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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. Interesting; not my genre but maybe I will like the final product.
  2. Yeah, Hotel Dusk is a great game with a really good soundtrack, I would like to hear something too.
  3. Why the tales of project (an official OCR one) would interfere with this (a non official OCR one)? Just asking uh...
  4. DKC2 project: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15004 Seems that Palpable will do the track
  5. For years I hoped to an heavy metal version of this, Deep Purple / Black Mages style...
  6. I really like it, go on and make it became an OCR
  7. Some days ago I was just asking myself why there wasn't the third movement yet =) it's great to see that it will come.
  8. It's a great remix; at first I didn't understood it but with a few listen I really loved it. It's something like "the King Crimson of videogames"...totally mad but fucking awesome. Genius.
  9. Oh my god...it's awesome...sounds very Castlevania-ish
  10. Sounds good, and fit well with Lavander Town...
  11. Reminds me Diablo Swing Orchestra a little...
  12. Maybe you can search for someone who can play some real instruments for your remix, like...uhm...Snappleman?
  13. Yeah I know but having the original CD is a different thing
  14. I really can't wait for this project; I think that DKC2 has one of the most wonderful soundtracks ever, and maybe my favourite. I'm still trying to find the original soundtrack anyway...I would pay a lot for that...
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