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Jens Wulvik

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Everything posted by Jens Wulvik

  1. Reminds of the jazz music on Mafia, City of lost heaven. Very cheerful, makes me happy
  2. This is one of my latest works, soon finished. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=58294 Let me know what you think, and what I need to improve, thank you!!!
  3. Moving upwards on the list....
  4. Moving upwards on the list....
  5. It was just a writing mistake I had to fix...
  6. ...I changed Pro Adio to Sonar, which is a more exzpensive application
  7. HEY, I never said I got Ableton,Cubase and Reason!!! I got two applications Cakewalk Sonar 5 and Cakewalk Pro audio!! I edited because I by a mistake wrote Cakewalk Pro Audio instead of Sonar, and wrote that it was VST-compatible, which it's not. I paid 7000 Norwegian "Kroner" for Cakewalk Sonar 5.
  8. I'm using Cakewalk Sonar 5, wich is a VST-compatible application. You need a good computer to run this, but it's sure the best if your computer can handle it. I got a ton of VST's. For the: Piano I'm using: Steinberg, The grand Edirol Super Quartet Ac.Guitar I'm using: Musiclab realguitar Edirol Super quartet Edirol Hyper canvas El.Guitar I'm using: Sampletank guitar collection Slayer 2(For some heavy stuff) Edirol Super Quartet Bass I'm using: Edirol Super quartet (Best basses EVER!!!) Edirol Hyper canvas (Synth bass) Orchestral sounds I'm using: Edirol orchestral Choir I'm using: Edirol Hyper canvas Synth lead I'm using: RGC Z3ta+ Synth arpeggios and pads I'm using: Edirol Hyper canvas. A good advice to people who can't afford VST's, they can get a free soundfont-VST from: http://www.rgcaudio.com/sfz.htm There is plenty of free Soundfonts on the web, and many of them are very good!!! I do always use soundfonts for the organ sounds!!!
  9. If I where you, I would take it to the nearest instrument dealer, and get some help there.
  10. Would a demo help you?? The bass and leads on this: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=38603 ...song is from Z3TA+!!! I've composed this song myself
  11. It's a S90ES, right? Maybe this guy have some advice for you: http://www.yamaha-europe.com/yamaha_europe/download/movies/01_product_demos/S90/S90_english_v1_0_300k.wmv
  12. I know that it is a bit, or maybe very repeating. I'm not so good at guitars. This song was most something I made inspirated by my new guitarsounds. These fake guitars sounds really great!!!
  13. To get this dark sound, you have to adjust down the cutoff filter. When I do this I use a wah-wah VST, like on this rearrangement of Maroon 5's This Love: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=39791
  14. Have a look at this. This is something I made when I got musiclab realguitar, it's called: "A long travel". Give me some response on it;) http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=38540
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