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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. I figured that out immediately with Kore, but only because I'd made the same mistake with *other* NI programs (although synths like FM8 are at least nice enough to have a default sound, so you always hear *something). We've all been down this road before; it's an annoying (if insignificant) flaw in NI's UI experience.
  2. I'm assuming you have a sound active in Kore Player? (Don't just select a song in the song browser; double-click it to load it) Failing that, I don't think the Kore Player has much in the way of overall output controls, so odds are you're not routing it properly in your DAW or Kore's mixer channel is muted or something like that. Does it work in standalone mode for you?
  3. Yes; I buy almost all my new music from iTunes nowadays; it was just convenient. Actually, I looked there before I even went to the site; this thread just reminded me that I'd wanted to get the album for a while and hadn't done so yet.
  4. Fantastic-looking site. I also got around to buying Alter Ego today too, since I was there. Great-sounding album. I always felt bad about dropping the ball for you with the sax part on Amen, but Prophet did a much better job than I ever would have, so I'm glad it turned out alright in the end.
  5. Looks like something that'd be found in Patapon.
  6. Can't help much with eStores; I have no experience with them. I don't know what Amazon does either; we don't have the 'independent merchants, list your goods here' capability in Canada yet (as far as I know). Ideally though, you want to find an eStore that's either free and you run it yourself (which means paying for an SSL certificate and the eStore software) or one that just takes a cut of the sales but does the work for you (probably what Amazon does). Avoid something like eBay where you'll probably be charged for each listing.
  7. He should buy a domain name, get a wordpress.com blog (there's more to them than just blogging; it's more of a content management system; you can create static pages and such), and get to it. If he's unhappy with the limitations of a wordpress.com blog, he can still get hosting somewhere, point his domain name there, and use the wordpress standalone package (which *does* let you customize CSS, for example; their hosted blogs do not). If he starts on one and moves later, he wouldn't even lose any data; it's easy to migrate data between blogs, and moving from wordpress to wordpress is even easier.
  8. You probably will. Latency isn't so much due to the keyboard as it is due to your audio interface. You could try the free ASIO4ALL drivers with your on-board soundcard; failing that, you'd have to get a better audio interface.
  9. Basically, the lightweight plugin that is opened in the host just passes everything from the host to the actual plugin. Plugins have an interface that the host can call to determine what parameters are available, for example, and what the possible range of values for each is. The host calls the JBridge plugin, which talks to the out-of-process VST using the same interface, and passes the results back to the host. The JBridge plugin is just a passthrough: it needs to support the full VST specification, and it supports that by sending everything to the separate process and forwarding the results back to the host.
  10. I, for one, would really like this idea. (Well, if they supported keyboards anyway, so I could play the instrument I'm good at). Right now, the only opportunities I have to play are at church. The music is standard rock/pop most of the time, and on the average Sunday morning, is very under-rehearsed because of people's lack of time. We also have a night once a month where we have a much better band (the bass player recorded and toured with Bruce Cockburn in the late 80's) with a lot more rehearsal time, and I often get to play with them, but it's obviously infrequent: one long rehearsal on a Thursday, one long rehearsal and then performance a few days later. And even still, the style is still rock/pop, with the odd minor deviation into funk/soul/gospel. I would *love* the opportunity to play regularly in a variety of styles with a solid band. Since I don't have that right now, the opportunity to play along with a pre-recorded band would be great. No, it wouldn't be as creative as being able to write our own stuff or even choose whichever songs we like, and you wouldn't get the group dynamic you do when playing with real people, but it'd still be a big improvement over what I have now.
  11. Making a zip of files you select would be a fairly complicated programming task, especially when dealing with site mirrors. The script would have to be aware of all the mirrors, somehow decide which site to pull each selected file from, deal with error handling if one of the mirrors couldn't be reached, and so on. It would also add to the bandwidth of ocremix.org unless the zip files were created on the mirror sites and you were just provided a link to them. Is it really that hard to download the files individually?
  12. Passion Session is entirely acoustic. My boss knows Don, and apparently the entire album was recorded in a small stone church with a high-quality mic. No effects, no processing afterwards, just his playing. The other album of his that I've heard, Huron Street, has only one track with vocals, if I recall correctly - surely that's not enough to prevent you from buying it if you like the rest of the album? Although, Passion Session is probably regarded as his best album.
  13. You might like Don Ross. My boss suggested him the other day and I listened to a couple of his albums today (yay for iTunes library sharing over the internal network).
  14. I wouldn't put together a CD or DVD; it'll be out of date not that long after you do it. Besides, if anyone can't figure out how to find, say, Reaper on the web and install it, they don't have the brain cells to do anything complicated with music software.
  15. I used to own an Axiom 61, and it was a great controller. It is semi-weighted, *not* synth action (the two are not the same thing). I had no problems adjusting to semi-weighted action, but I also have a strong piano background (almost 23 years since I first started playing), so I'm probably more versatile than you are at this point. If you're good enough to play parts with both hands at once, you'll invariably find 49 keys too short. My two keyboards are 61 and 73 keys, and there are times I wish the 61-key was longer.
  16. Beats is good conceptually, but it either crashed on or wouldn't even play half the MP3s I put on my memory stick. I wouldn't buy it at all.
  17. Most DSiWare sucks so far, but I spent the free points you get last night on the Mario vs. Donkey Kong game, and it's great. (I think the deal is if you buy a new DSi and register it before October, you get 1,000 points for the store).
  18. Fair enough. Anyway, if you can't find anyone, I still recommend domainsvision as a host.
  19. I used to host with domainsvision, and was paying $4 US a month (if you paid for a year at a time). You could also host yourself, at least in the development stages; it's not hard to set up apache/MySQL/PHP on your machine if you don't want to make your site available to the outside world.
  20. I hacked mine for things like Cave Story and to play PSX games that I already own. I might have no luck now, but I was able to get games from the app store a number of months ago on M33-5.00.
  21. Even then, download it on your PC and transfer it to your PSP. The only people who would want to download anything like that via WiFi would be those who don't have a computer OR a PS3 (and yet somehow still can get WiFi access).
  22. You can currently redownload stuff from the PSP store; I can't imagine they'd intentionally break that functionality.
  23. If your monitors are KRKs and you're adding in the sub from the same set, you'd assume they compliment perfectly (at least, as good as the quality of components are, assuming the company accurately measured and reported the stats of the monitors, etc.)
  24. SP = Service Pack. He's referring to the service packs to Windows XP. If, at this point, you're not running Service Pack 3 (which has been out for roughly a year, if I remember correctly), that means you're probably not having Windows Update automatically update Windows for you. Which is a *very bad thing*. Microsoft releases frequent security patches and bug fixes for Windows through Windows Update (as well as using it to push service packs to Windows users). It's entirely possible that your virus infection happened because someone used a Windows exploit that you hadn't had patched yet (though realistically, it's more likely to have happened because you either downloaded stuff from sketchy sites and/or don't have proper antivirus software running).
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