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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is overall pretty decent, but it definitely plays it really close to the source, throughout there is a strange hiss in the high end as well. The playing overall is good, and you have the basics of production down, but I think the arrangement needs to be a lot more exciting for this to get my vote. I recommend personalizing it a little more, and maybe getting the drums to be a little punchier. No, please resubmit
  2. Pretty cool arrangement, and has a lot going for it, but some of the synths are a little too loud and piercing; it's a minor issue I think, as the levels aren't completely off, but makes it a little less appealing. I do feel the arrangement runs a little long, and is a bit repetitive, as the second repetition sounds suspiciously like a cut and paste. Some of the breakdowns were a little boring too, like the bass breakdown, and while I think this has promise, it needs to be trimmed a good deal, with some variation added before I'm comfortable passing it. No, please resubmit
  3. This is a pretty fun adaptation, but it starts to feel very repetitive. The structure is the same as the original, which is fine, but when the only difference is that the tempo is slightly different, and the voice is vocoded, it's not quite enough for me arrangement-wise to be able to vote yes on, but it's closer than your first sub. The vocals sound just a little behind the beat, and the mixing is decent, but slightly muddy in the low-mids. What really needs work is the arrangement and how it wears down after too many repetitions. I think adding additional countermelodies and more excitement for the second half of the song would really help. No
  4. Pretty ambient opening, and though the source is eventually apparent, I feel that the arrangement itself has a lot of fat that could be trimmed, and overall lacks energy. Part of the issue is there is no moment where the feeling that the song had arrived completely. Conceptually, the arrangement works, and the intent is pretty well telegraphed. The section where the tonality veers off course and then crashes is cute, but I feel the buildup takes too long to get there, and it's not exciting enough to get to that point. I think overall trimming the arrangement down and making the song itself more exciting would be what needs to happen to get my vote. No
  5. ReMixer Name: Fallen Seraph Real Name: Wina A. Kamlongera Email address: fallen_seraphx@yahoo.co.uk Userid: 10661 Game arranged: The Revenge of Shinobi Arrangement: Memories of Blood & Bone Individual song arranged: Chinatown I usually sketch up my write-ups immediately after finishing the ReMix, but I sat on this one for a few weeks (...procrastination). So, forgive me if I leave something out. Um, where are my memories, of this one gone? Nothing comes to mind, but blood and bone... Been shedding these tears eternally Looking for Consent, I'm nothing more, than a Shinobi Lost in Chinatown, wayward on the Corner of Sunset and Keys Bad sushi within me, I can feel that factory funk...that produced these Yeah...couldn't come up with anything to say...so...throw it up on some speakers, crank it up, and let the beat knock. Hope you enjoy this one! (Just realised...this game is as old as I am...damn...)
  6. Contact Information Your ReMixer name Rob C! Your real name Robert G. Christman Your email address Robert.G.Christman@Gmail.com Your website http://vimeo.com/robertchristman Your userid 37995 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged Mother 3 Name of arrangement Sunflowers Name of individual song(s) arranged Name These Children (Theme of Love) Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Who doesn't love this series of games? Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Well, this is my first submission. I'm one of those Mother freaks, as off as that sounds. I had two days off and wanted to crank this out, since there hasn't been a lot of new submissions recently. I wanna hear more from you guys out there, cause you all make this site F'n GREAT! Thank you.
  7. Your ReMixer name: Flexstyle Your real name: Michael Birch Your email address: music@flexstylemusic.com Your website: flexstylemusic.com Your userid: 22246 ReMix URL: Game ReMixed: Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) - Brothers Bear Title of ReMix: Thump Brothers Source: ***PROJECT MIX*** This particular tune on the DKC3 album was originally going to be a massive rap collab headed up by Diggi Dis and other OCR artists, but that whole deal kinda fell through toward the end of the project. So, I simply grabbed it, got some great inspiration in the form of an older tune of mine known as Chain Reaction (found at http://flexstyle.bandcamp.com/track/chain-reaction), and voila! Bouncy, happy fun! I sampled the harmonica from the original (all 1.5 seconds of it), since it was kinda what defined the song, hope that's kosher. And yes, I did the beatboxing m'self. Enjoy!
