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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. I spent an hour attempting that minigame, but eventually got my 5/5. What killed me was the game in Chapter 10 where you have to upgrade your rifle and shoot robots. I found the controls fairly imprecise (probably because I didn't upgrade enough). I'll probably do it better when I play through again on hard mode on new game +. Right now, I'm in the final dungeon finishing off all the missions. Finishing up the second chain of treasure hunter missions where you get the anonymous phone calls, and just paused it at the start of the Bahamut Fury fight (the one where you finally get the DMW) when I got off the train for work.
  2. Best Buy and Future Shop in Canada have them listed on their website, and I think I've seen them in EB Games as well.
  3. Letting my Mom limit the genres of music I was exposed to as a kid (I can understand her not wanting a 7-year-old listening to hardcore rap, but I'd basically never heard jazz until I was 15). A combination of various bad habits and playing too hard on a fairly stiff grand piano because I couldn't hear myself, resulting in tendonitis I've lived with for over 10 years now. Not being able to figure out how to adapt my musical style to something that works well in a remixing context instead of a live group performance context. Getting married to someone who isn't passionate about music, who for a couple other reasons as well, has had a significant negative impact on my drive to accomplish anything musically.
  4. In the pool of 37 songs in the finals, if you were voting explicitly to help pixie, zircon, and sgx, there were only 36+35+34=105 out of 666 judgings that included at least one of those songs, which is just under 16%, so the fact that you three all did so well isn't attributed to fan votes alone.
  5. Still seems odd that the swings in position are so huge. I'm also curious to know how evenly distributed the song pairings are; I did all 666 votes and 4 of my last 10 had Hajime as one of the songs. For people who vote as much as possible, that's no problem, but for people who only vote on maybe 100 pairings, that could possibly boost votes for some songs in the long run.
  6. 666 is the correct number. There are 37 tracks, and each must be judged against every other track. Take each of the 37 tracks and multiply it by the 36 other tracks, and then divide that total by 2 because each comparison is done twice; you get 666. Good luck to all three of you; I'm making my way through and will finish all 666 before the end of the day.
  7. It's probably a given that people who come to the site through personal invitation from an artist will vote for that person's songs. The value of that for OurStage is that by artists encouraging their friends and family to judge, more artists overall get more exposure. I've only had 30 minutes or so to judge, but I've listened to parts from a number of tracks. While I personally didn't like anything else enough to look into the artist more *so far*, a lot of people would. This is kind of similar to Last.FM's "Songs in your neighbourhood" playlist which, incidentally, has made a pair of artists about $60 total from me, which is pretty significant given that I'd never have discovered them otherwise.
  8. If work sends me to Pittsburgh (reasonably likely), I may very well rent a car and drive down to Philly. That is, if you and Jill can put up with me
  9. You wait until I've written code to generate the images from your profile data and djpretzel integrates that with the site. Then you go to said page, wherever it is (probably a link through your forum profile?) and see your shiny new images.
  10. Not quite sure what you mean by true type font angle, but that's probably (hopefully?) secondary anyway. I don't have a PHP dev environment at the moment, but it shouldn't be hard to roll one; Apache and all that haven't changed *that* much recently and I've done it before. We'd also have to think about caching, but that's another topic that's secondary to actually producing the images in the first place. Only other thing I think I need initially is the various images (or at least a Photoshop file; I've got PS 7) from Jose, as well as a back image (if that needs to be customized at all).
  11. I haven't coded PHP in probably 4 years, so I'm out of touch with a few things like current security best practices, but I can certainly give this a shot. I'd probably develop a generic and unstylized UI for testing as well as a method to form the composite image that would be called with a few parameters (so you could later call that method when you've integrated it into the main site), but we'd probably want to pull name and status from the database which, assuming I wouldn't have access to that, you'd have to do. Either way, it wouldn't be hard to give you something workable. Let me know if and how you want to proceed.
  12. I am Kanthos. I endorse the return of pixietricks' forum so I can get my daily dose of knowledge of what she had for breakfast. It's official! I will also go judge or become a fan or whatever newfangled nonsense you youngsters are asking for.
  13. I did a corpse run into Darnassus at level 40 because I was bored, so I know what it's like to have all those mobs spawn on you when you're in sight of Whisperwind.
  14. I didn't watch the whole spanish video, just the first minute or so, and the guy in the video looks similar to, but not the same as, the NWG. The NWG looks like he's from India or Pakistan, not a Hispanic country.
  15. Not a big fan of the lyrics, but they're obviously not for all people. While the song won't end up on my iPod, I was definitely impressed with it. Solid delivery, good polish and production, and while this won't turn the hip-hop world upside down, it's definitely innovative for this site. Awesome work zyko!
  16. The trick to playing WoW without being in a hardcore raiding guild is to not do it obsessively, at least not once you hit the level cap. I've been in Karazhan a few times and done a few heroics, and while I'm still working on rep grinding and getting better loot out of Karazhan, I'm not tied to playing every night. I log in daily to do an alchemy transmute, but I don't feel bad if I take a week off from regular playing.
  17. No, I realize that. I'm just being somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and the "MOAR GRAPHICZ AND UI PLZ" was directed at one person in particular.
  18. I understand what you did, DJP, and nice work. Even if I didn't understand the particular details, I know the value of performance enhancements in code, as well as the drive to make your software be all it can be, regardless of whether people see all the benefits of that or not. Most of the rest of you are typical end-users: MOAR GRAPHICZ AND UI PLZ!
  19. It could work as an upbeat remix, I think. You might want to update your title though; Jesters of the Moon is from Final Fantasy IX (i.e. FF 9); the title might throw off someone looking for it who wasn't familiar with the source tune.
  20. You didn't just give out a link to content that streamworksaudio.com is trying to sell, did you?
  21. Why do the judges *ever* need to post in the WIP forum? I read reviews in the judge's decision forum fairly frequently and the impression I get is that most of people hack something together and sub it, blatantly ignoring the submission standards. There seem to be a significantly higher number of subs that get all NOs then there are some that get a mix of YESes and NOs or end up with a NO RESUB. There are already resources for potential remixers here without ever touching the WIP forum: reading past judge's decisions, reading the submission standards CAREFULLY, and listening to recently-posted remixes. I notice that the majority of rejected subs come from people who also don't post in the WIP forums. I don't see how having the judges spend a considerable amount of time in the WIP forum, while also taking away from the time they'd spend judging (or, alternately, leading to a faster judge burnout rate) would provide a huge benefit. I also suspect there'll be a negative correlation between the number of judge posts in the WIP forum and the number of substantial posts by others (noting that "It's great, sub it." or "I really like it" are not substantial). I mean, if zircon has already told someone what to fix with their mix and I come along afterwards, I might have something to add that zircon mixed, but more than likely, I won't have anything new to say (because zircon is good at his job), and so I won't post anything. Or I might not bother with the WIP forum at all, thinking "Oh well, the judges will get around to commenting and their opinion carries more weight since they're judges." Then again, I'm of the opinion that there are too many lazy idiots in the world who don't know how to think for themselves or make use of the resources that already exist. EDIT: Might as well put two posts together. See: judge's decision threads, recently posted remixes, the submission standards. How much more do you need to be spoonfed to get an idea of what the bar is on this site?
  22. Looks like BGC will be taking over the art skills on the forums from both The Coop and Doulifee. That was a *masterpiece*. Happy birthday!
  23. Not that The Wingless would know any males in the game industry on a personal basis, or anything...
  24. Fair enough, I was just offering additional instruments as suggestions.
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