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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Alrighty put in the new percussion sounds, I went with some low key jazz hihats and snares instead of the more ethnic sound setup I had before. Also took out the flute in the intro and increased the volume of the pads. So guys anything else on this one? Or should I submit it already and move on with my life haha.
  2. So far three of em are actually. And two others are different styles right now. So far the arrangement ideas the remixers have come up with for the tracks are all really good, and when they're finished they'll be nasty. I bet with this kinda soundtrack though there are gonna be tons of orchestral based remixes.
  3. Haha, hey ur making good points. Yeah I thought u meant to change the drums completely and I said there and listened to it a bunch of times yesterday and I was like some of the instruments are off but the beat and rythm works really well. Another good thing I noticed is that this song really grows on you the more u listen to it. Ok in my next update for this, I'll have the pads more in the foreground in the beggining (they are there right now, but the velocities are turned way way down, they fade into the song) As far as adding bass, i don't think it would go well, but i might construct somethng and see how it is. Okay now onto the possible chord changes. Ur description is confusing. But here much to my agony I'll write out part of the song, so I can fully get what ur saying so I can try ur changes. Chord progressions are from the piano playin in the background. FYI the melody plays C#, the piano plays C though. So VII for the piano is C. D E F# G A B C# 1st part: 0:00-0:19 I I IV IV V V I V D D G G A A D A 2nd part: 0:19-0:36 I I IV IV V V I I D D G G A A D D 3rd part: 0:36-0:54 IV V IV III II V I I G A G F# E A D D Chorus 1: 0:54-1:14 IV V I x3 I II G A D x3 D E 4th part: 1:14-1:32 I VII VI V IV III II V D C B A G F# E A 5th part: 1:32-1:59 I VII VI V IV III II V VII VII I I D C B A G F# E A C C D D 6th part: 1:59-2:17 I I IV IV V V I V D D G G A A D A 7th part: 2:17-2:34 I I IV IV V V I I D D G G A A D D Chorus 2: 2:34-2:55 IV V I x3 I II G A D x3 D E 8th part: 2:55-3:13 I VII VI V IV II II V D C B A G F# E A 9th part: 3:13-3:43 I VII VI V IV II II V VII VII I I D C B A G F# E A C C D D Whaha now you must hate me Prometheus. From your description it seemed like you thought the F# being played was in different section. So with that lil setup I just added lay it on me exactly where the variation in the piano is. FYI: while the chord structure is the same in some parts the meldoy isn't.
  4. WOW people need to listen to this its amazing. Sound quality of the piano on this is the best on the site. OMFG this might be the best unknown remix on the site! I'm saying that bc of the lack of comments. The reason I heard this bc I listened to Reuben's Naruto mix on AR and went to check out his stuff here, and I'm glad I did. This mix accomplishes the number one aspect that a solo piano arrangement lives and dies by and thats emotion and feeling.
  5. loved that intro and all the spanish references. This mix kicks serious ass 360 degrees all the way around. Can't say much more just listen to it and you'll be amazed. Oh yeah FYI bitchin live performances.
  6. one of my fav mixes on the site top 10 or 15 easy for me. This whole mix is my style and my bag of chips. This is def one of the best source tunes out there in my opinion and EgM sure made the most of it and found a way to give all the various melodies and harmonies lots of emotion and time to shine. This is one of those tracks I keep on replay.
  7. haha omg, sorry. I was born with red hair if its any concilation. Hopefully your not a step-child to anyone either.
  8. omg i need to start drinking heavily after that haha, things actually have been moving in the right direction Just to let u guys know I'll try to have a rough midi file of the arrangement of my ~Broken Pieces~ concept idea up soon. I just finished all my notes and outlines on it, so now it's time to actually construct this read headed step child! So look tomorrow evenining or Tuesday evening for it on the forums.
  9. alrighty new links for both of the versions The orch version has a pad in it. Rythm is a lil different. I still need to work on the rythm in the orch version and some of the entrances. Might add some to the Orch version not sure yet. Two versions which one is better? Damn Prometheus and I was close to finishing too haha, oh well if it ends up being better then its all worth it!
  10. simple instrumentation, excellent arrangement. Really chill song to listen to.
  11. Thanks Prometheus those are some good arrangements ideas. Good thing I've already analyzed all of the composition, so implementing those ideas is really easy, and i'll be able to get a much better 'orchestral' sounding update sometime today. I didn't actually start making this mix as a remix. I was playin Lufia and the tune was so nice that i just throwing some instruments over it as a cover. I really didn't have arrangement ideas goin into it.
  12. Hey Prometheus I did a real quick job on that orchestral instrumentation idea u had. Here's the link for it. Putfile http://media.putfile.com/Lufia-That-Girl-I-Knew GooglePages http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/Lufia3Orch.mp3 This version also includes a new varition on that lil percussion that comes in during the chorus, thats in the regular version. I will post the update for that or late today, bc im gonna be working on other mixes and when I rip the regular version it takes around an hour on low settings.
