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Everything posted by avaris

  1. there is another update coming soon, I just have to eliminate some major new found clipping because of new backdrops I added in the second part. I am using multiband compression and the soft clipper on individual tracks. I might try to add a compressor to the master or something bc the clipping is really bad now. So as soon as I fix that the new update will be up. I increased volume on drums, and added some backing drums. I added more melody back drops and bridge parts to the second. And fixed the pattern of notes on that "crystal synth" (it's actually blown bottle on sytrus vst) And I layered the piano in the first main part, the sample sound much better now.
  2. I'm using multi-compression on individual tracks all over the place. Ok I did a heavily tinkered with boo bass instead of slayer2(demo) for the guitar in the second part so no clipping at the end. Added a shakugachi flute, mainly in the 1st part of the song, it plays a lil harmony and thens plays some high notes after the piano. High notes were meant to be played by piano, but it just didn't sound right. Also in the 2nd breakdown it accompanies the piano. The addition of the flute and the new high notes good or bad? I used the maestro soundfont for piano when the piano is accompanied by the flute in the first and second intros. I tried the maestro for the regular piano but it just sounded a lil too dry even with reverb, it made it so the flute was the dominant sound instead of the piano. The flute is also in the second part about an octave down and the volume is severely reduced, but it shadows the blown bottle melody. There was a timing issue with part of the piano in the first part fixed that. Also I've done a lot of mastering all over the place. In the intro I put the first two pianos up an octave...it does sound better in my opinion. Hmm, oh yeah the heart beat is slower, but it follows a pattern much more akin to the rhythm of the intro piano. There were also slight tempo changes in the beginning here and there, evened those out. Lastly the intro strings are less notes ala Radiowar's comments. the piano in the 1st main part goes from scales C to C (dropped the melody about 2 steps, was in A# changed ala Break Tekk) the to A#, back to C for a sec, then its back to A# for the rest. The second main part, the blown bottle is mainly in C, with one or two parts in A# (that's how the original is) I posted the link uptop
  3. haha yeah I have a high end pc, 1 gb ram, 3.4 ghz processor, xi fi soundcard, and it kills mine too even after deleting alot of the junk that accumulated in the file. If you wanna send what you do have or tell me what changes you made with the file if you, I still have the original original one, so I can mix and match with the changes. it'd be a pain, but it is the weekend and I got the time.
  4. alright I am gonna start working on this again today, im gonna work on the piano from 1:00 to 2:00, I think I might cut down on some the chord progress alil bit and combine and rewrite a few parts ala Break Tekk's comments. Also in the beginning intro i'll be taking out :28 to :38, and then I'll see what I can do about getting the opening heartbeat more in tempo with the piano and if it sounds better that way. I'll also be trying to brush up on lil stuff here and there. I've already done alot of mastering effects(sounds much cleaner) but I'm having trouble ripping the mp3 bc the piano with the mastering effects gives off too much feedback. Any more comments between now and tonight would really help if anyone else notices anything, or wants to agree or dispute what some of the others guys have said about the mix. It seems like now, that there are certain parts that one person likes and another person doesn't. It's a love hate relationship. They'll be an update on this within the next 24 hrs, and also Radiowar is looking over the flp. file so after i get his analysis, opinions, and feedback after he takes a good long look at it they'll be another update. I am hoping to wrap this one up soon, and then submit it. I know for certain it has enough rearrangement to get accepted. But it's needs to be sanded and polished and probably varnished.
  5. hey just my opinion but i always think a piano solo given it's use in the mix can provide a real nice ending, but in ur case since this is more jazz, a trumpet solo might sound and be more appropiate, can't wait to hear the update
  6. damn that was refreshing, wicked nice, i would say do what you can to get this on the site bc it deserves to be, but don't jeopardize the sound of this just to implement a more noticeable part of frog's theme, obviously it would be awesome if you did put in more of frog's theme and still kept this incredible sound, very well put together keep on experimenting
  7. i really think the new version seems like a very polished version of the old wip. Lots of nice work in it. The ambient sounds are well done. Whatever that pan flute that is playin the main melody at 1:52 is awesome. Well done all around solid. I only got one complaint about the mix, the beggining arpeggio that runs from 0:12 to 0:56 starts to get monatonous/repetitive towards the end of it's sequence, especially around the 0:40 mark. Maybe if you a bridge between between that and the new arpeggio at 0:56 it'd sound better? Besides that one part this really good, whoever did the mastering did a real good job.
