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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Super rocking powerhouse of a track. What is a powerhouse anyways? would that be a home with electricity? Or the condo owned by a superhero maybe? I don't know, but I do know this song kicks ass and OCR needs more POD. \m/
  2. well damn, epic fail on my part. Maybe it was because I spent so much time drafting M:tg. >_____> edit: which I PROMISE i won't do again this year, guys!
  3. Some good parts of this mix, but I do agree with Deia that the samples aren't quite cutting it. Some additional humanization would be good as well. The arrangement is pretty personalized, but there are a lot of repetition issues that could be fixed by differentiating the second half, it is totally a rehash. :/ The ending was actually pretty well handled though which was a pleasant surprise. So here's the TODO list on this one: * update some of the samples, mainly the guitar lead and snare. * humanize some of the sequencing * personalize the second half a lot more, and have it sound more unique. No, please resubmit
  4. I don't think Select Start was there last year. If they were, epic fail on my part. I am so in for a workout. I'll bring my water and be ready to pwn.
  5. Tough call, but i'd expect nothing less with a source track that vague. The production and synth choices were great, I was definitely feeling the rawness of the track. Arrangement does get a little too liberal. There were some great ideas, but i think the source itself was altered too much for me to be comfortable passing. I second Vinnie's suggestion that you continue to submit to the site, because your work is very good, but it needs to be something a little more recognizable. No
  6. I think one thing this mix does really well is trims the arrangement fat in a very intelligent manner. The original has a lot of extended quasi-ambient sections that work perfectly in the context of the game, but as a stand alone song aren't as effective. Taking the most melodic and compelling parts of the original and linking them together with a bunch of bananas, er, bunch of good personalization and expansion is a sure fire win in my book. My only real complaint is the semi-abrupt ending. I think a stronger flourish would have been more appropriate to the arrangement. The percussion layers were great and kept the beat driving while taying interesting, and the mix of synths and samples was pretty good. The balance was a little muddy in some of the busier sections, but nothing killing the feel of the mix. Everything was still clean and audible. The strings were slightly weaker, but used as a background element, they were good enough, and that's the context so it's cool with me. Nice stuff, I dig it. Yes
  7. my signature is prettier than all of yours.
  8. Emphasis mine. That is pretty insulting to the artist, IMO. Oftentimes I will send something that would be a definite 3-NO to the panel anyways to give the artist a more detailed look on what they can be doing better besides the straightforward form letter information. I understand the judges panel is in place specifically to keep the integrity of the site's output intact, but helping aspiring ReMixers out is never a waste of time. The exception would maybe be if they refuse to learn or listen to critique, and based on a simple submission without any context, is impossible to decide.
  9. The concert lineup is ridiculously good. And Grant Kirkhope too? So badass!
  10. I love that bass synth that Wwwoooooowwwwws. The deliberate pacing was good, and the sounds all gel really nicely. Good to see Justin tryin some non-orch stuff, and handling it really well. Great work!
  11. Some of the string attacks seem a little slow, but it fits the overall Castlevania feel I've come to expect, and I love the panning and effects. Good solos round it out, and some nice beats as well. Good stuff, and pretty dramatic work for JM. Check it out!
  12. Pretty awesome stuff, incredible arrangement here, and the scope is massive without being overdone. A++ would listen again.
  13. I for one would love to hear a Christian rap to a Kirby beat about life's preciousness and spirituality. Fight negativity with positivity, not by trollin tha crackaz, IMO.
  14. This is ridiculously difficult for me to gauge. On one hand, the source is totally there. On the other, it's in a genre that is super hard to pass any sort of judgment on, because it's so serene. Sequencing in some parts is mechanical, but it sounds super authentic to stuff i'd hear in a spa. Production was clean and spacious, and though i'm not sure what anyone else will say about this, I enjoyed it. Good luck on the rest of the vote. Yes
  15. I think my position in this is somewhere between Jill and Deia. I really like the arrangement, but there are several minor issues that are adding up to give me pause. The bell entrance was a little awkward due to the room sound on them not suite matching, and the general prominence. Once the part was done a few seconds later, it seemed way too empty. It wasn't in reality, but those bells were just pushing way too hard. I agree with Jill in that I think the double minor chord is causing some minor dissonance. I think adjusting the chord would naturally fix it all up. The strings aren't awesome, but they do the job alright for what is being asked of them, and same with the drums, though improving the samples and adding more variation would certainly be welcome. Pretty much, it's a great arrangement that just barely misses because of some issues. Please fix this up, I really like it. No, please resubmit
  16. I'm going to emphasize the points Deia made here- The track is decently expanded and has some cool stuff going on, but the balance is off pretty hard in several sections, and the drum loops are super super repetitive. The melody in spots (specifically the breakdown) is really quiet, and often overpowered by everything else. It needs to be more prominent in these sections. The synth sounds were decent, but really started getting old by the end, part of it was the sheer repetition, but I think mixing a few of them up even more would be a good plan. Tune it up and ship it back! No, please resubmit
  17. Pretty interesting concept, and decent execution. Some samples were bleh, specifically the drums and the tone on the guitar was pretty rough, but overall things worked pretty well together. I did feel that the low end was muddy and lacking bass presence, especially during the guitar solo. Arrangement ideas were cool, but it seemed like it strayed a lot from the source being the dominant element pretty frequently. There are definitely appearances of the source, but since a lot of the original is so ambient, it's very easy for it to be covered up by new ideas and expansion. A lot of the middle seemed at first to be wholly original, and after repeated listens I heard the background references to the source Overall very creative and I like the concept, but it needs more dominant source and a slight production tune up. I'd take another look, guys, i'd love for this to be on the site. No, please resubmit
  18. PROJECT TRACK Your ReMixer name: Brandon Strader Your real name: Brandon E. Strader Your email address: oinkness@gmail.com Your website: http://brandon.rainwound.com/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 3123 Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy IX (9) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Mistaken Love Nobuo Uematsu, PS1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BCDdmpI11U (first time I posted a youtube source, so sorry fellas. I just assumed the other OSTs were on the site) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. The song itself, Mistaken Love, was enough inspiration to do this. It always brings me to tears with how over-the-top epic it is. This is my first entry into the FF9 project, which I'm hoping to do a few more of. The music is so incredible in FF9, which was the inspiration for starting the project to begin with. My rendition is somewhat of a progressive rock version. I dropped all the orchestral elements, and slapped in some heavy guitars for the first half, and acoustic for the second half. There's some B4 organ in there and 70s synth lead, pretty accurate instruments for that period. I didn't really leave my comfort zone for this remix, as prog rock is sort of my specialty, but I think it fits the source and it came out really well. It sounds a bit like something my prog band Rainwound would have done.
  19. ReMixer Name: Tysk Real name: Dennis Treiber E-mail adress: dennis_treiber@gmx.de Submission information Name of the game arranged: Top Gear Name of the individual song arranged: Track 4 Tysk - Breathe Hello there, "Breathe" is my Drum'n'Bass version of the 4th track in Top Gear. I heard this song once again after few years and my thought was "wow, this melody is so catchy, how about making a new version of it". And there went my ReMix which took several hours to complete. I'd appreciate it a lot if you liked it, I put a lot of work into it. Yours sincerely, Dennis Treiber source:
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