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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The idea here is pretty good, but I think it's still pretty sparse, and the samples overall are a thin and dry. I think adding some backing pads to fill out the low end, and maybe some acoustic guitar to compliment the piano playing would make it feel a lot more full. Some light percussion would help it feel a little more sweeping. The phrase "it was just a dream" seems overused as well, even alternating the opening words to each phrase would make it feel stronger without losing the main theme of the song. Vocal performance was pretty good, though there were a few spots when your confidence wavered, and a few where the pitch was just a little off. I do think adding some harmony in a few spots would be nice. Overall this is a good foundation, but will need a good deal or work to be polished enough for OCR. I would like to hear a revised version, and think you are on the right track, just keep at it. No, please resubmit
  2. I don't like to, but I need to echo Vinnie here, as I think this is really well performed and arranged, but it's is a very nice cover sandwiched with original sections. I'd feel a lot better if the source was slightly more personalized when you played through, OR the original sections would have more distinct references to the source. I really think this would be a fantastic addition to the site, so I encourage you to adjust it slightly and resubmit it. No, please resubmit
  3. Definitely a creative choice to change the time signature, and for the most part it works. The changes to the melody make it feel constantly familiar but definitely altered, almost to the point that i'm not exactly sure how to evaluate this. I enjoy the track even though the melody is more subdued and not terribly catchy, though I think it's more like a backing track than a more actively listening track. The Pump Man source seemed more marginalized and obscured than Bubbleman, though that may just seem that way to me due to source familiarity. But I could hear sections where it was woven in, and throughout, there seems to be a lot of source use, but it's very, very altered. Overall I think the source use is consistently there enough to be dominant, though it may be my brain filling in the gaps from hinted phrases, and the production is balanced and on-point. It's a strange call, but I am feeling that this one leans toward a yes. Yes
  4. oops, I typed "I might be going" instead of "There is nothing that will keep me from this festival, including outstanding warrents for my arrest, loss of limb(s), or even the collapse of civilization". Clearly you can see the mistake, as they right next to each other on the keyboard.
  5. This definitely flirts with the main melody a lot without outright playing it verbatim, but manages to retain the feel of the original very well, despite a ton of new stuff added. The soundscape and feel is really good, and overallt he synths are meshing well. I think the bass is a bit lacking, both in frequency response, and the quality of the synth, but the high end of the track is very nice. Overall the sequencing is smooth, except for the piano at the very end is super stiff. The drums don't do a ton either, but based on the intent of the track, I feel that they are fine. This is super super close, and just needs a little more bass, and that piano at the end to be polished for me to vote yes on it. No, please resubmit
  6. Overall a pretty solid rock take on a great theme. Style-wise it really reminds me of Level99, which is pretty cool, I like the seemingly live, no-nonsense feel and varied drum patterns. Nice breakdown section, and the ending was ok. Production was pretty clear, but there is a weird frequency in the bass that is causing it to sound a little bit boxy, and fighting with the lead a little. The synth that came in wasn't amazing, but Otherwise, the playing itself was solid and on point, and the rhythm tone and drums sounded nice. It skirts the line, and between the bass and the slight over-compression of the lead, it just needs a bit of minor tweaking and it's there. Please fix it up and resend it, and if you'd like to run it by me personally, before resubbing, feel free. No, please resubmit
  7. This starts out pretty great, and has some nice textures and depth to it. It's sounding really good, until the very end, where it heavily clips and then cuts out. I want to pass this, but that end needs to be cleaned up. No idea what happened there, seems strange to me. Yes (Conditional on the ending fix)