  8. maybe I should have put the warning in red to better prepare you for it, haha, yeah if you want I can make a "clean" version i really don't mind
  9. I played a ton of instruments in elementary and middle school(drums,bells,tumpet,baritone horn,clarinet,altoSax, piano, and recently guitar) Taught myself how to play clarinent so my band teacher would let me play sax. I quit band altogether when I was 14 bc I got sick of playin other people's boring music. I started rapping to beats from other rap songs and did that for 2 years. Then when I was 15 started writing lyrics rap/alt rock/and some poetry and using good ol fruity loops 3 to make my own beats. Last winter I started remixing video game music on the demo for fl studio6(can't save anything on that), although just a week ago i got a full version of fl studio 6 xxl and now I am working on about 4-5 mixes. Right now I'm 20.
  10. I am looking any and all new sounds to use to FL Studio, thanks for the link. Although I can't seem to install the file? I'll try some more and see if I can get to come up, the readme file wasn't to specific on install instructions. I tried to post the file here or sent it to u in a message but I couldn't find anywhere to attach it. If you give me ur email I can send it to you. Although...*warning* as u know I've a ton of updates to this mix, the flp file is extremely cluttered. The first pattern contains all of the original midi file. I have up to 60 patterns worth of material, although not all of it is incorporated in the song. If you want I can create a "clean" version of the flp. file that only contains the patterns and instruments that are currently being used in the mix. This goes for anyone else as well.
  11. Oh holy shit, listened to the demo, your not kidding, the perfect cd for exactly what i want to do, but the price is too high for a poor working college kid like me, oh well it's time to start saving, thanks this is exactly what i am looking for
  12. Has anyone found instruments that would be similar to what enya uses, or similar to instruments used in movie themes like braveheart, last of the mohicans, crouching tiger hidden dragon? I really need these intruments for 2-3 themed remixes i'll be working on.
  13. yup it's slayer2, read through al the manuals. It is the most bitching guitar synth vsti though, what a shame, oh well as long as i rip the mp3 right after i open it and turn off alot of my processes fl studio can rip the mp3 in time before the buzzing noise starts, thanks! Has anyone found instruments that would be similar to what enya uses, or similar to instruments used in movie themes like braveheart, last of the mohicans, crouching tiger hidden dragon? I know there is a sample thread i'll be posting there too. If u anyone knows just send me a personal message, so this forum doesn't get cluttered. I really need these intruments for 2-3 themed remixes i'll be working on.
  14. ok, added a new piano right before 1:55. the timing was off from 1:55 to 2:10 with the piano and the strings. I think the bass in the last 90 secs sounds good, of course I can see the beef with it. I'll prob try some different sounds in that part tomorrow and see is i can find anything better. I added a solo piano arrangement at the very end, yay or nay on the new piano before 1:55 and at the end? and the buzz u hear right at the end, is from fl studio bc i am using a demo plugin in the song(slayer2 thats the bass) and after 15 mins it starts making that buzzing noise. All these small errors all over the place come from when I did the big rearrangement that added 2mins of material and also learning the ins and outs of the new fl studio 6 (I used to use fruity loops 3)
  15. Looking for chineese/japaneese instruments preferaby vsti plugins, i use fl studio. I am using the miniDizi and miniErhu from Kong audio, they are just samples though bc I can't afford the full version vsti plugins from them. Thanks
  16. The backing Xylophone sound, is actually echo bottles from sytrus about 2 octaves down, and I haven't attached any other reverb or chorus to it either. This song, after some painstaking observement, is in the key of mainly C(2whole steps, 1 half, 3 wholes, 1 half[b is never present]) and then at small odd parts is the key of Ab(same step sequence) The pads starting at 0:01 were not in any key, I had done some crazy arpeggio and chopping, i included them bc i liked the sound, but now they are in the key of C. The pads from 1:30 to 1:37 the B note made it's only appearance of the piece hence the odd sound, even though it was in key. I gave those pads some Robatussin so now they're ok. Now from 1:44 till the breakout, the pads were in Ab and the piano in C, so I switched the piano the key of Ab to keep with the flow of the piece. The key of Ab only appears at the end of melodies and arrangements. The drums were putting the wrong emphasis in certain parts of the guitar. I tweaked the everything around 3:00, where the rhythm get's lost in the with the piano coming in, so I changed the rhythm of the piano. I don't know if I am goin to create my own piano in the beginning part where it is repitative/stopNgo, or just cut it shorter. I might make a piano solo and stick it at the end of the piece. I am goin to sleep on all that, and it's too late to attempt anything like that, I also haven't gotten to those synths around 2:00 yet. But, I almost put in some great william schatner voice clips.....just kidding. Well the update mainly includes all the chord changes and adjustments(that sucked), and no voice samples(see how it sounds without em). This is one of the hardest arrangements to work with, especially after taking a year's hiatus from doin anything with music, but you guys have been a big help in getting this mix where it is today. Thnkx update posted up top