  8. Your ReMixer name: Hakstock Your real name: Ivan Hakštok Your e-mail address: hakstock@gmail.com Your userid: 43292 Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross, Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Hoseki Name of arrangement: Cruisin' Name of individual song(s) arranged: Voyage: Home World, Ending ~ Le Tresor Intredit Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZuBYlCV2j0, Your own comments about the mix: The intro arp is something I had in my mind for a while, after listening to the Home Voyage song in Chrono Cross and I used that song for the intro (0:00-1:00) and the ending (2:44-3:19), while the rest is filled up with parts from Le Tresor Intredit, which had a similar chord structure and fit well with the background arpeggio, only thing I had to do is transfer it into 4/4 time. The song is more upbeat than it's source tunes and I tried to break it's rhythm down as little as possible, to maintain an energetic feel throughout the whole thing. Hope you enjoy it!
  9. Your ReMixer name: BONKERS Your real name: Nicholas Steven Perry Your website:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1310105117 Your userid:31818 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy I (Final Fantasy Project:Random encounter) Name of arrangement: LOADING...Please wait! Name of individual song(s) arranged: World Map,Gurgu Volcano Additional information about game including composer, system, etc: N/A Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: This song was decisively a very difficult and eye opening experience for me. For one, transforming the loveable very happy and adventureous melodies/feelings of the original song in to a Hard Rock/Metal song without it changing those feelings. Metal songs in generally are usually in just about any mode/key that is NOT a Major Key. The few ,such as Party Hard by Andrew W.K., are condemed by the average Metal Head as "LOl THIS ISN'T METAL" Even though by all means and purposes it sounds Metal(production wise), even if not to the average guy. (disagree? Sue me <(0.0<() So you can imagine my agony whether to change the song into a Minor without destroying the original Melodic feelings/integrity of the song;I had even had discussions with IBBAZ(aka Kidd Cabbage/Jon Peros) about changing it into a minor, which actually does happen in one section of the song ;, or find a way to turn it into Major Metal. Originally, I was going to make an Orchestral Metal/Just Orchestral song. (If you visit the extra site Brandon Strader puts up, you can hear my early attempts at just such a thing) I toiled for months slaving away trying to come up with ideas how to make it work. From scrapping sheet music over and over again , to long walks with my body on auto pilot trying to figure it out. Soon after, I was shown some "Children of Bodom" songs by Strader, following this the song became an attempt to start off as a CoB song that fakeouted into the World Map theme. (another idea you can hear on the side site when it's put up) This too was a BUST, as I could just not make it work and make sense. Then one day, whilst working on sheets I had come up with extensions of the melody, and played some guitar too it. ALL OF A SUDDEN MY MIND WAS BLOWN. Every single line fell into place pefectly and it all worked and made sense. Writing the rest of the song was no problem as I could hear in my head all of the ideas clearly. Though that is not to say it was without challenge. Without Brandon, who's to say how the song would've turned out. He challenged Ideas that I thought were just fine, but in actuallity ,that I could not see, did not work(such as an extended chiptune section, that was essentially the song evolving from NES to, GENESIS, TO SNES, and planned to,PSX;adding in new lines of music for each hardwares' extended audio capabilities/channels;however each version did essentially sound similar to the original song and as Brandon pointed out to me, it drug on too long. Much to my own dismay I hated the idea of getting rid of it and fought to argue against changing it. I eventually gave in of course, and looking back , for the better. Where Gurgu Volcano came in, was I believe the song hadn't been claimed yet and I voiced my opinion about probably being able to work it in my song somewhere as a break from the World Map. I came up with concept audio, then working it into the song in various stages/ideas until the current version which was inspired by the Wild Arms Arrangement Album "Rocking Heart"(which is one of my favorite CD's of ALL TIME) I am personally extremely glad the way this section of music turned out. When I finished it for the first time I was impressed with myself, and excited as well. Technically(not going to say much about this, since it's exactly the same problems I went