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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I like the source you chosen, but this style it's just....not my kind of music sorry...
  2. Yeah, Killer Instinct Cold Guts.
  3. Me too there is a Killer Instinct Gold Cuts too...
  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. I was waiting for a remix like this very good...
  6. Wow.....what a great Radical Dreamers mix
  7. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4380 There is a project for that game, that track will surely be covered by someone I think
  8. I think that there aren't enough KI1 remixes yet...
  9. Wow, a new DKC remix for my 21st, thanks Tweek Anyway, I like it sounds good but I need to listen better so I'll put it in my iPod tomorrow. But there is a new layout for the remixes or...WTF?
  10. I'm playing Tales of Symphonia right now, soon I will listen the last 2 CDs
  11. Just a few suggestions: Eternal Darkness: Sonic Adventure 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHE4ddQmaAk&feature=related Viewtiful Joe: Paper Mario: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhWvs0rccAI&feature=PlayList&p=CEC67A2ED4EF7E2C&index=4 Pokémon Stadium: Kirby Canvas Curse: Final Fantasy VIII: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka2Ek-g8Sxk Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Galaxy: House of the Dead:
  12. Completed Tales of Phantasia. Tomorrow morning I will listen CD 1 & 2
  13. I heard the preview, there are some really interesting tracks. I recognized "Trapped in the Mines" from DoD.
  14. The game's out, and seems to be awesome...
  15. OMG OMG! Now I must hurry to finish the two Tales of!!!
  16. We should kill ourself...
  17. I think that the end of the world will came out first...
  18. Don't hope it, it'll never happen...
  19. Try to put this on Audiosurf. It starts slowly but becomes mad in the end....it's a nice trip.
  20. He will ever came out from that music temple?
  21. DKC2 Soundtrack never tires!
  22. Ahaha this is bad...
  23. True, I would like to hear a 'Simian Symphony Part II'
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