  17. UPDATE 7/17: ok, making a list and checking it twice to see which updates are wrong and which are right (new rmx posted uptop) 1.took away robotic voice samples and added a real voice sample from Minority Report (it's not Tom Cruise) also changed tone of freakish voice 2. Took out the beat completely in the first part of the song(best thing I ever did besides taking a shower), and took out hihats in 2nd part 3. added and changed a few notes here and there to give the song more flow and cohesive thought 4. changed chord structure on the pads that come in on 0:01 (radiowar u were right they were slightly off, good ear) 5. added low bass dist guitar in breakout, lowered volume of waterBubble bass 6. BreakTekk, the strings in the 2nd half of the song were off by 1/4 a sec fixed that shit 7. changed volumes all over the place, lowered the volume on many of the entrances (thanks again to Radiowar) 8. thought about an official name...guess i'll sleep on it
  18. the deep strings that come in at 2:40 seem to stand out too much. Right idea, I think it would sound better if the blended into the foreground more. Personally I don't know about the acoustic, the sound will either be great or just completely clash. It is def something to look into, maybe do two versions one with the guitar and one without, and then see what the population thinks. Overall this mix is solid, original beat that goes perfect. I really dig this one.
  19. sounds good mojo hamster, if u like slayer, u gotta check out slayer2 just got it, it is bad ass, i will never use the original again. OK, now on to my question. I've been working on a mix and I have been updating and changing it constantly the past couple of days and I just noticed recently, whenever I have fruity loops running, there is loud buzzing noise that comes out of my speakers every couple of minutes. Now when I turn off fl studio or listen to regular music on wmp, that doesn't happen. Even more disturbing is when I export my mix as an mp3, that same buzzing sound comes across every 20-30 seconds. I rip the mp3 file with all the highest settings too and nothing else running on my computer(i even turn off anti-virus). I have so many effects generators and instruments, that when I open my source file in fl studio, my cpu usage goes from 0% to 60%. I have a 3.4ghz processor, 1gb ram, and a xi-fi soundcard. Any advice on how to get rid of that damn buzzing noise. To even listen to my mix now, I have to export it and listen to it as an mp3 bc cpu usage goes up to 100% in fl studio when I play it. Sorry for the long message, their are alot of details, you can be as technical as u want in ur response I'm a tech.
  20. Alrighty, I submitted my update too early last night. Went back through and cleaned up and added. Worked on sound volume, some basic arrangment errors. There are two big things I need some feedback and a lil bit of help on for this mix. 1. beat, not my greatest strength i know that 2. direction, not my greatest strength i know that The beat is taken from the source, though i took some of the notes in the main beat, bc when it comes in during my mix, everything is slow, so i don't want a beat to come in fast and take over, I do that later in the song when everything really picks up
  21. alrighty, just finished the updated version. This is a major revamping, I added 2mins of material, which includes some rearrangemnt, fx(rainstick, voice samples, and a funky waterbass at the end, oh yeah and a friggin beat! Those are my own lyrics in the song, I just used the standard voice creatr on the fl studio, i really wanted some voice samples from neon genesis evangelion but i couldn't find any for the life of me. i updated the link uptop
  22. This is too good, sounds like you know exactly where to go with this mix as you polish it up more and more, my 2 cents on this mix is keep on doing what ur doin, and this could be one of the top mixes here
  23. defiantly sounds 80's, i bet that breakup that happened when u made this, lead to the feeling in your voice, good job
  24. defiantly something to groove too, it's like late 80's earl 90's rap. the hi hats r a lil high, just a lil though not much. I'd say either actually have some vocals, or go with some crazy solo somewhere, maybe mess around with the melody and see if u can't come up with some kind of solo, def a good mix
  25. thankx guys, I am totally revamping some stuff, it is going to sound completely different, many new ideas, I've completely rearranged the strings, what I have in mind after listening to you guys is going to take me couple of days to implement...this is hard work, but hopefully it'll pay off
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