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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. Pretty funny that the article tries to make the point that lego is more expensive in Canada with our rising dollar. Well, that's true, but news flash to walmart, so are most things. Ever tried buying, say, a book? Maybe a 1000+ page computer book or a university textbook? Retailers sell based on the cover price, which is always significantly higher in Canada than in the US, and, since it's hard-coded on the book, can't be adjusted to compensate for our rising dollar. There's a lot more things that are cheaper in the US too, things like food. I'm in Alamaba right now for work, sitting in the airport, and even though I didn't do any real shopping besides food, a few boxes of breakfast cereal and some shampoos and soaps that my wife wanted that aren't available here, the price differences were pretty obvious. Add another reason to my list of why I don't shop at Walmart. This'll probably have a significant impact on Lego. Also, construx were awesome. We had some lego and some construx. Not sure which I liked more, but all the glow-in-the-dark pieces of construx were a lot of fun.
  2. Take a look at this. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, you're not distributing the mixes (I think the intent of the language is to refer to giving out copies of the audio files, not the radio), and you're not making any profit off the work of the mixers. Credit the mixers and OCRemix.org properly and you should be fine.
  3. Does your keyboard allow you to change the values sent for the pitch bend? I think I can make that kind of setup on mine.
  4. I'm always amazed at the arrogance people posting in the request forum have in general. Does the general public really think that a) remixers with no connection to a particular song are going to be inspired to remix something just because someone suggests it, and remixers have nothing better to do than cater to requests of others. I mean, come on, they're remixers; it's not like they have lives, relationships, jobs, school, or anything else to do. Excuse me, but who are you? Oh right, you're the guy who figured it would be a great idea to suggest that a number of remixers make a project by request for him, despite having no posts on the forums (i.e. being totally unknown by the community), and then swore a well-known member who, probably as annoyed and insulted by your demands as every other remixer here, called attention to your foolishness with a simple "no". And now, simply because people don't have time or interest to cater to your demands, you're going to come in here and insult a perfectly good project just because it's not what you wanted? Good luck with getting anyone to take you seriously about Shadowgate anytime soon. Just so you know, I'm letting the project coordinators for Thieves of Fate know about this thread. I'm sure they'll be *thrilled* to see your "constructive criticism".
  5. No problem. Only took me about 3 minutes to read your code and see the problem and another two to post the answer. Obviously, you don't care about this kind of thing for this particular assignment, but can I give you a suggestion to make your code more robust in the future? You have a number of routines that do the same thing but work with different form elements. For example, you made that calculation error in three nearly-identical routines. A better way to code that would be to have your check box routines be very small: all they should do is get the appropriate data out of the text fields and call some other method that would actually do the calculation, something like function applyDiscount(ByRef originalPrice as Int, ByRef discountRate as Int). (Apologies if I have the syntax wrong here). The ByRef part is important because it allows you to change the original variables that you pass in, so that you can have the same routine operate on three pairs of variables without having to code those variables explicitly. If your code had been written this way, you'd only have introduced your pricing error in one place. In a small program like this, it's not a big deal, but in a large program, you might fix the bug in one place but not in another, and be confused as to why it didn't work unless you exhaustively test the program.
  6. QFE. 10chars
  7. I'm doing significantly better just by paying attention to the comments about air superiority and not relying on special moves too much. I still need to figure out throws, rolls and air recovery and start using combos and special moves. At any rate, I'm starting to get better, so I just need to go play more so I start figuring out strategies and working in more combos. I have no intention of being a top-ranked tournament player; I'm just interested in being able to hold my own against the AI and human players, should I have the opportunity to play anyone.
  8. Actually, think I've found your problem. In all three of the chbNNNNNSpecial_CheckedChanged methods, you have a line like the following: .decSinglePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(decDefaultSinglePrice * dblSpecial) This is setting your price for a single (or CD or cassette) to be the default price multiplied by the special price, which is, I think, your discount. What you want is something like this: .decSinglePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(decDefaultSinglePrice - (decDefaultSinglePrice * dblSpecial))
  9. Been a while since I've used VB and I don't have access to it (and don't really want to download the free version and install it at work), so I'm just going by the code. You have three checkboxes for specials; are you seeing the problem with all of them?
  10. I've also noticed that nearly every telemarketing company to call us in the last 4 months will have a fairly long pause between when you pick up and when they start talking. If I hear any kind of pause, I hang up. Sure, there's the chance that the caller was a friend or family member, but my thought is that if they can't give me the respect to actually be on the phone when they call me, they can call back
  11. You can subscribe to a thread, and then you'll get an e-mail the first time someone posts in the thread since you last viewed it. Avoids having to monitor it and avoids having to bump things. Even if people here know the mix, you're much more likely to find people to make another similar mix here than you are to find someone with flash skills and the time and interest to do things for free. In general, asking in forums where people have a particular skill is only going to get you useful results if your request involves that skill. As someone else said already, go to a flash forum if you want someone to make the animation you describe.
