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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The arrangement is definitely creative and well done, but the mixing and production needs some additional work. The snare itself sounds really thin and wimpy, and the guitars sound good and are well performed, but lack some high end bite to them. It seems like you played the intro twice, once with super brittle guitars, and then again with a cleaner sound. I think removing the first part and just starting with the second iteration would make it a little more streamlined. Overall I like the direction this is going with, and my main concern is the sound of drums and some of the guitar balance. For being a rock-based track, the drums seem too weak, and the guitars too low in the mix for it to have the energy it needs. There is solid playing here, and an overall good arrangement, it just needs a little work to go all the way. No, please resubmit
  2. I love the reversed string synth stuff at the beginning, and sonically this has a very unique imprint. Very ear-catching. The whistling sounds like it's a few milliseconds behind the beat, but it is somewhat inconsequential, as it's doubled with the Epiano, which is on. The only way you could really tell is when the parts deviate from each other slightly melodically, and because of the panning of the 2. More cool reverse stuff afterwards is pretty nicely done, and though I didn't think the drums after the huge build felt that great to me, stylewise, and that they were pushed a little too high in the volume, the interesting textures won me over. The different sounds that shift throughout are interesting and unique, and though I felt that the arrangement goes a little long, there is always something new happening that is pretty experimental, and while it's not a style or genre I can say i'm familiar with, I definitely think most of the ideas click. Yes
  3. Pretty seamless melding of several themes, I think the arrangement is really nice. I do think the volume could be normalized and brought up slightly, and I would prefer a little less reverb, but overall this felt pretty cohesive. Solo piano tracks seem to be under extra scrutiny, but along with the arrangement ideas, decent dynamic curve, and some pretty pleasant piano playing, I can get behind this one. Yes
  4. I definitely think the compression could stand to come down a bit, it is making the drums feel really wimpy, because everything else is pushed so hard. I like the overall arrangement, especially some of the chord changes, but feel that the panning synth is too prominent, and steals too much attention when it should be more of a background element. I think a lot of the elements are in place for this to be a OCR track, but the production issues need to be addressed, and a touch more interpretation wouldn't hurt (though i'd probably still vote YES on this if just the production fixes were made). Regardless, I hope you take the time to fix this up a bit and resubmit, I enjoyed it. No, please resubmit
  5. Pretty cool concept here; it could be titled "4 seasons of sonic" . The production sound seemed like the high end was filtered out or something, it really was muffled. Performances were good all around, but the arrangement was basically a cover. The fact that it was done in several different styles was cool, but melodically and harmonically it is pretty much verbatim. I like what you've done, but it needs to be a little bit more expansive harmonically. No
  6. Great source song selection, Very pretty. I agree with Drew that the reverb is way too strong here, lending a strange character to the song where it doesn't really feel like it is being performed in the same room. The arrangement is pretty and the slightly slowed tempo is a good direction to take it in. The additional pads and light percussive chime elements are a nice way to delicately fill out the arrangement, as anything with a heavier touch would go too far. Nice use of restraint. I do think that expanding a little further on the source would be welcome, especially in the second half. You do a good job of backing up the main element with the accompaniment, but some additional harmonies would be nice, rather than simply reinforcing the existing ones. This is pretty close for me, and I really enjoy it, but it needs to have the reverb reduced, and have a little more variety in the second half, harmonically. No, please resubmit
  7. This sounds pretty groove-biased, as the music itself is marginalized under the beat (which is definitely a solid groove) for a bit until the melody is present. I agree with Drew that the piano chords are too dry, but it's not ruining the track for me. The transition into the breakdown seemed a little awkward to me; it was pretty sudden. The feel is definitely here, but I think there needs to be more overt source use. The blending of themes works well, and the overall soundscape melds nicely, but I am feeling this needs a little bit of revision to make the track more recognizable early on. Once the vibes come in with the main arpeggio it's obvious, but the part before where it is just hinted at is a little too loose. I definitely enjoy this track, but a little more work would do it good. No, please resubmit
  8. There were some cool touches here and there that personalized the track, such as the cut to a filtered riff, and the intro, but there were a lot of production issues, mainly the fact that everything is going full-bore, and as such is sounding incredibly crowded. I think the guitar tones themselves are fine, but they need to have some selective EQ done to give the leads and rhythm their own space. As for arrangement, you have the right idea of personalizing, but you need to take it a step further, and have less repetition, and a little bit more excitement with new additions. A solo would have been great too. A decent start, but needs more work. No
  9. hey bubba! let's play some bubble bobble! YEEE HAWWW

  10. Pretty nice soundscape, with some cool effects and a pretty solid balanced, though when the lead guitar comes in, it's a bit buried. Some of the other elements seem a bit far back too, like the piano. Arrangement wise, this follows the original pretty closely. I'd definitely like to hear some expansion in the theme, as well as a guitar solo or something. The guitar tone is really nice, so hearing more of that would be pretty nice. The intro sounds really serene and friendly for being part of Sandro's skull pile. Overall this has a lot going for it, but I think it needs a little more focus, and a bit more expansion. No, please resubmit
  11. The current inbox has a wait time of 1 week. I don't really see a problem, since everything else is being taken care of in a fast manner. We vote on track chronologically, for the most part, so feel free to wait until you've voted on everything before the 26th, when it was 'resubbed'.
