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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Overall a pretty nice take, with a good sense of mood, and some cool additional countermelody in the lead up section, but beyond bringing this to a metal sound, it is far too similar to the original and doesn't expand enough on the theme. The production was overall pretty good, but the arrangement needs to have more overall for this to be considered at OCR. I hope you decide to add some more and resend it. No, please resubmit
  2. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Ferdk Your real name: Fernando Carabajal Your email address: ferdkmusic@gmail.com Your website: http://www.youtube.com/ferdk16 Submission Information Chrono Trigger (SNES) Frog's Quest for Redemption (Arrangement name) Frog's Theme (Original Name) Additional info: I made this arrangement as part of a series of videogame arrangements I do on my YouTube channel, in Rock/Metal style. I wanted to add my style to it but at the same time get the feeling of the original piece present in this arrangement, thus I opted to include the Piccolo flute melody as a solo and then a duo with my electric guitar leads for the final run. I think the music by itself narrates a story, a young hero trying to do the greater good, has to inevitably stop and rethink how to overcome his enemies, he finds strength during this time and gains companions who aid him in his quest to deal with his unfinished job. These are the main 3 parts in my arrangement: the hero not being able to succeed, a calm period to regain strength and the final battle to redeem himself. I hope somebody can feel this as well.
  3. Remixer Name - WillRock Remix Name: Super Fighting Robot X Game: MMX3 Source: Opening - Some time ago, Gecko Yamori linked a Genesis version of the MMX3 Opening theme on the ocr forums. As it turns out, this piece of music was very influential on me at the time, it pretty much fuelled my interest with making Genesis style tracks, and inspired me to make this. Excited, I looked up the original - and what I got was the tinniest sounding source i've probably ever heard. I was disappointed to say the least, as it paled in comparison to geckos version. So I did my own remix of this theme, using gecko's as inspiration, which is why this has a genesis like quality to it. As far as arrangement goes, this is probably one of my more creative remixes. I'm not spoiling anything, you'll just have to listen to it to find out ;P This is a Project Track, make sure to put it in the project list should it pass. Enjoy joojz.
  4. Nice melding of your own material and the source, though it's not completely seamless. The melodic synth seems really static and kind of lifeless; it could really use some vibrato in the sustained notes. Also, there are a few sections, specifically earlier on, where it fees buried by the backing synths. Also, there are some piercing frequencies in the lead for some notes that might want to be tamed, and it could use some stereo delay, so it doesn't feel quite as pasted on top. Overall I feel this is really close, but the lead needs more polish. No, please resubmit
  5. Not super keen on the way the lead feels with the melody, but otherwise this is nice. Great percussive textures, etc. etc. Next time, just sub this to the email so it can be DP'ed. Yes
  6. Those left hand arpeggios really start to feel repetitive fast. The piano sound is nice, the source is pretty, the subtle sound effects add a mysterious touch and some backing soundscape, and all that I can think about is those pounding arpeggio patterns. Overall I think this is really nice, but I strongly believe that at least part of the left hand writing needs to be mixed up a bit rhythmwise. I may be the complete minority here, but I gotta go with my gut on this. No, please resubmit
  7. The sexy ladies, er, burning souls really are too quiet. Everything else is great, though the sound does feel a touch muffled. The drum sound and programming is brilliant. The bad guy sounds very posh. Yes
  8. This remix is 10000x better than the sources - Deia Hello OCR! Hasn't been that long since our last submission (only 6 months or so this time!), hopefully time to turn it around. This time our mix comes from a very awesome SNES game that I doubt many have played -- but I certainly played the crap out of it when I was a kid. One that that always struck us as kids was the music. Psykosonik (who also did some tracks for the Mortal Kombat movies, which you can immediately tell if you listen to the XK2097 Soundtrack) really made something simple yet effective for the soundtrack. I thought it was the mood and driving force that the music set that really brought the game's punk-rock type theme to life! Also, we don't know what we have in common with the number 2097. Details: Your ReMixer name: Digital Element a.k.a. DigiE. Your real names: Maurice Willems & Sanjay Sampatsing. Your email address: Your User ID: 2761 Additional details: Name of game(s) arranged: X-Kaliber 2097 (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) Name of individual song(s) arranged Main theme / Stage 6 --- ( ) - Stage 4 --- ( ) -- This is a gameplay video. We couldn't find the stage 4 theme separately on youtube. Our apologies. Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: This is the kind of music, from the originals that is, that really spoke to us back then. It was completely hard hitting and in your face from the very beginning. Great baselines for the most part, the melodies were hard to find so we were forced to experiment here and there and toss in a few homages for good measure. We hope you like those. We had a lot of fun making this track, and we hope you guys have as much fun listening to it as we did with the makings... of it! I think that sounds right. Link to Remix: Remix Name: Psy-Kaliber 2097 Regards, DigiE.