  13. nah im not, u had a good point. That instrumentationn from the mario song could work. I had a similar instrumentation with a pan flute and piano before and then changed it to what it currently is and liked it alot better. But in that mario song the production values are handled completely different so maybe that's the trick to gettin that orchestral sound to work with this kinda mix. Im prob gonna stick with my current instrumentation setup, but i'll def try out that kinda setup just to see. Oh yeah I'm using a thumb piano and not marimbas, similar sound though.
  14. JG: The entrance to the section at :54 is the same as before. The notes being played before the start of that section are different though. SO there's ur culpit. Also the first chorus at :54 part is played an octave below what the original was. The rythm that I add during the chorus, I'll prob add some variotan to it in bwetween different sections. At 0:54 the chelo bass goes from playing staccato to just the normal notes. Prometheus: Listened to the mario one and I liked it. I like these instruments that I got, bc my more quality and origina sf2 files and perussion are more asian. But I might try to use that instrumentation and see what it sounds like.
  15. i think some tunes prob should be restricted a lil in terms of style. The restriction prob should just consist of the fact it can't sound completely different from the style and context of the boss and the game they're from. As far as the sephiroth thing goes, just to do one winged angel remix would be kinda redundant, unless it's in some kinda crazy style that's really unique.
  16. Alrighty let this one go for awhile and came back to it. The recomposition I did was off in a few places so I fixed that along with other lil small things throughout the 3rd version. But when I listened to it, it actually sounded good. The problem with me listening to this and why I was having such a hard time is bc I know the source tune so well, and i am expecting to hear the exact progression of the source tune in places but I don't because this is a remix obviously. So...tell me what you think of this version. OCR worthy? Bc now I know I have enough rearrangement to be accepted, just need to know if the rearrangement I've done sounds good or not. 4th version Googlepages http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/ThatGirlIKnew.mp3 4th version Putfile http://media.putfile.com/That-Girl-I-Knew
  17. got a rough WIP ready, I sent it to you guys. If anyone else on the project wants to check it out, just tell me and I'll send u guys the link through a PM
  18. Onset of Oblivion Epitaph of Iniquity Inclination of Iniquity Requiem of the Darkness Requiem from the Darkness Sonata of Sin Sonata of Insanity Sonata of Shadows Bolero of Badness Bolero of Oblivion Awaken the Anarchy hmm...I got carried away
  19. All of the remixers will be created first, then after they are all finished is when we'll combine different parts of remixers from similar styles/genres for the longer mixes. basically the only restriction on remixers is the tempo they choose to create in based on what genre/style they are doing. And the remixers lof each genre are the ones who will decide what tempo ranges they are going to use. Some source tunes and remixes won't need to be at certain tempos bc they sound good at a very wide range of tempos, like my source tune for Aveh, the Ancient Dance. I agree though that with enough hard work on the tracks this OST has the potential to be an absolute killer project.
  20. I'd like to thank my bro, for doing those sigs. Even though he'll prob never see this thank you as he is more of an artist than a musician. Oh yeah btw, for those already involved in the project I got a lil something I threw together for the mini sig on our forums, go check it out and tell me if I got no business with art or if it needs one or two more touches. It's 250x100.
  21. Sweetness, I've wanting to hear some good orchestrations for awhile. All the lil melodies and backdrops and the variation in the arrangement is really what makes this an exsceptionally good orchestral piece. Oh yeah, djp was wandering why the name 'Vampire Hunter Dan'...maybe it's a play off the old anime movie 'Vampire Hunter D'...? Who knows, thats what I always thought Dan got the name from.
  22. wow that was the best writeup off all time haha, seriously though 1500 is here!!! Let me grace it with a quote from Butthead "I have seen the top of the mountain and it is good." All kidding aside this mix was awesome. The mixing of natural and synthetic instruments was done quite well. The whole mix has originallity written all over it. The instrumentation includes some of my fav instruments. This really has me looking forward to the tales project now.
  23. I think the 2nd is better, its sound more intimate and moving. The brass (i believe its brass) thats comes in at 1:11 doesn't go well with that mastering though. Everything else does though throughout the song. Two different versions present two different feels, I guess go with wichever one that fits the style your wanting to take the mix in.
  24. prob, I found him really easy I was a level up whore at the time. Of course in chrono trigger there are a couple different "lavos" u can fight, and the last time I beat that game was oh bout 9-10 years ago. Maybe u fought the hardest one?
  25. Ah yes yes, very good. Thats a pretty good general description as to what the final project would be like. Honestly I just started playin the game also, its damn good. Better than any ps2 rpg...so far. Project or not, I highly recommend the game.
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