through with Prelude, so go and read that if you are interested) and logistically, this song, just like the Prelude was a nightmare. This is where I went through trial and extreme error in coming up with ways of making the project file within the DAW Coherent and understandable as well as smart integration of Automation Envelopes, track grouping, Sends/Recieves, you name it. At the end of the day the song ended up being with all tracks counting grouping/sends/recieves/etc/a few unused tracks, 63 tracks large(My average is probably between 30-45). Now that, is at least to me, an extremely large amount of stuff to manage and balance out. But I did. And i'm very pleased. Anyways,overall the general idea has been that this song was to be done in a way that has never been done before. I think that myself together with the other's working on this project as well as the judge's critcisms, have helped to make this possible. And for that I thank you all. It's been a long road for me personally from spending days thinking of ideas, to coming home from work during the Christmas 2010 season and doing nothing but working on the song, from going back last week to completely overhauling the song in various ways, to micro-managing the Mastering process to make the song both Transparent , sound good and Low end issues. I hope you all can enjoy the song in it's entirety, Your's Truly, BONKERS (T_O?) Also for anyone who might curious here is the list of the VST software(one, Bass and Electric Guitar) I used in making the final version of the song. Poulin HyBrit Full Stack Lepou legion(from same maker as above) KeFir ReaComp ReaEQ ReaGate Voxengo SPAN Voxengo Analogflux Tapebus Voxengo Analogflux Chrous Voxengo Analogflux TapeDelay ReCabinet 1/2 Free Impulses from:http://www.guitarampmodeling.com/index.php?sid=c7a2301631a39d66840bf9407250bb4a AmpliTube Metal Gearbox Absynth 4 CSR Hall CSR Inverse Camel Phat 3 Classic Chorus Prophet V2 Albino 2 Reaper Panipulator AmpegSVX Pro-53 Miroslav Philharmonik Minimoog V EZD Drummer w/DFH Expansion EWQLSO:Gold Synthfont T-Racks EQ 1.x T-Racks 3 Wavestation Legacycell Gibson Les Paul Studio Smartwood Series 2001 Ibanez Soundgear GSR-200
  10. Your ReMixer name: BONKERS Your real name: Nicholas Steven Perry Your website:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1310105117 Your userid:31818 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy I (Final Fantasy Project:Random encounter) Name of arrangement: The First Story Name of individual song(s) arranged: Prelude Additional information about game including composer, system, etc: N/A Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: Oh, lord. I could talk about this song for hours.(not that'd i'd want to) There is so much that went in to making this song;First the inspiration given to me by my ever gracious and incredibly patient director, Mr.Brandon Strader. His exact words were: "I was just thinking about the Prelude.. that old Prelude.. it's been done so many ways by so many people. I think the next logical step is to do the Prelude in the style of End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage, minus vocals. Tell me that wouldn't be simply awesome. If anyone thinks they can do this, let me know. " And that sparked immediate inspiration. Of course I had no idea how long the road would be developing the song even when it ended up nothing like "End of Heartache" at all! The day to day discussions on the shizz sparked new ideas and new things added into the song at somewhat random intervals. Quality of the track was so suspect the song was completely re-recorded about 4 times and completely done again from scratch 3 times over the course of the last year. (The current version , the one you are hearing was completely remade from scratch over the course of a few weeks due to my last project file being , unsalvageable) Initially , song structure was a no brainer to figure out. It was fairly straightforward(which in my book is the farthest thing from an issue. A lot of game music itself is just a few sections looped with varirations and breaks here and there anyway) and it stayed that way until this past month. I will admit I was not happy with the fact that the music was repetitive was a huge issue for submission, but I overcame that and the 2 new sections of music(both of which were inspired by various offical Preludes , The Final Fantasy XIV prelude in particular as well as well as making varitions based on physical limitation to certain instruments and for breaks from the standard pattern as well) added to the song(making the total length 6:20 , YUCK) ended up being GORGEOUS and I love them and I hope the average listener does as well. Techinically speaking, this song has been a nightmare as I previously indicate. I concede that I think my ONE