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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. You got a solid foundation. Just try varying the chords a bit. Maybe try some bass slides as well. Aside from that there's just production/sound quality issues but I'm guessing you didn't want to focus on that.

    Cool, thanks. I'll play around with the chords and the bass a bit. But about the production issues, I know there's some clipping and the synth is bit piercing when it hits the high parts...were you talking about something else?

  2. The arrangement is pretty good but it just doesn't sound that great for a solo piano piece. It lacks expression (I'm guessing you sequenced this) and the piano sample you're using isn't very good so it really sounds like background music for one of those tv guide channels. Also the ending is kind of weird and it just cuts out. This is a good example of a piano piece that uses alright samples and sequenced entirely by hand.

  3. Hmm after all the talk in your other thread this is kind of disappointing to hear. You still seem to be unable to hear when things are offbeat or offkey that should be noticeable, if not glaringly obvious, to anybody even without musical training. The cello enters too early causing dissonance between it and the lead synth. The drums come in early shifting the rhythm of the song and it just feels unnatural. The flute comes in on a weird offbeat and plays pretty much all out of key. Everything clashes pretty much.

  4. This is just a pretty basic demo of a Indigo-gos remix I'm working on. It's slowed down a little and in a different key but it's still got that jazz feel of the original. It's gonna be pretty minimal I think, just drums, rhodes, sax, and eventually bass hopefully. This is just the head but the idea is that there will be a solo section in there too. I know the drums are stupid and not doing anything but I'm gonna save those until last once everything else is done.

    Also, if there are any sax players who are able to play jazz (i.e. improvise a solo) and are interested in playing on this song then let me know. The sax stuff I did is pretty crappy and it would be nice to have someone who knows what they're doing.

    Indigo-gos (demo)

  5. Their record company? Totally can see them doing it.

    they aren't signed to sony or something, they're on merge records, an indie label. and that's the label that the arcade fire is signed to which became ridiculously popular overnight so i don't know why they would suddenly decide to resort to this kind of underhanded marketing.

    ok i am done posting here

  6. i don't know if anybody caught this but they used this song as a sort of intro thing for nintendo's zelda ds demo at E3

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77XKcUvaZJY (it's a couple minutes in)

    yeah they only used like 2 seconds

    sort of cool though

    edit: looks like the video got taken down...here is another one, though it only plays for 2 seconds.


  7. The band may or may not be any good. The whole point is that some little spammer came here and dumped his shitty attempt at viral marketing on us.

    maybe it's just a dude who wanted to talk about a band he liked. maybe i'm being naive but i really doubt anybody from the band or their label is behind this. and why ocr of all places? i mean judging by the responses so far it's pretty clear that very few people here are into indie rock.

  8. your strings are sounding a bit weird in the opening...like there's too much reverb on them. they are missing that quality that makes a solo violin sound nice.

    is that supposed to be a glock at 0:58? i'd get a cleaner glock sample that one sounds way too metallic. the choir samples really aren't that great either, makes the section from 1:25 to 1:53 sound really cheesy and weak.

    is that an accordion? way too dry and fake sounding. brass at 3:37 is also pretty weak.

    the snare drum you have is pretty mechanical...even by marching drum standards. try putting in a buzz roll or something, and mess with the velocities a bit more. got some weird drums coming at 1:25, they sound really out of place. triplet rhythm at 1:50 ish are really mechanical sounding. what is happening at 2:21...this just sounds really messy. can't be hitting toms all crazy like that. if you're gonna have them in there try and use some panning and turn them down a bit when other instruments are playing.

    overall this mix suffers from poor quality samples and a lack of balance between instruments. i'm not really sold on the arrangement either but that's a personal thing. try using a LOT more panning, EQ, dynamics, and reverb if you want to sound really big and epic like the pirates of the caribbean theme.

  9. pretty much yeah. in the menu, go to channels, add one, layer (i'm assuming your using fl), then highlight snare 1 and 2 and click Set Children. then copy the main snare pattern onto the layer one and tada you have layered snares.

    or you could do it the slightly more complicated way and copy and paste the main snare pattern onto both snares. this way allows for more control of the individual snares but it also means more editing...

