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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I've finished MP3 a few days ago...it has a good soundtrack. I don't recognize the theme in this moment, but I like the style!
  2. The first Metal Gear Solid (PSX) had a really good soundtrack..... I don't like so much the action-movie-style of MGS2 (and MGS:TTS)
  3. Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Pokémon (all, Stadium included)...
  4. Really not bad, I'm a great fan of Pokémon music and I'm happy that the people started to make remix of this games.....but I think that more can be done in future... 8.3/10
  5. I use it after the Dair....I try to use it in the best way I can..... Anyway, starstorm = nice
  6. First of all, I'm Link I'll try to improve myself using your suggestions (same thing for my friend); but me and my friend don't like WaveDashing and other bug-things.... Thanks for your comments anyway
  7. I've recordet a match with a friend of mine, if someone is interested here it is: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=CQssIQIKSDs I'd like to recive some feedback
  8. Fuck the colors...I want the alternative costumes!
  9. Wow....it's an interesting idea, I hope someone can did it...
  10. I like very much this tune too...but I don't know on what style it can be remixed....
  11. Yeah, the jazz version of Smash Bros Brawl is nice...but I want an industrial metal one!!!
  12. Here in Italy the situation it's really critical... I want that damn soundtrack...even if I did not played the game yet...
  13. There are too many references to Ness....he will be in, I feel it.
  14. I know many people who don't like Nintendo and like Super Smash Bros.... A boy that I know, doesn't even still play single player games, since he had Super Smash Bros. Melee....
  15. Yeah, great idea...I remember that part of MGS3... Well...there is a pumpkin...
  16. The real advantage of an SD card is that you can use your PC to backup everything and the SD to transport files from Wii to PC
  17. Wow...if someone remember I had the idea of an editor something like 200 pages ago XD ... Two things can improve this great idea: 1) Mp3s from SD Cards 2) Backgrounds from SD Cards Maybe this mp3s and backgrounds can't be shared, but it will be good anyway. I'm sure that many good boys will recreate great levels from games of the past Anyway.....porn background!!!! XD I buyed a 1GB one from ebay at 5€ (+ 5€ of spedition) Oh, just noticed that: Floating DeDeDe!!!
  18. TP has the best gameplay of the 3D Zelda episodes...
  19. About the Mario Galaxy Stage.... My favourite boss of Yoshi's Island (Raphael the Raven) was set on a little moon. I would really like to see something like that for an alternative Yoshi's Island stage... Anyone else remember it?
  20. I think the only thing that will made us see the Waddle Dees is the DeDeDe entrance... I don't know how it will result....we'll see... Anything that's from Metroid is good...there is only Samus for now... Ya, Black Shadow is really cool. To made all the universes collide in the story thing, there must be at least one enemy per game. Seems not fake...awesome o.o ... I always loved Krystal...maybe because in SFA it's really well designed...
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