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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Right off the bat, some timing issues that make this feel like it's getting a huge echo or something. The guitars aren't really matching the rest of the track, timing wise. The playing itself is good, but it's not synched with the rest of the track. It might be the overly reverbed soundscape, though. Everything is covered in a wash of reverb that really adds to the muddy sound. I think re-aligning your guitar takes with the rest of the track and reducing the reverb across the board is a good way to handle things, and from there, it'll be easier to heard what's going on in the arrangement. No
  2. Big improvement on the drums! I think the bass is a bit too prominent and the leads are a little too low and piercing. That sounds like an oxymoron, but what you'll need to do is reduce the 2khz-5khz frequency a little and bring the overall volume of the lead up. Otherwise, this was pleasant; the chiptune breakdown was really nice, and and though the balance isn't perfect, it's certainly an improvement, and I feel it's over the bar. Yes
  3. This is a super fun source! Upbeat and melodic, I definitely think it's worth remixing. Arrangement wise, there are some good things happening; i like the modulation and the slightly altered sections. What is problematic is the drum writing; it's repetitive and uninteresting for how prominent it is, though part of that is the dry and un-humanized samples. It'd probably sound better with more nuanced samples, though I guess that could be said of the entire track. I think the samples as-is could make it, however, but the balance would have to be shifted. There is some really lovely lead violin and woodwind interplay that is completely buried under the overly loud string stabs. I think a trip to the WIP forums for some extra attention would do this some good; the idea and arrangement is overall very solid, it just has some balance issues to deal with, and the drum writing. No, please resubmit
  4. Wow, these 2 themes fit together really well! eep that synth that comes in on the second repetition of the main theme is gross; it's piercing and overly detuned. I think the arrangement ideas are great, especially when the 2 themes overlap (though the chrono cross theme is almost inaudible when it happens), but the production issues are holding this back. I think a lot of things could be fixed by adjusting the balance; EQ'ing some of the pierce out of the leads would go a long way, varying up the drum beat more, and adding some more rhythmic space. You have an excellent idea here, and a good foundation, but it needs balance and polish. I hope you resub this! No, please resubmit
  5. I didn't think the vocal samples really added much, and seemed distracting to the music, but I guess everyone will have an opinion on them. The soundscape was pretty expansive, and the source use was good. I think that there is a good deal or original material mixed in, but it's in big chunks of it's own, rather than being integrated. That on it's own is definitely not a dealbreaker, but it's harder to evaluate with a more ambient track like this. I think the style is really good, the new synths and such are nice, but I do think the vocal clips are ill-suited. Them being so prominent isn't the complete aspect of my vote, but it's there. I realize they are integral to the piece, and in a lot of ways tie it together, when without them it'd be too open and empty. I think the track relies on them too much. I think minimizing them and adding a third theme, perhaps, to tie in more source would be the way to go. No, please resubmit
  6. Pretty nice production, and some cool percussion and sfx, though the kick feels a little flimsy. The guitar playing is nice, and there textures added are pretty solid. The arrangement plays it very close to the source, however, structure-wise and melodically. The personalization in the backing elements is good, but I think it needs a little more expansion for it to be considered for OCR. A solo would definitely help, or maybe add in some additional themes from the series. I really like this, but it needs to go a bit further. No, please resubmit
  7. thanks Mirby! I for one am fine with companies making visual upgrades and remakes. A lot of good games would be completely forgotten if it wasn't for re-issues.
  8. stevo, what is the game you had a picture of, it looks super awesome. I agree with Brandon that 10 is the most logical one to remake at this point. FF13 had issues with detailed and expansive environments, which is probably why there were so many corridors; 10 has already been done in 3d, so there is a template for it already, and it can be planned for.
  9. #firstworldproblems also, if you are going to come to mag, modus, bring your magic cards; the more people throwing down some cardboard, the better
  10. Some decent ideas, though some of the samples aren't really gelling for me. The bass sounds out of tune in some spots, and the main synth is a little piercing and pasted on sounding. I hear there is a little bit of delay; i think increasing that a little would help it fit in. The arrangement idea is cool, as the slowed and subdued approach works pretty nicely with the source, but I think the production is holding it back a little bit. I definitely think this is a good candidate to resub. No, please resubmit
  11. That is a million things you used to work on this. This song is also a million minutes long! It has a ton of really cool ideas, and though I do think the first half gets a little repetitious, the second half is pretty much pure badassery. Solid guitar playing, good soundscape, creative rhythms. A little too long, but the stregnths power down the weaknesses. Yes
  12. Definitely a lot easier to hear everything going on in this one. It's nitpicky, but some of the lead guitar tone was a little thin sounding. When the solo came in, that tone was much better. The ending was abrupt, but had at least a nice fadeout note to smooth it out, and the arrangement is still excellent. Drums are punchy and powerful, and the dynamics throughout are solid. The high pitched arpeggio synth in the breakdown is still a little piercing, but It seemed tamer than before, and it didn't bother me a ton. Nice work on the resub; I am very happy you stuck this one through. Yes
  13. Some cool combination of instruments here, and the synth + string section is a classic. The 2 themes have a lot of inherent similarities that allow you to easily combine them, and the epic scale reflects the space atmosphere well. Some nice theme alteration fits a lot of good stuff into the structure, and though i think a little of the overall arrangement could have been trimmed slightly to feel a little less repetitious, the expansive feel that an extended arrangement affords is an acceptable tradeoff. Overall pretty solid, nice work. Yes
  14. Excellent dynamics, this is really a case where the emotional impact of having a wide range of velocities is enhanced. The arrangement is nice, and really brings the intensity down to make room for the emotion. The use of rubato was good, and the alterations felt nice to me, though due to the more minimalist sections, I didn't quite catch the source everywhere. THe improv section fit well though, and overall I really enjoyed this one. Yes
  15. Remixer: TheGuitahHeroe Game: Kriby's Adventure Song Remixed: "Ending" (or whatever the ending theme is called, lol) ( )Remix Name: "A Different Kind of Dream" Remix Link: My friend JoePotato28 showed me this theme (and this game) and I knew immediately that I had to remix it. There was no other option. This is the result. I made it sometime right in the middle of the GRMRB. That's really all I have to say. I'm BORING, I know. Enjoy guys
  16. Contact Information · CJthemusicdude · · CJthemusicdude.com Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Dr. Mario (NES) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Chill Name of remix: Ice Hunt Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix: If anyone is confused as to the meaning of this song, I direct your attention to 1:45 at . Regardless of whether or not this song passes, I would like to thank the people at the WIP forum for giving me plenty of feedback as I worked on this song.
