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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. There is some good beginnings of a remix here, but things really felt underdeveloped to me, and sparse. Oftentimes it's just a synth or two, and some bass, with piano, and some semi-flimsy beats. I think more layering of individual parts, and a bit more of a driving rhythm would help things a lot. Arrangement wise, there is some interpretation, but more often than not, it's just the chord progression and no true direction. I suggest listening to some of the more prominent trance artists on the site, like bLiNd, to get an idea of how to fill out your sound and arrangement. No, please resubmit
  2. that warrior is running like a little bitch in every fight
  3. The concept of this was amazing, I loved the little vocal clips, and the menu of items was hilarious. Excellent creativity and idea. Unfortunately, the remix itself wasn't up to the same standards. There were some good counterpoint ideas, but the melody and structure stayed pretty static. It's a tough situation, because hold music is inherently bland and cheesy, but I think the melody could be altered a little, and things could be expanded a bit. The samples are ok, but not awesome, and some additional panning and processing could help the sound as well. I really love the concept, but it needs to be a bit more dynamic musically. No, please resubmit
  4. Some amazing articulation work, and and excellent flow. Dan always amazes me with the emotion he puts into his sequencing, and this is one of his best yet. Astoundingly good.
  5. yeah, i didn't actually read what you wrote the first time through. However, I feel that my response was the correct one anyways. *stern look*
  6. Happy birthday, sir! Have day that is filled with wonderment!
  7. if you guys want to compete to make the best video, then by all means! I'll update the first post, but the deadline for a completed video is Dec 1. The elite panel of judges will be myself, DragonAvenger, and OCAD! The rules are: 1. All video has to be shadow of the colossus footage or directly related to the game. 2. it has the incorporate the entire wanderer on the offensive song. 3. it has to be KICKASS.
  8. The high end synths are pretty grating to me, as well, and there seemed to be some low end mud, but otherwise i think the synths gelled together pretty well, and though there was a little much treble, and not as much bass, the drum sound was good. The volume is a bit loud too, as my ears were throbbing after listening, even at a reduced volume. The drums themselves have a ton of energy, but feel static because of how mechanical the patterns were. The hi hat seemed to be hitting at the same velocity for each instance, and when they are being played that fast, it's pretty distracting. Arrangement was pretty solid, and had a lot of good ideas, and I was definitely feeling the frantic groove here, but a few detail areas seemed to be ignored, like no drum fills at all, or anything to take the place of a transition element. The ending was also weaksauce. It just stopped. The expansion with some of the crazy bass slides I really enjoyed, though might have been too much compared to the distinct source sections. Overall I like it, but there are a lot of nitpicky things that bring it down. This would be a very good candidate for resubmission. No, please resubmit
  9. i would duel you to the death, and after i dispatched you, i would piss on your grave. nothing personal, just business. <3
  10. Respectfully submitted by Adnarel (Matthew). lightandgold@gmail.com [website lacking] ID #: 34366 "The Misty Island" remix by Adnarel may be found at this link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QOHCKM6Z An arrangement from the game Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Original track remixed: "Lemuria." This game was produced by the Camelot software team for use on the GBA handheld system. The composer for the game was Motoi Sakuraba. The original music for Lemuria can be found at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUCDv4hX5zg Notes from the arranger: I've been making Golden Sun remixes for years now. I've used my YouTube account to release my work, but after some truly inspiring encouragement from members of a board I visit, I thought it was time to see if I could possibly make something worthy of OCremixes. Recently, I had a request to do the music for Lemuria, which I did. Lemuria is a land in the game that corresponds to Greece, or Rome. The land once was splendid and full of life, but has since fallen into decay and disrepair. It was with this in mind that I sent out making this remix. The remix is in two parts: "greatness" and "decay." The first section takes the melodic theme, and puts it through a few gentle permutations in tempo, style, and instrumentation, after a lengthy (too lengthy, I'm told) exposition. Decay is the state the player finds Lemuria in-game. Therefore, the second section is much more reminiscent of the in-game music. The end of the arrangement is a wistful little look back at the "glory" theme and some truly gratuitous ripping off of the celebrated Claude Debussy in the ending chords. Like all other remixes I do, I started off notating it in Noteworthy Composer 2.0, and then transferred the MIDI file to Mixcraft 5.1 where I made serious efforts to make it sound like not-crap. source- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttqO0yOCDhU
  11. What really sells me on this one is the feel of the live performance. It does make the synthetic elements stick out, but the fact that everything sounds like it was recorded in the same room gives it a really nice atmosphere, and the textures are really good. Hand percussion specifically gets the . The pan flute does sound pretty mechanical and unmusical in it's roboticness, but it's pretty in the background compared to all the acoustic guitar and hand drum interplay. The arrangement didn't progress a ton, but there was a lot of expansion and definitely personalization. Nice work man, i'm glad to see you taking some sonic risks and them paying off. Yes
  12. Personalized, well produced, nicely performed, and very awesome. The KK beatboxing is hilariously cool, and the whistling homage was nice. Definitely no question. Yes
  13. 1:48-2:00 Forze del male low brass riff in the guitar. It's slightly modified, but that's as close as I can discern.
  14. much better,Brandon is getting rid of those creepy babies and we're good. Yes
  15. Tough one here, just difficult to discern source, whether or not the game was directly sampled, and more. The beats were good, but the track overall got really repetitive, and though the lofi feeling was charming, I felt that it would be good backing music for a short while, but not for the duration. Sorry. No
  16. The filtered beats are sick as hell - that's some grade-AA awesome right there. The feel is really lush, there is some excellent textures, this might be my favorite mix you've done! Good adaptation, great additions, solid production, i'm all for it. Yes
  17. The off-timing was pretty noticeable, but we've definitely accepted stuff with sloppier timing (for good or for ill). The synth sounds didn't really seem like they were gelling that well, and the shift between drum sounds was really abrupt, in a way that messed with my head a little. I mean, there was a cool effect in the guitar glissando that made the space sound like it was kind of contracting, which was disorienting at first, but on repeat listens i dug it. I think that's fine. The issue i'm having with most of it though, is the synths sounding pasted on for the most part. THey need to fit into the soundscape better and not be as forward. A lot of creative ideas, but the production isn't quite balanced. It's definitely got it's own flair though, so i'd love to see this one revisitied one last time. No, please resubmit
  18. Very classy take on the source for sure, and I still LOL at Larry for his stubborn and un-musical treatment of rests, but in this case, I think I'll be siding with him. I definitely hear connection to the source, but i'm not sure it's enough to be consistently dominant for me. Production is awesome, performances solid, I love the track, but the source use isn't quite frequent or dominant enough. No
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