  9. This is definitely a quirky mix, with a seemingly obscured source, but after a few listens (and by a few, I mean a lot, for me at least v__v ), I picked it up, and found I was just being distracted by the constantly shifting soundscape. I am still pretty thrown off by the structure here, as it seems really out there, and I admit i'm not really a fan of the style, but the source is well adapted, if not a bit overly hidden, and the production is definitely on, so i'm cool giving this a yes. Yes
  10. Interesting take on the theme, with some cool ideas, but it really does feel like it's on autopilot once it gets going. I think with some additional work this could be really good, but right now, it feels half baked. Please resub this, it's very cool. No, please resubmit
  11. I feel that the soundscape is a little dry in spots, but overall has a pleasant vibe that I really enjoy. The arrangement starts pretty conservatively, but evolves slowly into adding additional parts, making it feel progressive. I think a little bit of extra detail work would have improved this a good deal, and as-is it's dangerously close to the bar; i'm not certain how other judges would take this, but i'm ok passing it. Yes
  12. The source use is pretty cool slowed down like this, and there are a lot of nice ideas overall. Some of the verses sound a bit cut and pasted, even though they are really busy and planned out. The rest of the track is really fun and cool. The ending is slightly a let down, but isn't exactly sloppy, either, so I'm not sure what to think of it beyond that it could have been better. Could have used a little less SFX and more verse variation, but overall this one is a lot of fun. Yes
  13. A somewhat conservative approach, but there is sufficient variation throughout to really feel like it's your own. I do think more pronounced rubato would have really been the icing on this cupcake, but there are plenty of things to like here otherwise. There are some nice tempo changes, but the subtlety of them makes it harder to gauge. The piano sound is slightly nontraditional, but I really enjoyed the slow decay and rich low end. It doesn't take many risks, but between a simple and solid execution and a good source, I was enjoying this one. Yes
  14. Nice and pleasant orchestral work here, with a nice theme and a pretty lively rhythm. The string attack seemed slow in a lot of areas, and some of the articulations were a bit stiff, but the varied arrangement really made it exciting. The section where the oboe had the lead seemed like it was slightly buried under the percussion, brass, and strings. The section after it had a strange transition, but Other than a huge crescendo leading up to it, im not sure how to best handle it. Overall I think the arrangement is excellent here, it just needs some production tweaks. See if you can sharpen the attack on the strings at all so they sound a little more forceful, and when the woodwinds are present, make sure they are audible. Otherwise this is pretty sweet. No, please resubmit
  15. This is a mix that I wanted to do for a long time. Except, I could not get started efficiently. Well, a couple days ago, an idea popped into my head. This time it was actually a decent one! So as soon as I finished my breakfast, I rushed to my computer and started mixing. It took around two days to complete, and I am pretty happy with it. Please let me know what you think, any constructive criticism is helpful. Songs: Crystal Palace Crawl; The Crystal King; Game: Paper Mario; Enjoy! (PS: it sounds better with headphones)
  16. Sixto Sounds Game: Mega Man 9 Track: Plug Electric This is a remix for k-wix's Mega Man 9 project. My goal was to sound like Judas Priest circa 1988 and I think I came pretty close. Had lots of fun coming up with this after months of forcing a cover-ish remix with no real inspiration. Big props to Dustin for his patience.
  17. My two cents are you shouldn't take comic books too seriously. ps. Thor was a badass movie
  18. not really sure about the title, there doesn't seem to be a ton of thrill or a feeling of a chase. That being said, this is really solid mid-tempo atmospheric electronica with some more organic sounding flourishes sprinkled throughout. There are a lot of intelligent and interesting things happening, and though the intensity stays pretty similar for the duration, the song is comfortable as either an active listening piece, with subtle shades of variation, or some nice back ground trancey stuff. I do think a wider dynamic range could have helped it a bit, but overall was feeling this one. Yes
  19. Some of the sequencing felt pretty stiff, but there were several sections that really felt natural and nice as well. The woodwinds were a highlight for me, as i felt they were the most naturally sequenced. The arrangement overall was pretty similar to the source, with a few minor instrument changes. The drama is certainly amped up from the source because of the new samples, and the additions to the piece are incredibly subtle, but effective. It took several listens to even catch there was *any* additions, they were so well integrated, so extra kudos there. A few parts are stiff, and the length is a touch on the short side, but this was well executed, and gave a pretty overlooked source (imo) a very grandiose treatment. I approve. Yes
  20. Seemed pretty vanilla until the CRAZY GLITCHES, and that definitely got my attention. Though the melody is nicely interpreted, it feels like the beats are way too static to be interesting, and the endlessly cycling arpeggio ends up being a distraction. I think this has a decent start, especially with the main melody parts, but the beats are on autopilot, and the backing parts could use some love as well. I also think the volume could be balanced a bit better between parts, with the backing synths being brought down a few DB. No, please resubmit
  21. Interesting mixed meter to start out the intro, and though I wasn't completely feeling the balance of things at first, the really nice phrasing on the guitar playing soothed my ire. The sections where the synth takes the lead weren't quite as nuanced, and felt a lot more stiff, i think some mod wheel to add some vibrato would have helped immensely there, and some additional humanization would have been good too. The sound balance needs a bit of remixing too. I think the guitar could come up a small margin, and the bass should have some of the high end EQ'ed down, it feels a little too clicky. The backing synths also feel pretty loud, so maybe bring them down slightly as well. The arrangement plays it pretty safe in some ways, but has several personal flourishes. I do think that once it gets going, a little more expansion would be nice. Overall this is close, but needs a little more polish for me to be comfortable passing. I hope to hear an updated version soon! No, please resubmit
  22. love the sweeps in the rhythm guitars, and though there isn't really any subtlety in the production, there are some nice shades of it in the arrangement. Super rocking, I really enjoyed this one. \m/
  23. im a little behind on the episodes, but I am so ready for some lesbian sex scenes.
  24. Some really nice details like the bouncing and descending echoes in the stereo delay - I think the right arrangement choice was made on an overly repetitive source song by gradually adding elements in and focusing on an ornate presentation, rather than trying to add too much original stuff. the snare plink is a bit too prominent, but overall I am feelin it. Yes
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