  12. Pretty nice sequencing, but melodically and structurally, it is very similar to the source. There is a good deal of embellishment, however which makes it unique, and the brass and woodwind additions are very well thought out. Overall it doesn't stray from the source, but it really takes the original to the next level in a very confident manner. Yes
  13. Takes the classic Zeal sound and really adds a lot of personalization in the form of counter melodies and rhythmic textures. I liked the breakdown section, and the panning details kept things interesting throughout. I do think a little more main melody alteration/expansion near the end after a few repetitions would have been nice, but I really like this as is. Yes
  14. This one is sortof a tough track to figure out. On one hand, there are some nice performances, and some well-selected source songs, and some inspired ideas, but on the other, they are barely connected. The transitions between most of the themes straight up don't exist, and one theme just stops, and then another starts. It gets a little better as the song progresses, but the few themes at the beginning sound like they need a lot of integration. If the first half was as tight as the second, this would be a lot easier to consider, but as-is, it needs some work. I definitely enjoy it, however. No, please resubmit
  15. Cool style here, it reminds me of something Darkesword would do, which is pretty nice. The energy level stays pretty consistent, which makes the track feel a little flat as far as excitement goes, but it's got a cool groove, and the soundscape is solid enough. Some of the samples are a little too lo-fi, but none really take the forefront, so I can see it as a style choice. There is a decent amount of addition and expansion to the track, but overall it feels pretty similar to the original. I think there is a good foundation here, but I would like to hear a stronger dynamic curve, and more expression. It is definitely moving in the right direction, however. No, please resubmit
  16. I like how this starts out, and feel that the arrangement is pretty fun. THe transitions between themes aren't great, and i think a drum fill would have worked better than record scratches. Beyond the cool style, there isn't much interpretation, and once you've heard both sections once, you've heard the entire song. I love the feel of this, but I think it needs to be expanded on further. No, please resubmit
  17. happy birthday to two of my favorite bros! Bro on, bros!
  18. Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: mike@darangen.com Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 URL to Remix: Game: Killer Instinct Song: The Instinct Original Soundtrack: Comments: I actually remixed this source about 5 years ago, but was rushed trying to meet a competition deadline and I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome at all. So this has actually been in the making for 5 years, on and off. I finally came back to this source for the June 2011 Dwelling of Duels competition. I’m much happier with this outcome. The meaning behind the lyrics to this song are that at some time in life we all have to find who we are. For some it’s an easy discovery, for others it may take years upon years. A few years ago I found myself at a crossroads and I had to rediscover who I was in order to move on, and that was the inspiration for this song. As mentioned above, there are lyrics to this and they are as follows: Searching You’re looking from the outside Yearning for the inside There’s nothing that you can hide Exhausted You’re pushing yourself too hard You’ve never gone this far To find out who you really are Another day Another way To see the end your story brings Try again To see the end And open up yet another dream Hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it! -Michael ‘Darangen’ Boyd
  19. Dear DJP and Judges, I am submitting for your consideration the following remix... Remixer name: Doc Nano Real name: Alex Johnson-Buck userid: 36369 website: http://www.youtube.com/docnanomusic Game arranged: The Adventures of Lolo 3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_of_Lolo_3) Songs arranged: 1. Main Level Music ( starting at 2:11) 2. Overworld Music ( , starting at 3:16)Several months back I noticed that there were zero remixes of any Adventures of Lolo games on OCR. This addictive adventure-puzzle series featured infectious tunes that were drummed into the player's head, level after level, driving you to push onward despite practically throwing the controller through your TV half a dozen times per level. Noting this gap in our remix library, I wrote a Sousa-esque march based primarily on two themes from Lolo 3 -- the main level music, and the overworld theme. I originally used samples from my synth, but James Lee in the wip forums strongly recommended upgrading the samples. A half year and 200 bucks later, I was able to re-pipe the piece through EWQLSO Silver, and I think this is one case where a bit of cash made a huge difference. Props also to Wes M. for suggesting the inclusion of strings, which make the whole piece far more dramatic. The piece follows the structure of an American military-style march: Brief intro First strain: Close cover of Main Level Music, with embellishment Second strain: Development of Main Level Music, also loosely based on the jingle you hear when Lolo gets a power-up such as a bridge or hammer. Intro to trio Trio: Cover and development of Overworld Music Overall, this has been a fun experiment for me in exploiting proper balance, articulation, and harmony in a full orchestral ensemble. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for considering my mix, Alex (Doc Nano)
  20. ReMixer: Proksi Name: Daniel Airey Email: danielairey@windowslive.com Userid: 45742 Game arranged: Silent Hill 2 Arrangement name: Diseased Letter Song arranged: Letters Link to OST: Comments: Ever since I first played through Silent Hill 2, I've never looked at horror games the same. This was in part no doubt due to the music and general sound design of the game, and this track in particular stood out. I always wanted to hear it again outside of it's use at the very beginning of the game, right after James exits the bathroom. It's such an emotional, touching piece of music, but most of all it's just plain well-written with a solid tune. This is what led me to remix it. I've tried my best to keep at least some of the emotion present in the original, in my mix. I hope you enjoy it! Dan
  21. Seems fine. It's been sitting on the panel for over 2 months, and had 3 months wait in the inbox. Almost half a year waiting.
  22. I did, and still think it warrants paneling. Sounded like some timing issues throughout.
  23. Bztvuy David Michel Donais bl00dy_squirrel@hotmail.com N/A http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=45719 (awaiting activation atm) Submission Information Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Innocence Capsule Yoshi's Island Music Box Intro Koji Kondo, SNES So I was trying to learn some Super Mario songs on the piano when I stumbled upon this one. I ended up just listening to the original and it instantly brought me back to my childhood (which is common for me with many Nintendo songs). I immediately started working on a modern version of this wonderful piece. I tried to stay very true to the spirit of the original while still adding to it and I ended up with this. This is my first submission on this website and while I know that this arrangement doesn't vary much from the original, I think it doesn't need to be changed and I was cautious in trying not to break the feeling of the original. Hope you like it.
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