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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. There's a tool, called WinMPQ I think, that lets you open Blizzard's MPQ files and extract individual data files. An MPQ is basically like a zip file, only it's a custom format and thus needs a custom tool to open it. Getting at the Brewfest track is a matter of downloading WinMPQ, opening the right file in your WoW folder (I can't remember offhand and don't play the game anymore, so I don't have the media, but I think it's called assets.mpq or sound.mpq or something sensible like that), and extracting the track(s) that you want.
  2. Turn quantization off or quantize to a shorter note, assuming that's what your problem is specifically.
  3. Quantization is an auto-adjustment of the timing of notes so that they all fall on exact beats. Say I'm recording a drum part with my keyboard and I'm recording an eighth note pattern like this: H H S H H H S H (H is hi-hats, S is snare), with bass drum kicks on the first eighth note in each group of 4. This is a pretty standard rock beat, in case you're wondering. Well, say I play my rock beat, but my timing is off. While I may want my performance to sound more human, sounding like the drummer is drunk and has no sense of timing isn't ideal. With quantize turned off, what I play is what I get. With quantize turned on, the notes will get moved to the nearest eighth note (or, note duration of my choice), so all my hi-hat and snare hits will line up perfectly. What I was suggesting earlier is that if you have quantization turned on, your sixteenth notes might be forced to line up to the nearest eighth note, which would make it sound like some sixteenth notes got dropped when in reality, they just got shifted so that two or more notes were recorded at exactly the same time.
  4. If it's not picking up notes, that doesn't sound like an audio card latency problem. Your audio card could cause latency, yes, but unless your audio card is also a MIDI interface and you're connecting your keyboard via MIDI through it, that wouldn't affect the incoming MIDI data, only the outgoing sound. What are the specs of your computer, and what were you trying to use to make the sound (i.e. what plugin?) when you started having dropped notes? Did you maybe have quantize on and you weren't playing in time? If I'm set to quantize to eighth notes and I'm playing sixteenth notes, it's possible that by playing out of time, several sixteenth notes could be adjusted to the start of the same eighth note, making it appear that the notes were "missed".
  5. Here's my basic setup. I do live playing more than remixing, so I didn't bother getting a shot of my laptop. Korg TR-61 and Nord Stage 73 Amp and effects unit I have too many pedals
  6. The Axiom line is definitely semi-weighted. Not the best semi-weighted action ever, but it's definitely got more weight to it than a synth-action keyboard.
  7. Wasn't the El Nido Triangle created by Fate? Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I thought Chronopolis was built on some random island, and Fate did the rest. As for a port to DS, the DS couldn't handle it as well as the PSX because of the size of the videos. If they cut all the FMVs, they could possibly squeeze everything onto the DS. More likely, they'd remake it for the PSP.
  8. Wingless for president or something.
  9. I discovered a lot of artists this summer. Not that I'd never heard of any of them, but when you have a classical and jazz background and start asking for recommendations on great keyboard players in rock genres, you're going to get a lot of names. Some of the list that I liked included Pink Floyd, Genesis, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Rush, Spock's Beard, and Yes.
  10. Nice fingernails Congratulations, you two! I saw that coming for a while, but wasn't sure when Andy would actually do it. Really nice choice of ring too; it suits you and isn't overly large for your hand. Best comment though is on Andy's Facebook wall from one John "The Wingless" Burnett. I think it goes something like this: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
  11. Any idea of the race of either player? Could they have been father and son playing for their grandfather maybe? Delfeayo and Ellis Marsalis? Lots of trombone players used plunger mutes, so without any idea of the song, subgenre of jazz, approximate year, and such, you're probably out of luck.
  12. No, definitely was trying to be positive.
  13. There's only about 3 females here who aren't remixers (and thus not groupies). Better move fast! Seriously, you two are lucky. My wife couldn't really be considered my groupie. Not that playing at church really gets you groupies anyway, but still...
  14. Congrats! I'll be different and suggest you *do* take some time off from mixing
  15. Congrats! He's quite cute (which is something coming from me; my wife has told me she's scared to have kids with me because I think many newborns are cute but ugly).
  16. Looks like a wreath to me
  17. You probably didn't fill in N/A for the question that asks you how much you play a week if you're in school, on vacation, or not a student. You need to answer all of those, not just the ones that don't apply to you. That said, SurveyMonkey doesn't make it that clear which questions have invalid answers. Submitted.
  18. Not necessarily. Aerith remained as Aerith in Crisis Core. Also, Bartz was the Japanese version and Butz was the version they used in FF Anthology for the PSX. I can't remember what they did with Butz/Bartz in the GBA version, but I seem to remember it being Bartz. I doubt Brawl pushed the Wii to its limit. It's definitely a good game, but not that spectacular in terms of effects, complexity of backgrounds, and such. The one drawback to fighting games on the PSP is the thumbstick. I tried Street Fighter Alpha 3 Turbo Max and while I'm far from being a good Street Fighter player, I found it really hard to pull off combos using the thumbstick, even in practice mode. The size of the screen won't be a big deal, if they design the game right. Obviously, a big, wide-open map like Brawl uses won't work unless the players are always right beside each other, so they'll have to come up with a different mechanic to keep things compact enough that it works for the PSP screen. Of course, they could always use the 2D fighting area like Street Fighter games do, but the screenshots seem to suggest otherwise.
  19. That's exactly the deal. Names are often changed when the game is translated from Japanese to other languages.
  20. Good luck with that. It's incredibly hard to transpose a full audio file, since it means determining which parts of the file are notes, which are drum beats, and so on, and when you've got a bunch of things happening at the same time, making sense of them individually is really hard. No one's going to be giving away quality software that can transpose accurately all the time, if such software even exists.
  21. I tried selling an EWQL product before. I don't think NI will remove it from the account (unless they really aren't paying attention), since EWQL explicitly states that their products can't be sold. The alternative you might have is to remove everything else from your account and give someone the account as well as the serial number, but that of course depends on what you already have registered.
  22. Tiles had better not get integrated before membership cards. I've had the code for them written for over 6 months with nary a word from Mr. Pretzel.
  23. Thinking of both, actually, just didn't word it clearly. FF IV GBA had the extra dungeon (which was really easy except for Kain's floor); FF IV DS has augments and better graphics. Personally, I'd take more content over better graphics any day; if it wasn't for the augment system, I wouldn't be playing FF IV DS at all.
  24. NNY didn't mention that there are two new dungeons as well. I'd find it hard to say that this doesn't top any of the GB FF remakes. FF IV, on the other hand, is more debatable. (FF III's remake added so little besides graphics that's it's not worth considering).
  25. What *is* a relevant issue is that they didn't have everyone at level 80 yet, and undoubtedly didn't have all kinds of epic gear. I remember first doing Karazhan: my guild had trouble with some of the later fights, both because we were still learning them and because of gear. Even going with people who had completed Kara on mains but had alts in greens and blues, some bosses like Curator posed a challenge. Skill and experience or not, the fact that they can waltz in with crappy gear and wipe everything suggests things are too easy. Raiding is less about skill and more about group coordination and attentiveness, so the fact that TwentyFifthNovember can get through it quickly means that any guild with average gear who know how to spec right and are coordinated enough not to screw up can handle all current in-game content with relative ease. Compared to the Burning Crusade where Vashj and Kael posed fairly significant challenges, Wrath is probably on the easy side.
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