 5 servings. Cost per serving of veggies: $.60 If I go out, it'll be as cheap as $6 for a subway footlong, or up to $13 if we go somewhere fancy. Otherwise I just halve the cost of the previous night's dinner. 3 pm snack time! MOAR OATZ! ($.10) A banana! ($.50, or even cheaper if you don't get organic) Snack cost: $.60 6ish dinner time! This varies a ton, but I almost always cook for myself. Common ingredients: Chicken breast: $2.88 /lb - a lb of chicken breast is basically 4 chicken breasts, so $.75 per chicken breast Random fresh veggies - always random, but could be as cheap as carrots, or expensive as asparagus or bell peppers. We'll say an average of $2.50 per meal. whole grain pasta: $1.25 a box, 3 servings per box, $.42 a serving random other stuff like seasonings, olive oil, etc: I'd say $1 a meal since I am a olive oil snob and get the good stuff. So taking this meal plan, i'd have 2 chicken breasts, pile o' veggies, and a lot of pasta. average dinner cost: $5.42 9pm post-workout shake! Cost per shake: $.44. So overall, if I had leftovers for lunch, an entire day of eating healthy is about $8.70. If I went to subway, it's around $14.10. Takes a little work, but pretty cheap, IMO.
  7. Despite a *super* awkward early transition, I was feelin' this. Nice synth use, some cool additional ideas, and fun stuttering gated synth madness gives this a lot of textural variety. Some of the synth stuff felt too mechanically sequenced, but overall it was good, and felt performed, rather than clicked in. The ending was a little bit anticlimactic, but even that and the weird transition early on can't keep this one down. Production is clean and clear, and the balance is good, with solid panning ideas, and a full soundscape. Arrangement is on the liberal side to me, but with the 3 sources, I think it gets the point aross well enough, though some judges will definitely feel differently about it, and i'm not sure how the stopwatch will treat you. I like it. Yes
  8. dizamn, that is a long source track, it took me about 5 listens all the way through to wrap my head around it. Listening to this, It basically sounds like a sound upgrade to the original, and a marginal one at that. There seems to be a little bit of personalization added, but the sounds used are too basic and generic. It's cool that this was done in a tracker, but a little more polish is required for OCR. Sorry. No
  9. McRib Nutritional Info: 490 calories 25 g fat 75 mg cholesterol 1040 mb sodium 44 g carbohydrates 2 g fiber 24 g protein 11 g sugars (which are just simple carbs) VS FOUR ENTIRE BONELESS GRILLED CHICKEN BREASTS Nutritional Info: 480 calories 10 g fat 280 mg cholesterol 0 mg sodium 0 g carbohydrates 0 g fiber 96 g protein clearly they aren't something you'd normally compare, as 1 is a sandwich, and 1 is just a chicken breast, but they'd both be used as a protein source, and unless you were insanely hungry, there's no way you'd be able to eat 4 chicken breasts for one meal, but the calorie count is close. Getting almost 4x the protein though, and less than half the fat is craziness though.
  10. Some pretty cool ideas and processing, but the arrangement is way close to the original, with some effects added and some slight changes. The drop outs of some instruments and such are a cool idea, but the arrangement needs to be a lot more expansive, and while there are some cool effects applied, the arrangement is pretty repetitive and sounds cut and pasted. Fadeout at the end just seals the deal, really. Sorry, but not different enough from the original, as far as arrangement goes. No
  11. Starts out pretty damn strong, with a good sound balance, tone, and rhythm tone. Loving the heavy vibrato on the pinch harmonics, but once the leads come in, they seem a little buried in the mix. The arrangement is pretty solid, and the drum programming is varied and interesting, with a lot of brutal double bass work and good fills. There was a bit of copy-paste going on, but there were enough unique sections to make the overall song interesting and cool. I was hoping for a flashy solo, but it still worked out pretty well. I think some additional variation would have helped as well in making this more compelling, as there are some straight up repeats of sections with no changes. Even something as simple as adding some guitar counter melodies to second-time-through sections would be an improvement, and easy to do. Overall though, I think that the variety of sections keeps this interesting enough for me to give it a pass; good luck with the other judges. Yes (conditional on improvement)
  12. Production is solid, that's for sure, though I'm a little concerned with how much non source is present. There's a good long buildup before any source comes in, and there are several extended passages when there isn't any source. The remix itself is pretty sweet, and as far as an actual song, the structure is excellent, but there needs to be more dominant source usage overall, or at least a radio edit of the track needs to happen so the source use is the main part of the track. Just sayin that this is a great track, but it's too liberal. Sorry man no, please resubmit
  13. Much improved rhythm tone and overal balance, it has a really brutal sound and it looks like you even incorporated more source, which is always a plus. Good resub, and a pretty solid extreme metal track; hopefully the judges who aren't as used to the genre can hear it too. Yes
  14. original sub: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31119 ---resub notes--- - Fixed guitar EQ -- they are quad-tracked rhythms! - Fixed solo echo (it was gone lol?) - Changed intro to source intro - Redid mastering chain.. should be beefier now for sure - Inspired by Cannibal Corpse Compare it to something death metal. I think the production is great on a death metal level. thank you DS EDIT: the title should be Dreams of Death, not Dream of Death
  15. Nice production update, but it's reaaaly similar to the source arrangement, and it's pretty repetitive as well. There is some modulation to vary it up slightly from the source, but otherwise it's pretty much the same. Sorry, it needs more interpretation. No
  16. Some really cool textures and sounds added to a pretty interesting source. I'd never really imagine the sortof creepy track matching up with the wacky hi-jinx of Dennis the Menace, but it is what it is. The game itself also seems to be creepy, going around Mr. Wilson's mansion stealing money, and trying to avoid him. I dig the sound of this; it seems to me like a combination of Mazedude and Sole Signal (side note- guys, make that happen!), with some cool beats and interesting transitions combined with a lot of good synths and attention to detail. Production is decent, and the arrangement is varied and expansive. I can also guarantee that this will be the first (and possibly last?) Dennis the Menace remix, but maybe some awesome remixer will prove me wrong. Yes
  17. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( there would be more sad faces, but the limit is 10.
