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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. I've played on one or two models, both Rolands (can't remember the model numbers). Honestly, I wasn't that impressed. I'm by no means a great drummer, but I couldn't stand the lack of proper response from the snare; it just didn't feel real, have the bounce that I'd expect from a real snare. You're also limited with things like the hi-hat; on a real kit, you can have it wide open, closed, or anywhere in between, while some electric kits don't model that well, if at all. I'd highly recommend getting a real kit instead, unless you have a good reason not to (like wanting to record MIDI parts for mixes using your electric drum kit and use a better sound module on your computer to render the audio). That said, I've heard the Roland models are pretty good comparatively, and buying an electric kit comes with the knowledge that you're not buying a real kit so things will be different. If you live close to a good music store, I'd recommend going in and trying out what they have to get a feel for your options.
  2. Yup. There's no limitations on the text in that field (except, perhaps, a maximum size, no SQL injections, that kind of thing).
  3. No cool point for me? Wasn't Bart playing bongos while Michael Jackson sang? Fine, fine, I'm not cool. I'll just go sit in the corner.
  4. I don't think it's that necessary. If people want to find out who you are and where you live, there are numerous ways to do so. Basically, don't give out your name anywhere or accept the fact that people can find out about you should they choose. I personally added my name to the site knowing that people could find it, and I'm fine with that. I don't make that much distinction between registered and unregistered users either; there are probably a few registered users who I wouldn't want to know how to contact me either. I realize that I can't pick and choose and I'm fine with that. If enough other people want that feature implemented, I'm fine with that too, although as long as there are more useful improvements to the site, I'd suggest those get priority.
  5. *plays bongos while starla sings* Happy birthday!
  6. You seem to forget that the original poster was asking more about DAWs than operating systems
  7. Storage space is probably the easiest to deal with. I've got ~250 GB on my laptop (bought last April) and a 250 GB external drive, where I keep audio samples and such. I don't notice any performance issues for the majority of things I do, although I wouldn't use my external drive for live performance.
  8. Songs used on projects are another big reason. Voices of the Lifestream was released sometime in September, I think, but a song from the album was just posted a week ago. I doubt it's because that track was any less deserving than the others that got posted (at least, while the others may have been better, it wasn't bad enough to warrant a 3-4 month wait compared to the other VoTL tracks that were posted), but I'm sure part of the decision was to avoid having all the VoTL tracks that were going to be posted put on the site all at once. You'll also see some songs that have been in the queue to be posted for a long time because their projects aren't released yet. There's always better ways to get your music out to other people quickly, if that's what you want. OCRemix never claims to be a site where it's quick or easy to get stuff posted.
  9. Only been to Red Robin when I was working in Vancouver for 4 months, and it was easily the best burger place I'd been to. Baskets of large seasoned fries with free refills helped too
  10. I've used CDEx for both ripping CDs and converting WAVs to MP3s since about 2000, and I've been happy with it.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. I like the shift into Dorian a lot. It makes the song much more musically exciting. Good job so far. Want an organ solo?
  13. From the NeverWinter Nights random name generator. Kanthos is the character name I've used since then, occasionally sticking on a last name (NWN, Guild Wars, Oblivion, and other games where a last name made sense). The last name likely changes every time; in Guild Wars, all my alts have Kanthos as a first name.
  14. Revenant Wings isn't at all like Tactics. For one thing, Tactics is (IMO) more strategic and is turn based, while Revenant Wings is real-time. Tactics gives you a lot of control over your party and how to customize it; Revenant Wings lets you summon monsters (who you can unlock in a somewhat-predefined order) in addition to your static party members who don't really change other than acquiring fixed skills. Revenant Wings isn't bad, and it's certainly better than Heroes of Mana, but it could be a lot better. It's nowhere near as rich a strategy game as any of the Warcraft games, PC vs. handheld limitations duly noted. It's probably the best strategy game on the DS right now, but unless you're dying to have a strategy game on your handheld, it's probably not worth the effort.