  17. Contact Information • Your ReMixer name: blackguitar • Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 30704, Artist ID: 5877 Submission Information • Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy 1 (NES) • Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Shop Theme", "Floating Castle", "Menu Screen" • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: When Brandon asked me to collaborate on his FF1 project, i was happy to help because i fell in love with the series' music nearly twenty years ago. To rework their musical roots means much to me. since nearly all tracks were taken when i entered the project, i decided to make a medley from 3 remaining pieces that, in my opinion, fit perfectly together (with a little harmonic change here and there). The project goal was to recreate the music in a progressive-rock-metal-fashion, and a dark mood suited perfectly for me, so i modulated two songs to minor. the evil "Floating Castle" didn't need a change, it sounded genuine metal from the beginning. The funny "Shop Theme" sounds like a fairground organ piece to me, thus, i chose that instrument and also named the whole remix: "Fierce Fairground Fight". Hope you like it! Brandon asked me to make a breakdown when i submit this so here it is. 0:00-0:10 Intro (Original) 0:10-0:18 "Shop Theme" 0:18-0:55 "Shop Theme" (minor) 0:55-1:34 "Floating Castle" 1:34-1:58 Transition (loosely based on "Menu Screen" (minor)) 1:58-2:34 "Menu Screen" (minor) 2:34-2:44 Intro (Original) + Transition 2:44-3:31 "Shop Theme" + "Floating Castle" mixed 3:07-3:31 Solo ("Shop Theme"-harmonies) 3:31-3:43 Transition 3:43-5:39 Outro (loosely based on "Menu Screen" (minor)) This is a project track (Brandon Strader's FF1-Project) EDIT: Resubmitted this on OA's advice to soften the brickwall-limiter. hope its ok now... EDIT #2: Man, this mix went to hell and back. It’s the second RESUB, i really pray for it to be accepted. Big credits go to Sascha Stange @ Razorblade Records. He mixed and mastered this and he did an incredible job, thank you, man!
  18. Pretty subtle use of dynamics, but definite changes in intensity. The strong point here is the pretty liberal use of rubato, it really gives the track a lot of space to breathe, and though I do feel the track could have been shorter slightly, as near the end it just started to drag and get repetitive. The sound is pretty nice, with a pretty, warm sound. Overall I think this could have been edited slightly, but I found it to be pretty enjoyable. yes
  19. Rather than keep this as a split vote and have it sit for months, i'll concede to the panel on this. I still think it's very good, but fixing up the issues mentioned only makes this stronger as a whole, and you fixing it up now is much preferable than you fixing it up in several months. I look forward to hearing this again. No, please resubmit
  20. The bass is pretty quiet, and things started out sounding a little thin and constrained. It felt better once the lead came in, but still a lot of the track lacked the power needed to truly rock out. The guitar playing was solid had some good feeling behind it. Synth solo right away was a strange choice, but it was well done, and the guitar double/harmonizing with some parts was fun. Why is the section so sparse though? It really feels that it could have some stuff supporting it. The ending was abrupt too. You definitely can take this a little further beyond adding a solo section; play with the melodies a little bit, or add some new harmonies. You sound like a pretty talented guitarist, so you've got one pillar of remixing down already, you just need to beef up your production sound, and create a more expansive arrangement. I'd love to hear a revision of this after you've fixed it up a bit. No, please resubmit
  21. Some of these synths are really dry and harsh/brittle sounding and need to be toned back. The arrangement itself is interesting and pretty expansive, especially considering the original was all of 19 seconds. I also think the second half sounded a little cut/pasted and could use some variation. I think this is a good start to a track, but needs some extra work to go the whole way. With a smoother soundscape and more variety, this can be a contender. No, please resubmit
  22. Definitely more source in here, but will it be enough? Let's see! ... ugh. I really enjoy this, but the source is shredded into such tiny pieces, that I have to guess on most of it. There are times when a constant source is present, but compared to the main portion of the track, it's just so obscure I can't tell. Samplewise, the brass seems a little dry and sequenced a little falsely, but I think everything else is pretty nice, though the flute could use a touch of delay as well. Maybe I am just being a noob here, but I think it needs even more dominant source. Sorry Guilherme . No, please resubmit
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