  18. Well Tar-nation, it's a right good hootenanny all up in these parts! Performances are great, and the arrangement is pretty expansive. The style is just right for a good ol' boy like me, I reckon. YEE HAW Ok, I can't think of anything else, but seriously, this mix is excellent, and really brings the track to life in a unique and compelling way. The transitions and flow are great, and the production sounds awesome. Overall a super win, IMO. Yes
  19. Production is a little over-compressed and some of the EQ is a little crammed in the low end, but otherwise the sounds are pretty decent, if a bit on the generic side. One thing I noticed is that the builds aren't near as massive or epic as they should be. The compression on the piano made it pretty static sounding and a little harsh, and though there was gating on the synth, the chord progressions were pretty blocky. Arrangementwise, the themes were well integrated, but there really wasn't a lot of interpretation beyond the genre conversion. Some additional chord changes, melodic embellishments, or even original sections added would be nice. The flow was good, however. I think larger builds and breaks, and more interesting rhythmic backing would make this a lot more compelling. It's good, but could be improved further. No, please resubmit
  20. Wow, this is a very nice arrangement! The intro was a little strange at first, but once the song kicked in, it was really working for me, excellent rhythms on the percussion, and everything else was classy and tasteful. The panning was strong, and the samples were all very nice. The solos were great, and later on, even a bass solo! The arrangement is definitely extended, but there is a lot going on, good variation, lots of source references despite a ton of solos, and it sounds great. Yes
  21. yarrr over-compression ahoy! The drums are cool but way too loud and compressed to the point where you can hear every little artifact. I liked the sound choices overall, but some of the rhythms are going too fast with the reverbs chosen, and the overall mixing is rough. The arrangement is a lot less blocky than the source, which is good, but the production is dragging this down. The ending is also totally cut off. Regardless, check out the WIP forums to get some production tips to improve this. No, please resubmit
  22. Production-wise i think a little panning on the guitar would have been nice, and maybe a touch more volume on the flute, but otherwise I really dig it. It feels really fresh and airy, and everything is nice and clear, with strong performances all around. I liked the slow fade but think it could have gone even slower, and there's enough interpretation for it to feel unique to the original - the meshing of the sources worked very well, and I also really liked the guitar improv. I think a flute solo would have been great to help it get even more personalized, and maybe a little bit more variation in the drums, but it's still pretty nice as-is. Yes
  23. I love this source a whole lot, and when I saw this was 8 minutes long, I was dubious initially that you'd be able to keep this interesting for the duration. After a time through the original melody once, there was some good interpretation based on the chord progression with little snippets of melody. I think the performance and recording are nice, and though the dynamics are very static, it's a relaxing and chill piece. My main concern is that at this length, even with the variation you've added, it feels drawn out. I think either having a wider dynamic range or possibly some editing would be a good plan. You have a lot of good ideas melodically, but paring them down to the best one will keep your arrangement at a manageable length. Right now, to get my vote, it either needs to be shortened, or have the dynamics vary more, to keep it interesting for the duration. No, please resubmit
  24. The beginning started out pretty generic and mechanically sequenced, but once things kicked in, I was a lot more impressed. I do agree with Jesse that the kick is a bit weak, and overall the drums are pretty dull, but there are a lot of other good things going on in the track, and the leads are really nice. The chords tend to be pretty blocky though, with not a lot of rhythmic interest, and some syncopation in something besides the lead would be nice. The interpretation done to the lead itself was really well done, and treating the rest of the track with that kind of care can only lead to good things. Production-wise, this thing is crammed so hard into it's pants that it's muffin-topping pretty severely, and is really fatiguing to listen to. I actually had to take a 5 min break between multiple listens to rest. Definitely needs to be toned down. Overall the main issue is the over compression on the track, but touching up the arrangement backing and kick sound would be nice too. I dig the concept though! No, please resubmit
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