  8. Pretty fun stuff; it definitely adds a lot of original material to the song, but The source makes a strong enough showing that it's apparent which song it is remixing, and there are a lot of fun arrangement details throughout. I wish it would feel even more animated, with more pronounced dynamics, but it was still pretty good. Nice woodwinds, and the percussion was great too. So, in conclusion, this could have been better with more robust dynamics, and there is a lot of original material packed in, but it works well, and features good samples intelligently used. Yes
  9. Paneled because of a few minor production issues that Larry helpfully touched on, but yeah, this is a really excellent track. Yes
  10. Remixer Name:Rukunetsu Email Addy: llindoru@gmail.com Website: http://youtube.com/Rukunetsu User ID: 39313 Game: Dragonball Z Hyper Dimension (SNES) Name of Arrangement: Another S(R-Type) Name of Original Song: Another S. Original Composer: Kenji Yamamoto
  11. Hello people of OCremix. I have been producing trance music for the past decade of my life. I am signed to a russian trance label under alias UGMI. My music is to the caliber that I am featured on beatport. My alias for dreamtrance and VG remix is Flashburn. If the judges at OC remix decide to accept this unique submission please list it as Flashburn - Undine's Magic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghKpsiv-scQ
  12. Remixer 1 Name: Rexy (real name: Beverley Wooff) OCRemix user ID: 7528 Remixer 2 Name: ZorlaxSeven (real name: Santiago Estrada) OCRemix user ID: 24554 Remix info:- Remix title: "Pluvia Veris" Game covered: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Individual song covered: Horon Village As far as I recall, this game has the same software information as Oracle of Ages, so all information about the game's entry itself should be found there. --- Arrangement breakdown for anyone that wants it: 0:00-0:35 Introduction 0:35-0:49 Main melody of the song (14 secs) 0:49-1:00 Arrangment of the second of half of the melody (25 secs) 1:00-1:30 Free writing 1:30-1:47 Arrangment of the main melody (fast moving) (42 secs) 1:47-2:00 Key change, these parts are arrangment of the melody (55 secs) 2:00-2:05 Transition to the next section 2:05-2:25 16th runs, arrangment of the melody (first note of the runs usually are the notes of the melody (75 secs) 2:25-2:35 Finishing up the sixteenths and some more free write 2:35-2:43ish Minor variant of the melody in 16ths (83 secs) 2:43-2:47 Finishing up the 16ths 2:47-2:55 Arrangement of the second half of the melody (91 secs) 2:55-3:01 Free writing 3:01-3:07 Obvious reference to the melody (97 secs) 3:07-3:14 Slown down version of the second half of the melody (104 secs) 3:14-3:43 Finishing the slow down, and getting to the fast section 3:43-4:00 Sped up version of the main melody (121 secs) 4:00-end Slown down version of the melody as a conclusion (148 secs) --- ZorlaxSeven:- "Since I'm not very good with words, I'll try to keep this short. This is my remix of the Horon Village theme from The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for Hylian Lemon's Lime of the Season Album (so if this does get accepted, I ask that you wait until the album comes out before posting this song). "First, I'd like to mention that Rexy did all of the production for this song, so she should be credited alongside me. I gave her a midi and score of the song, and she not only recorded it for me, but she also fleshed out a lot of the sections for me. She really did an amazing job. "The point of Lime of the Season is to remix music from Oracle of Seasons with seasons as a thematic focus, so this song fits right in. The name of the song, Pluvia Veris, translates (loosely) from Latin to "Springtime Rain." This is the image I try to capture with this song. "Lastly, I'd like to thank Ben (Hylian Lemon) for allowing me to be part of Lime of the Season (and Essence of Lime, for that matter). He is a great Project Coordinator, and has helped my music reach fruition time and time again. I'd also like to give a LARGE thank you to Rexy. Without her, this song definitely would not exist." Regards, SEstrada ZorlaxSeven --- Rexy:- "When I received Zorlax's submission letter asking for a pianist for his arrangement, I saw it as a good opportunity to give it a go, and after having witnessed Hylian Lemon's strong dedication with Essence of Lime and his growth as a musician over the past few years, I felt being able to do something with the follow-up via Seasons would be a great opportunity to pay back to such a devoted community member, as well as a great way to help a newcomer start off on the right foot. "To be fair I haven't played either of the Oracle titles, but when