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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. That's the space that this needed. Sounds infinitely improved on the production end. Powerful and punchy, it's so nice. The sections that modulated to minor were pretty great, and the sonic variety is excellent. I'm really glad you put in the work to get this to it's current form. Yes
  2. Pretty relaxing piano arrangement, there is some good variety of sections and solid transitions, a nice warm piano sound, and some expressive playing. I really like what was done with a short and simple source here, Nice work you two. Yes
  3. Pretty well layered, and full. The drums are really on autopilot though, which is unfortunate, because the mix of synths weaves such interesting textures; I would like to hear them doing more, and maybe sounding a bit fuller as well. The arrangement is definitely expanded upon, and in a lot of ways deviates so far in style and expansion that I don't recognize the original in a lot of spots. I definitely enjoy this, but I'm not sure there is enough source. If another judge could point out what I may be missing, it'd be appreciated. Overall I think your synth sounds are great, but the drums aren't keeping up. Otherwise the production is interesting, varied, and balanced. The arrangement diverts a little too far for my comfort as well, so unless I am being obtuse and missing overt source, i'm going to have to ask that you revise the arrangement to contain more source. Your production is definitely on the way though. No, please resubmit
  4. This hits with a nice and beefy sound, and some good minor personalization fill this track out, and a solid handoff to the synth for a lead changeup sound. The drums are well planned out, and though the snare could stand to come up a touch, everything else sounds well balanced. Solos were brief but solid, and the expansion leading up to the acoustic breakdown was great. This is really a solid track that conveys a sense of urgent adventure, and really plays up the strengths of the original track while adding a lot of your own flair to it. Very classic. Yes
  5. Nice personalization, the implied feel of 6/8 in the original brought into a true 6/8 is nice, and the playing is pretty good. I do think the structure is pretty conservative, and the dynamics could be a little more pronounced, as well as some additional rubato, but overall I enjoyed this. The arrangement is solid, but I think you could have sold the performance a little more, by really increasing the drama. The most memorable part is when you slowly shift down to a more subdued dynamic. I do think this is over the bar, however. Good luck with the rest of the votes. Yes
  6. I think the distorted rhythm guitar was mixed a little too loud in this mix, but otherwise, this was pretty powerful. Nice dynamics, good atmosphere, great expansion, It's just the overly loud rhythm guitars that bring it down. The ending was also a bit abrupt, but isn't a massive issue. I do think the volume of the rhythm guitars is enough of an issue to go conditional on this one. It's so good otherwise, though. Yes (conditional on guitar volume)
  7. This is definitely sounding good, the production is balanced, clean, and interesting, and the arrangement feels varied as well. Nice work keeping with this one. Yes
  8. Pretty cool soundscape in the opening, though the synth that the main melody is played on is a little bit ugly and doesn't quite fit the rest of the track.. It's pretty dry and brittle, and the sequencing is pretty static. I think it needs some modulation to really get some personality infused into it. I also thing the drums are a little too static and repeat too frequently. The structure is changed slightly from the original, but it works well enough. I think this is a good start, but needs the main melody synth to be improved, the drums need to be a bit more exciting, and the dynamic shifts could be a little stronger, though I think that would mainly involve beefing up the drums a bit. I do really like this, but it needs some more polish before it's front page worthy. No, please resubmit
  9. The overall playing wasn't super tight, but overall was decent enough. You really need to work on playing tighter. The soundscape was good, though the bass mids were a bit high, and overall production was clean and working. The arrangement was fine, but the transition between the themes was nonexistent, and the ending was cheap and abrupt. :/ I'd add a transition with a drum fill or something, and actually write out an ending that is nicely composed instead of a simple stop. It's close, but just needs that last step. No, please resubmit
  10. I would like a starfox game to come out. I never played any beyond the first one, but the simple but intuitive controls were really fun. Retro does good stuff, so i'd be curious to see where they'd take the series.
  11. I really like the sounds used for this, but the attack on some of the pads is so slow that it's hard to get a feel of where the beat is. When the melody comes in, it feels pretty buried, but when it becomes just piano, it's better. The drum pattern is decent, if a bit repetitive, but it sounds so thin and muffled, with a ton of reverb. I recommend reducing the reverb, tightening it up, and getting the pads/piano/drums/synths to all play together. Overall this has potential, but will need some polish in the production end to make it feel tighter overall. I hope to hear a resubmission. No, please resubmit
  12. This is a pretty good start on a remix, but it feels a little conservative in a lot of spots, and some of the timing is off between the various instruments. A bit of the piano sounds mechanical as well, specifically in the faster passages. I would encourage you to increase the variation of the velocities. The ending is also not working for me, and sounds dissonant and ill-fitting to the rest of the song. The good points are that you nailed the atmosphere and the sounds, the guitar is well performed, and the drums are interesting without being overly busy. I'd like to hear a revision on this that tightens up the performances, adds in that guitar solo you mentioned, and redoes the ending! No, please resubmit
  13. I love your singing! Good luck in the contest, and welcome to OCR!
  14. Really nice way of taking the source and putting a personalized spin on it. Production is a touch muddy in the low mids, but it's not breaking down by any means. Guitar sounds nice, the balance is pretty good, and the arrangement is expanded and personalized. Nice work! Yes
  15. There is some cool variation added to this, but i'm not really comfortable with the level of original sampling that is happening here. The sampled stuff also sounds muffled compared to the new snths and such. I dig the arrangement ideas added, but between the direct sampled material and the production disparity, I think this one needs revision. No, please resubmit
  16. I like the general idea here, but i'm not sure the bass synth really fits with the rest of the sounds used. The issues seems to me that there isn't much going in the mids oftentimes, and the bass synth is overpowering the rest of the tracks. The arrangement is also pretty good, but the cohesion isn't quite there for me. I think adding some more to the mids would be good, and bringing the percussion out a bit as well. No, please resubmit
  17. Pretty cool sound here, and some creative ideas that end up sounding polished and well executed. The ending was a little weak, but overall this had some great beats, varied instrumentation, and stayed true to the source while presenting something new and exciting. Good stuff. Yes
  18. Yeah, this is what I like to hear, the subdued intro really takes it's time to amp up the excitement of the track, but has a lot of moving aspects to keep it exciting. The synths are sounding more balanced to me, and the bass sounds a lot better in the center. There's still a few balance levels that aren't quite perfect, but overall it is exciting and energetic, with some good surprises. Yes
  19. Really nice arrangement, good guitar playing, pretty clear production, and a lot of personality; this track has it all. There was a good variety of sections without things feeling like they were dragging on, and the different synths meshed well with the guitars. I really like this one. Yes
  20. The production could be a bit cleaner overall, with more distinction between the parts, but overall I was feeling this chilled out track. Not blown away, but had a good time looping it for 30 min. The string sample was a bit weak as well, and a few strange mixing choices, like the left-panned bass, but I am mostly nitpicking here, the track feels solid. I think the beat could be varied a bit more and improved upon, but it shifts during the different sections, which keeps the variation up a little, and the breakdown where it is more prominent has those subtle stutters. I do wish you had deviated from the exact same beat as the source in some parts, but it's not a complete copy. It may be a close vote, depending on how people feel about the issues, but I am ok giving this one the nod. Yes
  21. I don't think judges can eliminate 100% of their biases, but we certainly try. Some judges are more experienced with different genres as well. I am more comfortable knowing what a rock mix needs to pass as opposed to a solo piano piece or something more atmospheric, for example.
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