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Jens Wulvik

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Everything posted by Jens Wulvik

  1. SOMETHING WENT WRONG WITH THE QUOTING HERE DUE A ERROR AT OCREMIX!! Yeah, you'll sure need some more, but a hihat is a good start and it keeps the drummer from getting bored to death!!
  2. I've been goofing around a lot with the music on N64 with different emulators or plugins and there is no way you can mute tracks by will!! Ripping samples are possible with some N64 games, with a utility called "N64 Sound Bank Ripper"(http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=128758) Try it on "Super Mario 64", "Banjo-Kazooie" and on "Space Station Silicon Valley", they got some nice samples!!
  3. The only way to get Virtual Bassist for free, is to get it for christmas.
  4. 1. Super Mario RPG - Hello, Happy Kingdom (Remix for the SMRPG project) 2. Mario Kart 64 - Victory Lap
  5. For the sitar and the koto you'll find some soundfonts at http://www.hammersound.net/!!!
  6. http://www.google.com
  7. Try this one:http://www.sf2midi.com/index.php?page=sdet&id=7951, it's the best acoustic drum-soundfont I've heard.
  8. Actually, that one's not too good, the samples have attacks and things. For NES music I ripped virt's samples [sorry virt! lol?] from his chiptunes, like this one, since they are pretty accurate. Sounds good for me
  9. If you need NES samples, just go to www.zophar.net and go to the soundfont section. There you can download a NES-soundfont wich you can load into your Modplug Tracker!!!
  10. Get a tracker!! You could try modplug tracker!!! http://www.modplug.com/
  11. When I use soundfonts, I use a free VST called SFZ. Grab it on www.rgcaudio.com/sfz.htm
  12. Hi, I'm using Sonar. Sonar itself take lots of Ram, so it is easy to overload the Ram. I tried myself now to load a soundfont of 71Mb, and just that took 160Mb ram!! So with your soundfont of 191Mb, I can understand that it overloads the ram. To make this work you have to make sure your soundfont player is the only VST loaded, and you may also shut down some windows tasks if you need more Ram. I can't promise that you'll ever get to use this sf if you don't edit it a bit.
  13. The thing is to be creative with putting in different instrumenst and sounds. It can be anything 'cause everything gets ambient when you add lots of reverb and some delay. And to get the mysteric feel try to use some interesting scales.
  14. I recommend that you contact the mixer of that mix!!
  15. I do both, but making original melodies is most important.
  16. Haven't you got more options for the poll?? None of them fits!!!
  17. Haven't you got more options for the poll?? None of them fits!!!
  18. If you want some of the "big ones", don't even try Cubase, it sucks. Go for Cakewalk Sonar, it cheaper and better than Cubase.
  19. I got one expensive, and one free option for you!!! You can buy Garritan Orchestra or Edirol Orchestral, are using Edirol O. myself, it sounds great!! If you want something free, then get yourself RGCaudio SFZ, a soundfont-playing VST. Get it here: www.rgcaudio.com/sfz.htm And then go to hammersound and download a soundfont called "S J Orchestral GM", it sounds great as well!!! I'll give you some samples here: First one using the soundfont http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=71563 ..and this is the edirol O. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=71564 EDIT: There is also some Final Fantasy soundfonts on www.zophar.net
  20. I see...but learn the songs (simplified) on the guitar, before you try the bass!! You won't take any D# instead of a E when you're using chords. After learning the chords you can go on with your bass. You'll learn much more this way, than taking it in slow motion.
  21. Do you play anything else than bass. Plowing thru the song with a chord playing instrument can help.
  22. Everybody have this problem a while in the begining, just keep playing what you think is right(make sure you got it right if you are performing for people) and you will automatically learn the difference. I got the same problem myself when I started playing the piano, couldn't hear the difference of a major and a minor. I have played the piano in 2 years now and can play anything by ear, the key is practise.
  23. Ohh, the guitar solo...yes, it's to "bendy"...have to do something about that!!!
  24. I've improved it a bit, here is the new one: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=63254 Hope to get some comments now!!
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