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Everything posted by Lotd2242

  1. I disagree with the assertion that any lack of gushing enthusiasm (at least on my part) has anything to do with the length of the material. And as someone who enjoys all kinds of various musical styles, the variety (though I think there was less than you imply) doesn't bother me. The ultimate deciding factor for me is whether or not at the end of the mix I feel like it took the original and added it to it in an meaningful way. Some mixes in here accomplished that, and some did not, and it was split almost half and half for me. Even some of the tracks themselves were half and half for me, where I'd either be completed turned off by the intro, but really enjoy the ending, or enjoy the intro and be shaking my head by the middle. So in the end, It wasn't a constant cranking up into a drooling stupor, but more of a roller coaster of ups and downs.
  2. You're welcome. Anybody who can make me not want to spam the button to get back into the race deserves credit.
  3. Wow that was a lot to listen through. Well I guess I came at this a little more critically than some of my fellow posters since I'm not salivating over its rich goodness, but not quite so critically as Disposable Hero there... I thought some tracks were really good and some were pretty big misses. But that happens with every project. I just want to dish out some general reward points here since it's tough to come into a forum like this and criticize a piece when you don't do much in the way of remixing yourself. And it would be a monster post to take them each individually in any detailed way. If anyone is actually interested in a critical discussion of a mix/mixes that won't be "ZOMG WTF", I'll be happy to help provide that, but for this post, I'll just put up some of my personal highlights. The first piece that stood out for me was Materia Junkie. It was a definite win in my opinion. It took the original to the next level. If I have to go slumming I hope it sounds like that. I liked Short Skirts. It was a groovy rhythm that fit really well. It makes me think of how things would be if Tifa and Cloud had met and grown up under different circumstances. Valse Aeris was perhaps the biggest pleasant surprise for me. I'm always apprehensive about Aerith's theme being done because it's a uniquely beautiful, yet entirely morose theme. I never thought I'd ever hear it in such a way where it actually sounded happy without turning it into something goofy, but Mr. Robson managed to accomplish that quite impressively. Alien Exploration and Golden Feathers were also very nice surprises. I spent so much time in that damned Saucer that almost every piece of music in the place grew to grate on my nerves. I thought for sure I'd be hitting the "next" button here, but I was impressed at how well both managed to get out of that obnoxiously happy amusement park feel. And lastly, The Golden Ivories of Gaia I really enjoyed. Good arrangement and a nice way to close everything out. So congratulations to all of you for all of your hard work. Hopefully, FFVI is next.
  4. *looks up from his plate of chicken fingers, looks at the subject, laughs*
  5. Because Dr. Mario is just a rip-off of Tetris.
  6. Rampage is great if you have a few hundred hours to kill trying to get to the end. And I must've rented Darkwing Duck a hundred times, and I never beat that game. I remember it being infuriatingly hard.
  7. Wizards and Warriors is just a recipe for an anuerysm.
  8. In two player mode, that game inevitably results in somebody hitting someone else with a box, and then it descends into throwing boxes at each other so that you can throw each other into holes. Which is, of course, exactly how it should be.
  9. Everyone remembers Ducktales, but everyone forgets Rescue Rangers. That game is too much fun, particularly if you play with someone else.
  10. Neat site. I could do it, but I don't know if I'd have the free time to make something that complex in the time-frame. And in a few weeks, I'll have no free time at all to work on it because of work. So rather than promise you something I can't be certain I can deliver, I'll have to decline this one. Sorry!
  11. Something like this this? Simple, straight-foward, with a few roll over effects for flare. That's built out of a template I have which allows me to sort of box-construct sites pretty quickly. My only concern as a developer is that I've not done a Paypal interactive site before, and I haven't worked with the custom downloading system you mentioned. I assume that you more or less just copy the code they give you into the page, but like I said I haven't done it so I don't know.