  10. Ah there we go...I've been on the computer for too long today, brain's going to mush thanks ^^.

    http://media.putfile.com/barf-tastic-drums Does this sound kinda off to you, or is it just me? I tried to do as you said :S

    yeah it's not bad. you don't need to ALWAYS use the open hi hat, usually it's just an end-of-the-bar type thing. also it isn't really a good idea to switch snare sounds...maybe layer the two different sounds?

    but in the context of the section i was talking about i was thinking of a much less robotic rhythm. 2:00 to 2:30 is pretty dissonant and chaotic like i said before, so the drums should reflect that and be a lot less controlled. organized chaos.

  11. hmm well the trumpet sound you're using is not a very good sample, so i'd work on masking that with some reverb and maybe some eq to give it more treble. also it's way too loud. try using some panning on it.

    the string part is much better and i noticed a couple little changes to the piano but it is still too repetitive. the best way to fix that would be to make the strings go to different chords other than the I and V chords. try adding the VI and IV chords (a minor and F major in this case). it's a really cliche progression but it's less so than going back and forth between C and G. this way you can keep your repeating piano (though i wouldn't) but keep the song interesting.

  12. this is pretty nice

    i kinda wish that the piano was clearer though. personally i think that kind of lo-fi sound only works when everything around it is lo-fi as well (the beginning is fine)...but after awhile where everything builds up and is clear and energetic, the piano is still kinda off in the background.

    also this song tends to get very crowded in many places. i think you tread the balance of overcrowded/not during most of the song but there are quite a few places where there really is too much happening. the guitar section at 4:21 is a good example of this...it could be a good climax section but it just feels unfocused.

    the change to the chrono trigger song isn't that great i think, and the sax gets too loud when it hits those high notes. and it's only on that one note too i think, because after it plays it it gets quiet again...watch the velocity.

    but other than that this isn't bad and you seem to know what you're doing

  13. well if quarter notes are like:

    1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - -

    and eight notes are half the value:

    1 - + - 2 - + - 3 - + - 4 - + -

    then sixteenth notes are half that:

    1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a (1 e and a 2 e and a is generally the way of counting sixteenths)

    basically, four sixteenth notes make up one quarter note. triplets are basically the same idea, three quarter note triplets make up one quarter note.

  14. And there's a few technical words that I don't understand (please excuse my newbiness): EQ, frequency and offbeat.

    well if you've taken high school physics you should know what frequency is...frequency in terms of sound is basically what gives a sound its pitch (e.g. high frequency = high pitch, low frequency = low pitch). and all you really need to know about EQ is that it allows you to control individual frequencies in a sound.

    Does this sound good Fishy/every one else? http://media.putfile.com/Improved-Ty...emixmethinks-2

    Please check out the 2:00-2:30 region, no one commented on it last time, so I'm unsure if its good or not. Thanks.

    well first of all i'm not really feelin the pads you've got, they sound pretty cheesy to me

    the drums aren't too bad when they come in but the pads have too much release. they should have more clearly defined starts/stops instead of overlapping each other. also the note changes in the pads don't seem to follow the drums at all...coming in on offbeats. i don't think it's a great idea really.

    ugh fl keys...one thing you could do to make this sound better is use eq so the piano doesn't sound like it's being played underwater, and also edit the velocities on the chords so they don't sound so noticeably robotic (accenting the chords that are played on the beat is always a good way to go)

    i think there's too much starting and stopping in this song. if you're going to have it like that, at least have something to fill in the spaces. doesn't have to be a huge drum fill, just...something.

    the section from 2:00 to 2:30 isn't really that good, but that isn't to say it couldn't be...i think if you could make the piano more expressive that would help. also the way you have the snare hitting on all the piano chords is very robotic. that section sounds to me like i could be something really chaotic. you can keep the snare shots but in between make the rhythm more creative using some hi-hat playing sixteenth/triplet rhythms

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