  12. Mods, move to Help & Newbies if you like. Wasn't sure where this would go since it was more of a gameplay question. I just got Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for PSP yesterday, and played it for a few hours. I realize that I'm not going to become a superstar overnight at a game with some fairly complex mechanics (not to mention something like 40 fighters, each with different moves), but I was dying horribly. Over and over. I played with Ryu, and despite knowing his 4 basic moves and being able to do them fairly consistently, I used well over 25 continues and had only gotten to 7 out of 10 fights in arcade mode. A few fights were quite easy for me, but Chun-Li and Charlie in particular were brutal. I don't yet know the big combos that you have to charge up your combo bar for, but I expected I'd at least find the easiest game mode to be beatable with relative ease instead of nearly impossible, even though I haven't really grown up playing fighting games. I welcome any tips to improve. Some things I've noticed are that I can't block any low kicks (I suppose I could counter or jump; I have to learn when to do that and when not to), I seem to get countered *a lot*, and I don't do much damage with my special attacks. I tended to have the most problem with faster characters instead of slower ones. I'm sure the controls have something to do with it (the default controls are to have high punch and high kick on the shoulder buttons, plus I don't like the PSP's thumb stick or d-pad nearly as much as the d-pads on the SNES and Gameboy, the other consoles I've played fighting games on). Should I consider remapping the high punch and kick buttons, or just learn to use the shoulder buttons effectively? Is there more to using high/medium/low attacks than just "use the attack at the height your opponent isn't blocking?" Is there any way to anticipate what to move? When is it useful to counter? When do counters work, and when are they resisted or blocked, because I haven't found much of a pattern to that. Lots of questions here; any help is welcome
  13. It's because the DS, like the Wii, is a handheld targeted at non-gamers and younger gamers (there are very few kid-oriented games on PSP), and it's cheaper than the PSP as well. It's the perfect system for someone who's not good/interested enough to play more action-oriented games but has gotten bored with reading on the train to work.
  14. In the software world, "Not supported" means "We haven't tested it enough to claim responsibility or deal with problems". Without getting into details about writing multi-threaded applications, I can safely say that any multi-threaded application (i.e. most/all commercial games) that works fine on a single-core CPU will work fine on a dual-core CPU, everything else being equal. Glad to hear it worked for you though Incidentally, this thread inspired me to pick up the game again, not to mention a few new premium modules that I hadn't played yet.
  15. I'm assuming you have an international version of NWN; is there any chance that you downloaded the North American patch? Can you skip over those messages and proceed with the critical update anyway?
  16. It's possible that it's in the "To be posted" list because the mix was accepted on condition that the remixer fix some small glitch (a static crackle because the audio wasn't rendered properly, an unnecessarily long silence at the start or end of the piece, or something equally trivial). That mix wouldn't be posted until the mixer addressed the concerns and gave an update to the panel. If the mixer didn't get around to doing it, it wouldn't be the panel's fault. Also, the remixer has the ability to contact the panel, Larry, or djpretzel about the mix and why it wasn't posted; surely they could do so if they thought they were being treated unfairly.
  17. Happy birthday both of you! Don't really know you, Pongball, but I've got a lot of respect for your husband. DragonAvenger, I owe you some music. Don't worry, you are not forgotten.
  18. Good-looking player. Problem is, I figured out how to download the tracks it referenced within 15 seconds. Ditto for Pixietricks' website. The problem with both scripts is that you send a playlist as a parameter to the script, and the playlist references the audio file in unencrypted format. Of course, that might be secure enough for you. You might be able to get around this with the player SOC recommended by putting your playlist in a separate folder on your server with a .htaccess file set up to deny permissions to that folder. Also, changing access on the playlist files might work. It would depend on whether the contents of the file were sent to the flash player once the client had read your webpage (and thus, the file was sent remotely) or not. Worth a try though. Other ways to get around this would be either need to have the player reference a database (and restricting access to the database), uploading multiple versions of the flash file that contain the MP3 files (meaning you'd need flash), or finding a flash file that contained one or more playlists where you'd tell it which playlist to use via a parameter on the page (again, you'd need flash for this). I don't know if any solutions like this exist. Really, comes down to how much security you want. Most people aren't going to be clever enough to look at script parameters, open a playlist file, and find the link to the MP3 that way, but ultimately, there's no way to stop it with SOC's script.
  19. I play a lot, almost exclusively on DS and PSP. I'm on a bit of a retro kick, so I'll occasionally fire up an NES emulator or play games from the Myst or King's Quest series on PC, and I do play occasional PC games (at the moment, Morrowind and Oblivion). I've played both Guild Wars and World of Warcraft, and have intentions to return to both, although I'm taking a break right now. I play a lot more now than I did when I was a kid, largely because my parents never let us have any consoles. That said, I'm still somewhat picky. I tend not to have patience for games that have repetitive actions without any short-term gains. For example, my WoW character is level 70 but I still don't have my epic flying mount because the thought of spending an hour a day doing daily quests to earn 100 gold so that after 50 days I'll have my 5000 gold just makes me want to stop playing. I tend to try a lot of games but I'm picky with what I'll buy or spend more than 30 minutes playing. I tend to favour games that have immersive, significant storylines if they're RPGs or games where story is important, games that have good controls and are bug free, and games that are challenging without being cheap.
  20. The developers can (and should!) do a lot to reduce lag, but ultimately, they're at the mercy of the speed of the connection between the involved machines, other traffic using the same route, number of stops along the way (each must do some work to decode and reroute the data packets) etc. At least with current methods of data transportation, you can *never* have any guarantees about lag.
  21. Poutine's reasonably popular around Toronto too. It's a Canadian thing that started in Quebec, more than a strictly Quebec thing; I know people in Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton, and all know about poutine.
  22. Happy birthday! You're a fine asset to our country
  23. here 10chars
  24. Ok, fair enough. I can't find the set I've played most recently; it was at a church I no longer attend (I moved away) and it's been about two years since I've last played it. It would be comparable to this, except that theirs had a different sound module. That's the low end of Roland's kits, based on the site. Can't say anything about the other models or the competition though. If you're not really a drummer, I'd stick with something low end; no point paying a ton unless you know what you're getting and how to make the best use of it. I think I remember seeing a VDrum kit in the Jamspace photos and videos from Magfest 7; maybe someone who played it could post their opinion?
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