  12. Are you looking for just an HTML front with some ASP buttons to hook up with PayPal and the music downloading or are we talking something more ASP/Flash oriented? Do you have the content (color scheme, pics, bio info, etc.) already or is that something you want the person to develop it to help with? Also, what kind of timetable for construction are you looking at? Lastly, do you want that person to committ to maintenance of the site or do you want to take care of that yourself and/or deal with it as it comes up?
  13. He's an angel of light...from Angel Land...why wouldn't it be an unnecessarily happy tune?
  14. Harry and Ron finally give Hermione the DP she's wanted since she first met them.
  15. There is almost always a 3-6 month holding period on the part of the registrar where the domain is not back in public. Usually, when one expires, your registrar has a process of still allowing you to renew it during that itme period, but typically it costs more and requires some additional paperwork on your part. Like some others have pointed out, the "spam" page is probably just their placeholder for your domain while it is in limbo. After whatever holding period they have, then it will go back out to the public where anyone can have it.
  16. I'm not sure what a Star Trek thread is doing here anyway, especially considering it had nothing to do with a video game until the very end here, and even that was more of an advert for this campaign thing. I could see maybe in Off-top, but there are millions upon millions of Star Trek boards, even a few for Enterprise fans, that I would think would've been a better place for your post.
  17. So that means you'll never post again, right? Because there isn't anything important about a dead show that the vast majority of Trek fans are happy about being dead. Unless you're going to post that Enterprise has at last been declared some kind of parallel universe and therefore non-canonical, in which case, post away!
  18. Yea...they already did this home movie crap with the Blair Witch, and that movie sucked so hard it could get a bowling ball through a garden hose.
  19. They've already greenlit two sequels. One's due out in 2009. Apparently we may see the Dinobots, Constructicons, and Soundwave who was supposed to be in this movie but got kicked out because they couldn't figure out how to do him properly.
  20. I cannot believe that movie actually turned out to be awesome. I was totally blown away about how well it all came together. It is really a summer blockbuster, and we haven't had a good one in a while. It's Independence Day good. It's a beautiful visual experience. It does lack some character development, but only because they focus primarily on the humans. And it works because they don't try to spend all this time squeezing in 50 subplots like Pirates 3 and Spidey 3 just to develop a bunch of characters nobody cares about anyway. Sorry folks, no StarScream takeover subplot for you. This was even more fun than Die Hard 4, and I couldn't believe how good Die Hard 4 turned out. Stay through the credits, there are a few scenes to watch as the credits roll.
  21. I happen to love Star Trek. I just recognize Enterprise is a failure in every aspect. We agree on BSG at least. Most of the time that show puts me to sleep, despite how interesting it can be from time to time. SG-1 and Atlantis are and have always been winners. Even the lame episodes typically have redeeming qualities. Heroes was great. The 4400 has moments. The rest of that list are not anything I ever bothered to get into. "In a Mirror, Darkly" starts off well enough, then they get back to making glaring errors about the normal Trek universe and ripping off overused cliche's like the Alien bit with the Gorn. Plus, Archer is still pathetic even in the mirror universe. I think if the show was originally this concept, mirror universe in the 22nd century, it could've been pretty cool. At the very least, you wouldn't have to worry about their constant failure to maintain continuity with the regular Trek universe, provided of course they left the other universe be. The thing that makes this episode watchable is just seeing a good old Constitution class moving with the grace you can only get with CGI. It's certainly not on the level of the best of Trek, but it is certainly above the bar Enterprise usually sets for itself. If nothing else, there's the entertainment factor of watching NX class ships explode.
  22. Of course I can. But that's beside the point because I am in the process of watching Enteprise. I'm halfway through Season 4 and there has yet to be anything excellent about Enterprise. So, unless there will be some miraculous excellent thing between where I'm at and the finale which you already claim sucks and you're a die-hard fan, clearly there is little to no hope of that. In fact, there has been a decided level of mediocrity continually throughout.
  23. There was very little excellence to be had in DS9. Voyager had some winners, but by the end it had run out of gas. And there is nothing at all excellent about Enterprise.
  24. The reason it works for shows like SG-1 and Firefly is because they're actually good shows, and were good shows from the beginning.
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