  15. You're always welcome to do your own mix or collab with someone on a Link's Awakening track too
  16. What sound card and setup do you have? Have you tried shutting down any and all applications that might possibly access the soundcard and trying again? Have you tried rebooting? Have you tried using a VSTI outside of your DAW (if you have one that has a standalone mode)?
  17. The game starts before the Nibelheim incident and ends with Cloud heading to Midgar after Zack's death (i.e. the start of FF VII).
  18. Meaning that if you don't like the distortion, good luck trying to get something different out of the samples that doesn't sound muddy. ESPECIALLY since you have GR2, clean samples will be better. As Tensei points out, it's admittedly not as good as having samples recorded by plugging a guitar directly into a recording device; the samples will take on some of the characteristics of the room. Both sets of samples are limited; I just think the clean version will be less limiting given what you have (GR2) and what you seem to want to do with it. If you have the cash, by all means buy both versions, but if you can only afford one, I'd go with clean.
  19. If only you'd go for a Throwdown mix, I'd be all over this.
  20. Seconded on zircon's opinion. For that matter, you can still, I think, get Guitar Rig at an upgrade price from Native Instrument's website if you buy any one of their single amp simulators and register it first; that's how I got my copy. and it worked out to big savings over the full version.
  21. Yet another nod to the viola. This song is easily the best remix I've heard in a long time; to be honest, I've listened to nothing but for the last two days. The arrangement is really great, and Sixto's guitar playing is awesome as usual. The viola is what makes it stand out for me though. It's obviously a fairly easy part, but it contrasts the rest of the piece so well, and the way it's used, simple is better (plus, it's probably playing one of the two source melodies, I'm guessing). I'm curious to know whether the viola in the last 16 bars of the piece was improv or written. Regardless, a great job by everyone, and kudos on making an unconventional instrumentation work really well.
  22. I'd love it if you were able to do that, but obviously, please don't feel you have to. Shortest path to the dragon's lair: up the beanstalk twice (second time takes you up several branches on one click), forward to the tower, turn right at the tower entrance, take one step towards the pool, click down to see the hole with the ladder, go down the ladder.
  23. Some drivers have their own uninstallation program, or might show up under Add and Remove Programs (some "driver" installation programs install a driver as well as other software). What was your old keyboard? I'm running out of ideas here. As a last resort, you could consider reformatting the computer, since it's likely something weird with your current setup, since your keyboard and USB cable work on your desktop and your laptop's USB port is functional. Does your soundcard or PC have any kind of MIDI input? You might want to try running the MIDI Out from your Oxygen into the MIDI In on your soundcard/PC. You'd have to power the Oxygen via DC this way (according to the Oxygen V2 manual, you'd need a power adapter with 12V DC output, 250-300 mA, center positive, which I'm sure you could get at any reasonable electronics store).
  24. Thanks, Moseph. There were two DOS/Windows rereleases, and that is the first (GameTap has the second). I don't want to buy it and take the chance that it has the same music (or at least a better-quality version) of the original. zircon, Youtube and VGMusic have got nothing, and googling for it has so far been unsuccessful. I doubt too many people felt the need to rip audio from late-80's PC games. I could make a MIDI or short MP3 of the source tune (it was a monophonic bass riff that loops after 12 bars); just not sure if that seems too self-serving (in other words, a few of the judges might trust me, but most don't really know me at all, so who's to say I didn't make up a song because it sounded cool?)
  25. To anyone on the judge's panel: is it necessary to submit the source tune (or a link to it) with a submitted remix? I have a good remix idea from a song from The Manhole (a game written by the developers of Myst back in 1988. I'm having trouble finding the source tune though. I'm not sure if my parents still have the original 5 1/4" disks, but they certainly don't have a PC that can run them. The closest I've come to finding it online is a re-release on gametap, which doesn't have the same music. Is it necessary to submit the source tune given that I can't find it online? Should I even bother mixing this song? To anyone: does anyone happen to have access to the 1988 version of The Manhole and some way to record the music? Low quality is fine. I'm looking for the song that plays in Mr. Dragon's lair; it's got a bit of a funk groove to it.
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