single piece of audio equipment ( A Line 6 Guitarport) is partly to blame. The thing has issues out the wazoo, from randomly crashing ASIO drivers(during long work sessions on the song, making me lose sometimes 6+ hours of work) that require restarts to RANDOM HEAVILY DISTORTED AUDIO (Insert FFFFFFFFFUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu here) And this was an issue from the PC I initially started working on the song with a; LGA775 Pentium 4 Single-core CPU@3.2Ghz with HT,2.7GB of DDR1 RAM(all sticks but 2 were different speeds YAY),EVGA 8600GT bottlenecked by some cheap PSU Gateway put in the PC when It was bought in 2004 and a monitor using 1152X864 as a display resolution. To the PC I built this past January that I finished the song with; LGA1366 Core i7 950 Quad-Core CPU@4.2Ghz,6GB DDR3 RAM running at 1600Mhz,EVGA GTX 460 and running a nice new monitor with a resolution of 1600x900. (Some will say this is a low resolution, but It is perfect for me. 16:9 aspect also allowed me to be able to see more tracks horizonitally). Then there is REAPER, a dandy little DAW i've been running the Evaluation version of for 4 years.Much of my agony ,despair and joy on this song has come from this little piece of software.Why even just 4 or 5 days ago I had worked for 3 hours making changes to the song when around 6 am in the morning I decide "HM, I DUN LIEK DIS TAKE" like normal, so I hit CRTL+Z to undo it and then I get a prompt from another VSTi sayin "LOL PHYSICAL MEMORY IS LOW , EVEN DO IT AINT, HIT TO CONTINUE LOADIN'" I didn't think much of it so I hit yes and it undoes...EVERYTHING from the past 3 hours. I PANIC for whatever reason and hit the SAVE BUTTON......... Do you see what I did wrong? I was quite very depressed about the matter, almost at the point of giving up and not finishing the song. I spent the next day self loathing of course until I decided "you know what , i'm tired of working on this! I want it to be done. SO IMMA GO AYA STYLE(Aya Hirano, the meaning being doing/putting something/on backwards, since I do all my work during the night instead of the day ) ON THIS HOE" The Rest is history at this point. I'm very , very pleased with how it has turned out. Things have changed a LOT since the first version of the song finished about a year ago. But in the end it was for the better and I've forced myself to learn and think of new ways of doing things because of people's criticisms (doesn't mean I liked having to do dem changes!). And for that I am ultimately , equally both grateful and jaded lol. Also for anyone who might curious here is the list of the VST software(one keyboard, Bass and Electric Guitar) I used in making the final version of the song. (it also ended up being 36 tracks, some are muted and unused so the actual number is just slightly less) Poulin HyBrit Full Stack Lepou legion(from same maker as above) KeFir ReaComp ReaEQ ReaGate Voxengo SPAN Voxengo Analogflux Tapebus Voxengo Analogflux Chrous Voxengo Analogflux TapeDelay ReCabinet 1/2 Free Impulses from:http://www.guitarampmodeling.com/index.php?sid=c7a2301631a39d66840bf9407250bb4a AmpliTube Metal Cockos Reaper Panipulator AmpegSVX PSG(g200kg) Pro-53 Kontakt 3 Miroslav Philharmonik Minimoog V EZD Drummer w/DFH Expansion EWQLSO:Gold Sampletank 2 Synthfont T-Racks EQ 1.x T-Racks 3 ST2008 Wavestation Legacycell Arp2006 V2 Vintage Warmer Suzuki SP-37 Gibson Les Paul Studio Smartwood Series 2001 Ibanez Soundgear GSR-200 I hope you all enjoy the song, it was a real special experience working on this song for me. Cheers. Signed, BONKERS
  11. original thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34490 ReMixer name - Eightman real name- Max V. Kravchenko userid - 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Fire move" link to remix - attached Name of game arranged - Doom troopers System: Sega genesis Name of individual song arranged - Mercury stage Hello! I think It ready to resub. Theres nothing more I can say.. Thank you guys for your patience and help! Your reviews always help to "normal" ppl improve themselfs! You don't know how you helped me! xD Special thanks to: OA, Clem, Halc and other great ppl from wip forum! Sorry if I forgot someone!! That was long time ago) Best of.. What do you want? xD P.S. Sorry for my english, if I said something weird) Link to the original soundtrack -
  12. Contact information: ChewyNess-1001 Nestor Estrada chewyroars1001@gmail.com http://soundcloud.com/nestor-estrada1001 46835 Submission Information: Metroid MetroidRemix-T&I Title Original music by Hirokazu Tanaka I originally did this remix as a birthday gift for a friend. He's been asking me to do a guitar arrangement for the Metroid title theme. This took me about two days to complete. After he heard it, he told me I should submit it to ocrmix.org.