hearing the source tune it did spark some similarities to both "Zelda's Lullaby" and "Mabe Village" from Link's Awakening in terms of writing, which made it easier to identify with. And true to my nature to capture feeling in my writing, the 'seasons' element and Zorlax's decision to emphasize the weather made me grasp a firm idea on how to portray the performance. "Have you ever had that feeling as a child, walking hand-in-hand with your mother or father down a rainy street and wanting to just run astray in your rubber boots and splash in all the puddles? It's usually around this time that after the harshness of the Winter months, the warmer climates would suddenly make the rain feel so much more playful in nature, which is emphasized with my performance and expansions here. "I give a lot of credit to Zorlax for writing a strong arrangement out of a limited source, and I'm glad to see that it came into a finished product that we're both happy with. And as stated, Ben's dedication to the whole project is astounding and it's one that I really can't wait to see the finished production on. Thank you all for your feedback in advance!" Peace out, -Rexy-
  13. Hi there! Just writing down info in order: Hot_freaks Leo Vondracek http://www.facebook.com/hotfreaks Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Outset Island (too generic? i can produce something wittier...) Outset Island Theme I always though this track could be a great single so I wrote some lyrics for it and played it indie-rock style with my band. Hope you enjoy it!
  14. Name: Arceace Real name: Ben Clifton Email address: jugglemon312@yahoo.com Game: Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine Arrangement name: “Energy Beads” Original track: Exercise Mode Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-4lOQ-70Ro The major goal behind this mix was to try to accomplish a few things that I have been struggling with production wise. I am trying to get a nice full sound, since I have noticed that my first few submissions have been rather sparse. I have worked on adding more layers to help keep things a little more interesting. This was by far one of my favorite puzzle games as a kid. I used to sit down and play exercise mode for hours at a time, and I never got sick of this song. I find it very catchy to listen to, and I felt that it fit perfectly with the game play. One of the things that I wanted to capture in this mix was the slow speed up of how fast the game moved along. It starts off a little slow, but after a while it starts to kick into gear and the real fun starts. I appreciate all of the help that the people on the judge’s panel provide. I am glad that they are able to share their experience with others to help them improve. I hope this is a pleasure to listen to. Arceace
  15. nommmm thanks everyone! Also, DJ SymBiotiX, we are now BDAY BROS! I mean, we were before, but i just didn't know bout it
  16. pink is the new black, bro.

    And I'm just yawning and calm, not submitting to your dominance. :-)

  17. Nice opening, and a good source choice! The mix of electric, acoustic, and orchestral instruments worked very well, and the melody was suitably heroic. The guitar playing was tight, and everything gelled really well. The arrangement had a lot of small nuances that kept it interesting, and the subtle use of SFX was classy. One of my favorites you've done, dude. Nice work! Yes
  18. cute, why am i yawning why you yell at me though? ;_;

  19. Seems like a sensible course of action, and one that did not occur to me. Thank you for the insight! I was totally prepared to pay the $3 because I had to and then complain bitterly, but you have given me another option!
  20. Deia, you Limey Noob, you should have DP'ed this. <3 Hey guys, this is super good. Yes
  21. Nice work making all these themes mesh without making it sound like a medley, and it has a pleasant vibe. The guitar solo was really nice was well, and the only real complaint I have is the stiffness of some of the piano. SHort and sweet thoughts on this one, I think it's great. Yes
  22. I like this overall, but damn, that timing is sloppy. I could understand it if you were playing live with a bad monitor set up, but the whole recording is super loose, especially in the galloping chugs, and the the leads are really stretching far outside of their comfort range in some of the runs. The balance of the production is decent, and I like the rock arrangement, but the performances are too sloppy for me to give this the nod. Practice up a bit, re-record when it's tight, and resub, please. No, please resubmit
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