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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. the arrangement sounds like it is good but it's really hard to tell when you're using Finale...a lot of your ideas might not be getting across as it sounds really static as far as timing and dynamics.

    As far as I know Finale uses a GM library for its sounds, but I'm not sure if you can change them...I think the best you could do would be to export a midi and then use a different sequencer (like FL) that has more control over the samples.

  2. This is pretty cool, I really like the latin feel here. I feel like this could really have a lot more before you go into the quiet bit. I'm really feelin a bass solo on this. It could really use more latin percussion too, can't go wrong with rad timbale licks. And the drums could do a lot more, I think. I think at the part where you add the ride in it might not be a bad idea to go double time or something. Also your ride part isn't the best, I think it might be better to be playing quarter notes instead of just on 2 and 4. Or even try this rhythm:


    which is a pretty basic ride rhythm in latin music.

    Also in the end maybe incorporate some brushes on the drums, because in that section the drums particularly are a bit too mechanical.

    Anyways those are just suggestions but basically my main comment here is that it's good but there is definitely more that could be done with it.

  3. And what do you mean by "sound quality things"? I could use some detail here for clarity. =)

    The kick drum clips pretty much throughout, especially at the beginning and the part with the bass and kick around 0:41. It just sort of messes with the clarity of the drums and the guitars throughout, makes it sound overly distorted.

  4. i'm sorry you feel that way :\

    i know it's quiet and slow but i did try to incorporate buildup (and build down?) as much as possible (the second part especially, with the flute/clarinet/oboe playing that ascending two-note pattern), and i definitely didn't intend it to be ambient.

  5. Guys, djpretzel is not ever going to assign more than one game to a remix so please stop discussing it. Look at the way the site and the site database works... it's not even feasible.

    I think they are saying that Pokemon Red/Blue should be considered a single game, not that the mix should be listed separately under Red and Blue. Or maybe I am misunderstanding.

  6. I disagree with Radiowar. I think the source lends itself perfectly to folk metal along the lines of Troll. If you're familiar with the genre, the rearrangement pretty much writes itself.

    I never said it lent itself only to trance...folk metal doesn't sound like a bad idea either.

  7. I think you may have picked a bad source tune for breaking away from trance...sounds like the kind of thing that really lends itself to trance. anyways...

    It doesn't sound like you've done much with the source to make it fit into the industrial genre, it's pretty much identical in mood/atmosphere to the original. I think the biggest problem is the drums. They sound really generic and they don't work if you're going for an industrial sound; I'd try using more electronic/glitch drums. Overall the arrangement just sounds like little more than a sound upgrade of the original.

  8. I kind of liked the strait piano version better.

    This is ok though.

    yeah I sorta did too but I think this version is pretty good on its own.

    I'll submit this sometime, it's just I already have 2 mixes in what is already a huge queue and I probably shouldn't be adding more to it :P

  9. uhhh I'm sure there are plenty of things you can do to improve this. The intro really doesn't make any musical sense even under the pretense of it being "jazzy". You have a ride playing a swing rhythm that no other instrument seems to follow, even the rest of the drum kit, which seems to be playing a sort of hip-hop beat. The piano and the lead seem to be playing in two different keys. And you have instruments panning all of the place in a way that doesn't really make sense (the sax). This isn't a solo piano piece, the piano should be in one place and stay there (in the intro the lower notes are panned to the left and the higher notes are panned to the right but after that the entire piano is panned to the right?)

    The parts after the intro sound much better, though they feel just as aimless. There isn't really a sense of one part beginning and another part ending, one just bleeds into the other. Also the comping is pretty weak. And you have too many instruments playing over top of each other so it is hard to tell which one is supposed to be followed. One thing you could work on is the drums, instead of having them just play a single looping pattern, make them actually play along with the music. Use fills to lead into the different sections, etc. I'm not going to go on about sample quality because I think you should work on the composition first...

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