  13. This is pretty awesome, and the vocals are well performed, but there is some really unpleasant compression pumping going on that makes this really difficult to listen to. Some judges may be able to overlook this, as the arrangement is smooth and works very well, but I can't physically listen to the track for more than a few times through because of what it is doing to my ears. I really love the ideas, but the production needs to be fixed. No, please resubmit
  14. I'm a bit torn on this track. On one hand, the performances are solid, with a minor exception of some timing/intonation issues near the middle/end. The soundscape is really pleasant between the piano, electric, and acoustic guitars. On the other hand, the drums are super weak sounding, and very low in the mix. They could pretty much could be removed, and i'd never miss them. The arrangement follows the source very closely, but features some personalized backing elements. Overall I am enjoying the direction of this, but between the intonation issues and the drums, I feel that the overall polish level isn't quite there. I'd love to hear a tightened up version of this, though, Chris. No, please resubmit
  15. I feel like the ending was a bit abrupt, but I was definitely feeling this arrangement. The production was solid, with nice synths and a good balance, and some really cool additions. I would have liked to have heard a little more Bubble Man theme overall, but this is very solid work. Yes
  16. I think the vocals were fine, as screamed death metal vocals are impossible to take seriously even when the music is brooding and brutal. I would prefer this without vocals, but whatever. Deathklok is one of the best selling deathmetal bands in the US by a pretty wide margin, and their whole deal is hilarious songs that are really well performed, which isn't too far off from this. I do think some of the lyrics are hard to discern, but it's death metal, what do you expect? Enough source, decent production, etc. I'm cool with this. Yes
  17. Yeah, loved that cowbell pattern, and was really feeling the intro of this, but after the intro it started to feel really empty, and unpolished. I think this could definitely go places, but it'll need quite a bit more work. Keep at it! No
  18. The mixing feels a little off in some spots, but overall I was really feeling this. Great arrangement, nice guitar chops, varied sections. Some of the sections get really liberal, and basically the entire second half sounds really cool, but pretty unrelated. If other judges are able to find source in there, I'd gladly change my vote, because this track is sweet, but It needs more battle theme, IMO. No, please resubmit
  19. This is feeling much better; while there still isn't much headroom, everything is sounding really clear and crisp, and there is a lot of power. Great chops as well! The arrangement definitely felt closer to the source, and there was still a lot of personalization. Nice improvements all around, I dig it. Yes
  20. I still think the intro is a bit long, but the song itself is kickass and the source seems definitely above the cutoff. Yes
  21. Overall this sounded pretty solid, though Jesse has some valid critiques in the bass, and also the breakdwon synth. I can hear what it's trying to go for, but it's not feeling right. The fade at the end is abrupt, but doesn't totally kill it for me. I would like to hear a fixed version where it doesn't go that fast, though. Overall it's a good combination of tracks, everything sounds strong except that breakdown, and even then it's just not as good as it could be, but definitely above the bar. Yes
  22. the arrangement itself was pretty great, if a bit liberal, but the production itself wasn't really working for me. Sometimes the guitar sounded good, and sometimes it was too fake sounding. The drums also lacked much body. Hitting up the WIP forum to get some detailed production tips would definitely help, especially in regards to the drum sound. Arrangement, as I said earlier was cool, and I was really feeling the progressive rock angle, but often got a little too far off the tracks; I do think that with the song being only 2 minutes long, having a section of it that was more straight ahead and dominant source use would make things feel better overall. Really love the idea, just needs some more time in development. No, please resubmit
  23. This is way coverish for the what feels like the first half of the track, and then it starts to expand. It seems once it hits the Super Metroid theme that it ends a bit soon. Overall it's pretty good, but it feels like it could have some additional polish and expansion, as well as some stronger transitions. The seam was pretty audible between the two themes. Production-wise things get a bit crowded in the low mids with the strings. Definitely a strong start, and some decent percussive expansion, but it needs a little more to get over, for me. I'd love to hear a revised take. No, please resubmit
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