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Everything posted by Faduger

  1. The game is great. The franchise is still growing. I don't ever see the price ever going down. Right now if you have the extra cash i wouldn't see it being a bad idea for the future.
  2. I'm not sure, as long as people respond...i will too.
  3. I do need a good roast. Way to identify.
  4. Plugin and play games are suppose to be fun on the spot. I just think they could make the option to make it more complicated. Its just a thought for me. I'm sure they have thought about doing it. I'm not sure what the problem is with doing it. I'm not even sure how they would do it besides having a debug menu or soemthing of the sort. I uno, i guess simple games are alright.
  5. Damn guy. sounds like we need to settle this in a game of chess? maybe you two can pwn eachother ther. I like your spunk, defending smash as you do.
  6. Yeah, everyone does have a differen't perspective. People also change the way they feel all the time. Assuming this basic logic is applied to what i posted, i would assume also the people replying would understand that i understand the basic logic.thus, not needing to explain what i'm explaining. I may have said it as a fact, but you can interpret it as an opinion because, thats what it is. For me alot of times games is a love-hate relationship and i'm expressing some hate in the post. Thanks for trying to make me understand though.
  7. I'm just glad to hear everyone loves smash brothers...i believe its only truly a great experience if you play others as good as you. only then will you feel the real heat of a battle. Which now brings up how they will make the next. What kind of techniques will be enhanced. Will Kong grab to people at the same time? Will throw his shine? Id like to think so, i wonder how hard it would be to develop it. I'm not sure why i went off on that but damn i like thinking about it. How about Crono Cross, wasn't that a disappointment to anyone? I had large expectations. I Liked alot of it, but don't you think it could have been better.
  8. I don't know if id go with simple. You can do alot in smash brothers. It also takes a while to master what you can do aswell. Its simple on the ouside, complicated once you understand it
  9. Faduger


  10. Gee cat man...I didn't know you cared so much. I love smash brothers...because everytime it think i've mastered it, i learn im just a newb. After i played Skypal it made my perspective so much broader. I don't know what it is about ddr that everyone likes but i sure need to try it. I too had the zelda pain. I love the game for sure, but i get tired of running through fields, transforming, killing poes, and waiting for scenes to complete themselves. Everyone hates the word "FUN" in this post...bunch of fun haters.
  11. yeah, apologies for my writing. As you have read, I'm not a writer...or very smart....ima go play wind waker......
  12. yeah, i made this forum cause i was bored and wanted to say something which in my opinion doesn't make anysense in the first place. Games are inerpreted different by everyone. I Don't have a problem with games unless i play them for to long. I enjoy playing games more than anything. The idea of wasted games is just frustration of my memory card being deleted from zelda..piece of shit. Anyway, the main points are, this forum shouldn't have been made in the first placegames are subjective, and anne is a foggat.
  13. *sign*.....want a challenge? solve some real world problems.Fun is the king of positive sensation...its not specific but its a sum of all that is good feeling. I hate loading screens, what games are faster with loading?
  14. I suppose you can say even simple viewed games find themself complex. Mario kart can be mastered in many ways. I'm just thinking with all the talent the big named companies have, games wouldn't be so repetative the closer our future comes. games just need to be more fun, fast pace and innovative than they are or i'm going to stick to enjoying the outside world.
  15. I do confuse my words alot, skill based games are usually more fun. all games are fun, i'm not questioning that. I am saying they can definately be much better. Simple controls make simple fun.
  16. me too, but that just made it damn damn funny
  17. I had a revalation, or a revolution...just a thought. I haven't really been up to date with games, but i have played a bunch of old ones and have experienced a not so good emotion. Alot of video games suck. Not just crappy publicized remakes of movies n such. The Series for an entire company is based on a plummer? I can definately understand how they can be appealing. I do believe the potential of game is much greater then what they have. All the final fantasy series gameplay is boring. Its just that, boring. Gameplay needs a boost because they are excelling on everything but. Mario games are so basic it can boggle the mind. They spend Way to much time on making superb grphics and sound. Wher is the complication of gameplay? Smash brothers has complicated physics in many ways to master it in competition. It could be so much better. So why, why do they insist on making games simple. The more you can do, the more you can master and have a great experience. To anyone how can reason, share my understanding of blan games, why are none so innovative? Alright, after people reeming me on their perspective's i have decided to edit my first post. The games are subjective, and the upper paragraph was an opinion i shared at the time. I've learned people like being dicks, fun isn't a good word to use to describe an experience, and games are interpreted differen't by everyone. Alot of games gave me great experiences in which i didn't acknowledge. I admit games are way better then i gave credit, but i still think they aren't what alot of them should\could be. When i say mario sucks, i'm just wondering what made the little guy so popular. Sorry for confusing my opinion. It is still fun to talk bad about successful franchises.
  18. i haven't really heard a classical frog mix. Not to much difference from the original which i like when it comes from classical, good work..definateley. i will definately check out the site
  19. Sorry Snappleman, Touche lion, Touche.
  20. i'm sorry for doubting you...it got me, its pretty good
  21. ever play the chess master.....damn, need some skill for that
  22. I had never heard your work before and have never had a satisfied remix to the theme. When i first heard the flute i wasn't sure if i was going to be disappointed or not. As soon as the entire band kicked in i found my happiness. Thank you for that. Glen would be proud.
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